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Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers?
(Master thesis, 2018-08-01)While the political field of immigration is getting increasingly stringent throughout Europe, rights for queer individuals are progressively strengthened in Western parts of the world. These two parallel trends have made ... -
Safeguarding the Covid-19 vaccine distribution: Evaluating the role of blockchain
(U4 Issue 2022:7, Research report, 2022-06-01)International organisations should examine blockchain’s effectiveness against the challenges identified. Effectiveness depends on technical capacity, trust, and a political commitment to reduce corruption. -
Samandrag: Gjennomgang av programmet - Information, return and reintegration of Iraqi nationals to Iraq (IRRINI)
(CMI Report R 2011:4, Research report, 2011-10-01) -
Sandhedskommission: Hele Norge har tabt
(Others, 2023-06-01)Årtiers forsøg på at udviske minoriteters sprog og kultur har stadig konsekvenser den dag i dag. I går så ”et mørkt kapitel i Norges historie” dagens lys. -
Sanningskommisjonen går folk hus forbi
(Others, 2021-12-01)FORSONING: Har du høyrt om den norske sannings- og forsoningskommisjonen? Ikkje det? Då er du i godt selskap. Tre fjerdedelar av alle nordmenn har aldri høyrt om han. Det er urovekkande. -
“Satanism is witchcraft’s younger sibling”: Changing perceptions of natural and supernatural anaemia causality in Malawian children
(PLOS ONE, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-04-01)In countries of sub-Saharan Africa, many children are admitted to hospital with severe forms of anaemia. The late hospital admissions of anaemic children contribute significantly to child morbidity and mortality in these ... -
Save the Children’s work on child protection and child rights in Mozambique and South Sudan
(CMI Report 2023:2, Research report, 2023-06-01)Background Save the Children Norway (SCN) and its partners are implementing an extensive programme to support children’s education, child protection and child rights in 16 countries. The programme is running from 2019 ... -
Saving by Default: Evidence from a Field Experiment in India
(IHEID Working Paper 01-2015, Research report, 2015-03-19)A growing share of the world population is getting access to a formal bank account. This allows a move from cash to account based payments. Grounding our hypothesis in behavioral economics, we conjecture that being paid ... -
Sea-Locked: The Cascading Effects of Seaborne Challenges to Human Security in Madagascar
(Global Challenges in Maritime Security: Sustainability and the Sea, Chapter, 2024-10-01)This chapter presents a ‘wicked deadlock’ between human insecurity, underdevelopment, and unsustainability against the background of a more turbulent ocean environment, which can be best illustrated with the ... -
Security and remilitarization in the name of democracy: The impact of global crime control policies in Honduras
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:10, Working paper, 2015-09-01)During the past decade, the Honduran government has introduced hard-line security policies in order to reduce the alarming levels of crime and delinquency in the country. This CMI Working paper outlines the history of ... -
See you in court! Holding the military to account in Latin America
(CMI Insight 2016:2, Report, 2016-02-01)The courtroom has become an increasingly common meeting place for retired military officials, and victims and their families who have suffered various forms of abuse at the hands of the military: torture, rape, forced ... -
Seeking out their Afghan sisters: Female Engagement Teams in Afghanistan
(CMI Working Paper WP 2014:1, Working paper, 2014-03-25)Almost a decade after the 2001 intervention by the United States and its allies in Afghanistan, women were once again taking centre stage in NATO planning. With a new counter-insurgency (COIN) strategy in play, gaining ... -
Sempre do Topo para a Base: Revisões Constitucionais em Angola
(CMI Working Paper 2021:10, Working paper, 2021-12-01)Angola revisou, uma vez mais, a sua constituição, em 2021. Segundo declarações oficiais, estas revisões “fortalecem o Estado de Direito, a separação e interdependência dos órgãos de soberania”, mas este documento demonstra ... -
Seroprevalence and associated factors of maternal cytomegalovirus in Southern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
(BMJ Open vol. 11 no. 10, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-10-01)Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the seroprevalence and associated factors of cytomegalovirus (CMV) among pregnant women in Southern Ethiopia. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting The ... -
Servants of the nation, defenders of la patria: The Bolivarian Militia in Venezuela
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:13, Working paper, 2015-01-01)In 2008, the government of now-deceased President Hugo Chávez in Venezuela passed a law creating what is known as the Bolivarian militia (Milicia Bolivariana), a reserve force composed by civilian volunteers supplementing ... -
Service delivery indicators: Pilot in education and health care in Africa
(CMI Report R 2011:8, Research report, 2011-11-30)The Service Delivery Indicators (“the Indicators”) provide a set of metrics for benchmarking service delivery performance in education and health in Africa to track progress across and within countries over time. The ... -
Sexual and reproductive rights - a global legal battlefield
(CMI Brief vol. 12 no. 1, Report, 2013-04-01)Millennium Development Goal number 5 (MDG 5) aims to reduce maternal mortality. In this brief we argue that, in the current global context more rigorous research focusing on the legal battles around women’s sexual and ... -
Sexual violence and state violence against women in Egypt, 2011-2014
(CMI Insight 2014:7, Report, 2014-09-04)Egyptian women were crucial to the movement that overthrew Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in the 2011 revolution. However, both in the revolutionary and post-revolutionary period women have also become targets of sexual ... -
Sexual violence in Sudan: From denial to recognition
(Report, 2024-02-01)The April 15 war has led to a shift in the public discourse about sexual violence in Sudan. From being a topic that is largely swept under the carpet, it is now acknowledged as an integral part of warfare. This brief ... -
Shadow Value Chains: Tracing the link between corruption, illicit activity and lootable natural resources from West Africa
(U4 Issue 2017:7, Research report, 2017-06-01)Illicit natural resource trade continues to benefit corrupt officials, criminal and terrorist networks and to divert resources away from development, security and the common good in West Africa. How are Liberian timber, ...