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Kaos truer Angola
(Others, 2017-09-01) -
Keeping music alive! A review of Mmino - The South African-Norwegian cooperation in music
(CMI Report R 2012:4, Research report, 2012-11-20)This report provides an independent review of the Mmino programme between Norway and South Africa. Mmino was established in 2000 with the aim of strengthening South African and Norwegian musical cultures through establishing ... -
Key Steps to Address Corruption in Tax and Customs
(U4 Brief 2008:15, Report, 2008-05-21)Tax and customs authorities are frequently among the most corrupt institutions in many countries For staff, opportunities for corruption and temptation to engage in it are numerous, including speeding up services, undervaluing ... -
Kinship, Caste and Health: Illness and Treatment in Upland Orissa
(CMI Working Paper WP 2018:6, Working paper, 2018-04-01)This paper investigates whether an individual’s relationship to the head of household and caste are associated with the level of his or her morbidity and, in the event of illness, the treatment received. Surveys of 279 ... -
Kleptocrats’ trusted helpers: The professions that enable illicit financial flows
(U4 Issue 2023:3, Research report, 2023-05-01)Donor countries should address the problem of enablers (lawyers, accountants, banks, real estate firms and others) based in their countries to prevent the illicit financial flows that kleptocrats rely on. -
Knowledge Management for Anti-Corruption
(U4 Issue 2006:2, Research report, 2006-01-01)This Issue looks at the following questions: What is knowledge management and why does it matter? How can knowledge management systems be analysed and ranked? Are the U4 partner agencies collectively and individually good ... -
Kommentar til resultatbasert finansiering: Bør vi betale dr. Jekyll og søster Hyde for bedre mødre- og spedbarnshelse?
(Samfunnsøkonomen no. 9, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-01-01)Kommentar i Samfunnsøkonomen til resultatbasert finansiering. -
Kommisjon i knipe
(Others, 2023-03-01)Er Sannings- og forsoningskommisjonen budd på å ta det første store oppgjeret med kolonialiseringa av samiske område? I dag, 6. mars, inviterer Sannings- og forsoningskommisjonen til avsluttande ... -
Korrupsjon og bistand
(Others, 2007-06-22) -
Korrupsjon og bistand
(Others, 2008-06-09) -
Korrupsjon og korrupsjonsbekjempelse 1
(Others, 2013-11-19)Foredrag for Bergen kommune, Byrådsavdeling for finans, eiendom og eierskap (BFEE) og økonomer i andre avdelinger. Svartediket, 24. oktober 2013. -
Korrupsjon og korrupsjonsbekjempelse 2
(Others, 2013-11-19)Foredrag for Bergen kommune, Byrådsavdeling for byutvikling, klima og miljø. Solstrand, 20. november 2013 -
Krig, fred og sånt
(Others, 2011-06-01) -
Kritihkalaš Duohtavuođakommišuvnna raportii
(Others, 2023-08-01)– Raporta lea váddásit čállon, ja mun šattan lohkat ollu osiid das moatte geardde vai ipmirdan mii oaivvilduvvo, dadjá Bergen Sámesearvvi Julia Felizia -
Kunnskap eller forsoning?
(Journal article, 2023-03-01) -
L'Afrique des Grands Lacs (Rwanda, Burundi) à l'heure des réformes de bonne gouvernance: ethnographie comparative d'un "travelling model"
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-06-01)By analyzing the appropriation process of good governance norms (civil participation, transparency, accountability and the fight against corruption) by civil servants in Rwanda and Burundi, this thesis try to assess the ... -
L'élaboration des politiques anti-corruption dans la pratique : Que peut-on apprendre en vue de la mis en oeuvre de l'Article 5 de la CNUCC? Rapport de synthèse des études de cas de six pays : Géorgie, Indonésie, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Tanzanie et...
(U4 Report 2007:3, Research report, 2007-01-01)La lutte contre la corruption est un défi dans n’importe quel contexte, parce que la corruption a beaucoup de visages et peut se produire dans de différentes formes à travers tous les secteurs et les institutions d’un pays. ... -
L'élaboration des Politiques Anti-Corruption dans la Pratique: Quelles Implications pour la mise en ouvre de l'Article 5 de la CNUCC?
(U4 Brief 2008:20, Report, 2008-08-02)Pour endiguer la corruption rampante dont ils pâtissent, de nombreux gouvernements ont choisi d'adopter des stratégies nationales générales de lutte contre la corruption, avec des résultats cependant mitigés. Cette note ... -
La CNUCC en bref: Guide pratique sur la Convention des Nations Unies contre la corruption à l'intention des membres du corps diplomatique et des organismes donateurs
(U4 Brief 2011:4, Report, 2011-08-01)Ce guide est une introduction sur les possibilités d’actions des membres du corps diplomatique et des organismes donateurs à l’échelle nationale dans le cadre de la Convention des Nations Unies contre la corruption (CNUCC). ... -
La Comisión de la Verdad para El Salvador: Manteniendo la paz a cambio de justicia
(CMI Report R 2018:12, Research report, 2018-10-01)El Informe final de la Comisión de la Verdad para El Salvador, publicado en 1993, tiene por objetivo dar a conocer las causas y hechos del enfrentamiento político-militar entre los gobiernos salvadoreños y el Frente Farabundo ...