Now showing items 716-735 of 1981

    • Gains of the Unfeasible: Manifestations of ‘Leave No One Behind’ in the United Nations’ Humanitarianism 

      Turunen, Salla (CMI Working Paper WP 2021:05, Working paper, 2021-09-01)
      Abstract ‘Leave no one behind’ in the context of the United Nations’ humanitarianism poses a noble ideal yet a challenging practice. The concept showcases terminological prevalence particularly in policy, ...
    • Gender and poverty in Mozambique 

      Tvedten, Inge (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 6, Report, 2010-10-01)
      Gender equality and women’s empowerment are high on the government and donor agendas in Sub-Saharan Africa, but have largely failed to have an impact. Rather than ‘mainstreaming’ gender, more attention to the variations ...
    • Gender equality and development in Mozambique 

      Tvedten, Inge (Background article for the World Development Report 2012, Research report, 2011-01-01)
      This article outlines some of the main policies and interventions for economic development and gender equality in Mozambique since Independence in 1975, and assesses key implications for the positions of -  and relations ...
    • Gender parity in Senegal – A continuing struggle 

      Tøraasen, Marianne (CMI Insight 2017:2, Report, 2017-05-01)
      In 2010, the Senegalese women’s movement, supported by political elites and international norms, managed to push for the adoption of one of the world’s most radical gender quota laws to date. This was achieved without the ...
    • Gender policies and feminisation of poverty in Mozambique 

      Tvedten, Inge; Paulo, Margarida; Tuominen, Minna (Conference object, 2011-10-04)
      Public Conference concluding the project "Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique 2008-2010" at Hotel VIP in Maputo. 130 participants, with an expert panel including senior figures from Government, civil ...
    • Gender policies and feminisation of poverty in Mozambique 

      Tvedten, Inge; Paulo, Margarida; Montserrat, Georgina (Research report, Research report, 2008)
      This study is the first in a series of three on gender policies and feminisation of poverty in Mozambique, to be carried out in the period 2008-2010. The studies combine a critical assessment of current government and donor ...
    • Gender, class and space in Maputo, Mozambique 

      Tvedten, Inge; Mangueleze, Lizete; Uate, Arlindo (CMI Brief vol. 12 no. 7, Report, 2013-01-01)
      This is the second in a series of policy briefs relating to the research project, “The Ethnography of a Divided City: Socio-politics, Poverty and Gender in Maputo, Mozambique” (2012–2015), funded by the Norwegian Research ...
    • Gender, corruption, and recruitment in the Haitian judiciary 

      Tøraasen, Marianne (U4 Brief 20xx:x, Report, 2022-12-01)
      Corruption is a threat to gender equality and presents an obstacle to women’s access to decision-making roles. Where recruitment to public office is determined by political contacts and ‘shadowy’ arrangements, ...
    • Gender, regulation, and corporate social responsibility in the extractive sector: The case of Equinor’s social investments in Tanzania 

      Lange, Siri; Wyndham, Victoria (Women's Studies: International Forum vol. 84, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-01)
      Multinational corporations have been criticised for their rhetorical support to - as opposed to substantive engagement with - gender equality in their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in poor countries. ...
    • Gendercide and marginalisation – An initial review of the knowledge base 

      Wang, Vibeke; Hatlebakk, Magnus; Tønnessen, Liv; Mæstad, Ottar; Telle, Kari (CMI Report R 2019:04, Research report, 2019-05-01)
    • Gendered Citizenship in Sudan: Competing Perceptions of Women's Civil Rights within the Family Laws among Northern and Southern Elites in Khartoum 

      Tønnessen, Liv (CMI Working Paper, Working paper, 2007)
      In classical political thought, citizenship is a gender-neutral abstract personhood. This concept does not travel well when discussing the citizenship of women in the Middle East and Northern Africa. In Sudan, women’s civil ...
    • Getting armed groups to the negotiating table 

      Clements, Ashley J. (CMI Brief no. 2020:10, Report, 2020-12-01)
      This brief demonstrates how humanitarian diplomatic tools and practices have become particularly important during humanitarian negotiations with armed groups to foster the conditions required for negotiations to begin, and ...
    • Género e pobreza em Moçambique 

      Tvedten, Inge (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 6, Report, 2010-10-25)
      A igualdade de género e o empoderamento das mulheres estão no centro das agendas do governo e dos doadores na África Sub-Sahariana, mas no geral não conseguiram ter impacto. Mais do que a ‘integração’ do género, é necessária ...
    • Género e pobreza no periurbano Luandense 

      Nangacovie, Margareth; Strønen, Iselin Åsedotter (CMI Report R 2019:05, Research report, 2019-07-01)
      A pobreza das mulheres é um tópico relevante para a compreensão das condições materiais da população e a sua relação com o género. Esta categoria de análise permite perceber as particularidades e especificidades das dinâmicas ...
    • Género, Classe e Espaço em Maputo, Moçambique 

      Tvedten, Inge; Mangueleze, Lizete; Uate, Arlindo (CMI Brief vol. 12 no. 7, Report, 2013-01-01)
      Este é o segundo de uma série de resumos sobre políticas relacionados com o projecto de investigação, “A Etnografia de uma Cidade Dividida: Socio-política, Pobreza e Género em Maputo, Moçambique” (2012–2015), financiado ...
    • Ghana fant olje - kan det gå bra? 

      Amundsen, Inge (Others, 2012-11-28)
      (Op-ed.) Ghana found oil in 2011 - in modest quantities. With its good management and good governance, there is reason to believe Ghana will avoid falling into the "resource curse" trap.
    • Girls, Child Marriage, and Education in Red Sea State, Sudan: Perspectives on Girls’ Freedom to Choose 

      Nagar, Samia El; Bamkar, Sharifa; Tønnessen, Liv (Sudan Report SR 2017:3, Research report, 2017-09-01)
      Child marriage is any formal marriage or informal union where one or both parties are under 18 years of age. Child marriage affects both boys and girls, but disproportionately affects girls. Each year, 15 million girls are ...
    • Girls’ education in conflict and emergencies, case Afghanistan 

      Strand, Arne (Conference object, 2015-07-01)
      Education in Afghanistan and girls' access A major increase of children in school since 2001 Major inequalities, only 21 % of the girls complete primary education – rural/poor girls most vulnerable Three main factors ...
    • Giustizia 

      De Lauri, Antonio (Book, 2008-01-01)
      Dall'introduzione: Volgendoci alla giustizia, il nostro sguardo è spinto al di là del perfettamente misurabile, restituendoci immagini terrene e divine, storiche e mitiche, dolorose e gloriose. Le riflessioni raccolte in ...
    • Gli hazara dell'Afghanistan tra asservimento, guerra ed emancipazione 

      De Lauri, Antonio (LARES. Quadrimestrale di studi demoetnoantropologici vol. 2016/2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-01-01)
      This article analyses the link between politics of enslavement, war and collective emancipation with particular reference to the Hazaras, an ethnic-religious minority of Afghanistan. The main objective of this paper is to ...