Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Title
Now showing items 1044-1063 of 1975
Macmod, a macroeconomic model for the Tanzanian economy
(Research report, Research report, 1998)This report outlines the structure of a macroeconomic model for the Tanzanian economy. It consists of a core IS-LM/ Mundell-Fleming model, an SS-DD framework for estimating the consumer price inflation and other price ... -
Macro-Economic Convergence Policy in the Southern African Development Community: Prospects and Challenges
(Proceedings of the 2006 FOPRISA Annual Conference, Chapter, 2007-12-10)In the last two decades, the subject of regional integration has featured prominently in the agenda of (and policy research on) most developing countries. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is one of the ... -
Macro-Economic Effects of Development Plan Expenditures. A Framework for Analysis, with Special Reference to Uganda
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)Development plans are mainly concerned with the financial aspects of development projects, while the economic aspects are often neglected. This paper constructs a methodology for converting the information given in development ... -
Maestros y taxis: Corrupción en el sector educación de Honduras
(U4 Brief 2009:10, Report, 2009-07-14)"… Maestros fantasma? ¿Has escuchado hablar de los maestros taxi? Nosotros los tenemos. Tienen empleos múltiples y están constantemente tomando taxis para estar presente en todos lados, a expensas, por supuesto, de los ... -
Magic City, Value City: The moral geography of Suva Fiji
(Cogent Social Sciences vol. 9 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-01)Fiji has had a turbulent political history of successive coups that have caused the nation to oscillate between the pursuit of ethnic nationalism and civic nationalism. Since the final coup in 2006, Fiji has suppressed ... -
Mainstreaming anti-corruption initiatives: Development of a water sector strategy in Mozambique
(U4 Practice Insight 2014:2, Report, 2014-12-10)Sector approaches to combating corruption have gained momentum in recent years, yet the strategic prioritization of sector anti-corruption initiatives is still the exception. The National Water Directorate in Mozambique ... -
Mainstreaming anti-corruption into sectors: Practices in U4 partner agencies
(U4 Brief 2014:3, Report, 2014-02-11)Integrating anti-corruption measures into sector work – known as mainstreaming – receives increased attention from the development community. The benefits of mainstreaming are to consider sector characteristics, produce ... -
Maintaining Development Momentum or Just Providing Aid?
(Analysis No. 261, Research report, 2014-07-01)Afghanistan is again preparing for change. Most international forces are about to leave the country by end of 2014, Afghans expects to have a new President over the summer and there are signals of a major reduction in ... -
Maintaining the Process? Aid to Transitional Justice in Rwanda and Guatemala, 1995-2005
(Research report, 2007-11-28)This report assesses the aid that was given in support of transitional justice processes in Rwanda and Guatemala between 1995 and 2005. The analysis is based on statistical data from the main donor agencies involved and ... -
Making development assistance work at home: DfID's approach to clamping down on international bribery and money laundering in the UK
(U4 Practice Insight 2011:5, Report, 2011-06-28)Corruption will remain a profitable crime in developing countries as long as counterparts in rich countries are willing to hide stolen resources. Working to improve governance in poor countries will only address part of ... -
“Making Elections is like Preparing Funge:If you don’t do it Right it goes Puiti-Puiti!” Review of Norwegian Support to Development Workshop’s Programme for Civic and Electoral Education among State and Civil Society Actors
(Research report, Research report, 2008)This report is the end review of Development Workshop’s Programme for Civic and Electoral Education in Angola, 2005-8 (PECE 1, Programa de Educação Cívica e Eleitoral). Its precursor, the “peace building programme”, has ... -
Making hay while the sun shines: Experiences with the Zambian Task Force on corruption
(U4 Practice Insight 2011:4, Report, 2011-06-28)In 2002 the Government of Zambia established an intragovernmental task force to investigate allegations of corruption against former President Frederick Chiluba and his inner circle. The task force was mandated to prosecute ... -
“Making money in Angola is about connections, not hard work”
(CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 12, Report, 2017-12-01)What do the educated future of Angola make of their future in Angola? A recent survey of university students in Angola documents a grave concern about inequality, and strong preferences for redistribution. At the same time, ... -
Making partnership work: Vision and implementation of a development programme
(CMI Report R 2011:2, Research report, 2011-06-08)This report is based on a review commissioned by the Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA). The NPA is one of Norway’s biggest NGOs with development programmes in over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America ... -
Making Sense of the Nexus
(Research report, 2023-04-01) -
Making transparency work in Africa's marine fisheries
(U4 Issue 2011:11, Research report, 2011-10-01)Global problems facing the marine fisheries sector, including overfishing and the marginalization of the small-scale sector, are leading to increased international awareness of the need to improve transparency in fisheries ... -
Making Whistleblower Protection Work: Elements of an Effective Approach
(U4 Brief 2008:24, Report, 2008-12-15)Protection of whistleblowers – individuals who make a principled public interest disclosure of wrongdoing – is now broadly accepted as an essential tool for strengthening accountability and reducing corruption in the public ... -
Malnutrition in South-Asia. Poverty, diet or lack of female empowerment?
(CMI Working Paper WP 2012:4, Working paper, 2012-03-21)Despite economic growth, and a reduction in poverty, malnutrition is still rampant in South-Asia. This indicates that non-economic factors are important, and we use a nation-wide survey from Nepal to identify factors that ... -
Managing Aid Exit and Transformation. Botswana Country Case Study. On CD-Rom
(Joint Donor Evaluation, Research report, 2008-01-01) -
Managing Aid Exit and Transformation. Lessons from Botswana, Eritrea, India, Malawi and South Africa. Synthesis Report
(Research report, 2008-10-28)What are the consequences in the recipient countries, when donor countries close down their bilateral aid programmes? Are exit practices consistent with established principles of partnership and mutuality in development ...