Blar i Chr. Michelsens Institutt på tittel
Viser treff 223-242 av 1981
Cabinda separatism
(Others, 2021-04-01)Various separatist movements have been active in the Cabinda enclave in northern Angola since independence. During the 1970s and 80s, the FLEC guerrilla operated a low-intensity guerrilla war, at the same time as government ... -
Cabinda separatism and human rights violations
(A report on secessionist movements in Africa and human rights violations, Chapter, 2022-01-01)Various separatist movements have been active in the Cabinda enclave in northern Angola since independence. Today, armed resistance seems to be replaced by an upsurge in non-violent protests, at the same time as violent ... -
Can Ghana's Institutions Withstand the Resource Curse?
(Conference object, 2013-11-19)In his presentation ' Can Ghana avoid the resource curse?' , Dr Inge Amundsen provides an overview of the economic and political explanations and consequences of the resource curse, presents the analytically important ... -
Can litigation clean rivers? Assessing the policy impact of "the Mendoza case" in Argentina
(CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 3, Report, 2012-05-25)The people of the Matanza-Riachuelo river basin in Argentina live in one of the most polluted places on earth. They suffer from severe health problems, and claim it is because of the polluted air, water and soil. After a ... -
Can national identity be built on local democracy?
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)In Ethiopia, with 85 % of the population in agriculture, most of them illiterate, democratisation has to work against adverse experience: Peasants can refer back to democratic traditions on local level. But their experience ... -
Can Smallholders benefit from the new market opportunities from the extractive industry in Tanzania?
(CMI Report R 2018:8, Research report, 2018-05-01)The recent discovery of huge oil and gas reserves in Tanzania has created a new opportunity for economic growth and development of the country. Tanzania is expected to be one of the leading producers and exporters of natural ... -
Can the Sudan Achieve the MDGs Given its Past and Present Expenditures Allocation Patterns?
(Sudan Report SR 2008: 2, Research report, 2008-07-01)In recent years there has been enormous concern about whether or not the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) and non-HIPCs will be able to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Many scholars, decision makers and ... -
Can UNCAC address grand corruption?
(U4 Report 2011:2, Research report, 2011-11-01)The political economies of many developing countries are characterised by varying degrees of patronage and state capture, a reality that has far-reaching implications for measures addressing corruption. Political strategies ... -
Can We Demonstrate the Difference that Norwegian Aid Makes?
(Research report, 2014-01-01)What facilitates or impedes the documentation of results of Norwegian aid? This report examines guidelines and practices in the Norwegian aid administration and looks into the reasons why it has proven difficult to measure ... -
Candidate selection and informal soft quotas for women: Insights from Zambia
(CMI Brief no. 2020:1, Report, 2020-02-01)What does it take for a female politician to win a party nomination? We still know little about women’s entry into politics in countries without formal gender quotas. Using data from Zambia, we argue that both in ... -
Candidates’ experience of violence in the Norwegian parliamentary election of 2021
(CMI Brief no. 2023:7, Report, 2023-12-01)Compared to fellow politicians in other countries, women and men who contest elections in Norway do not encounter much political violence. The low occurrence of political violence is reflected in politician’s ... -
Cannibalism and the optimal sharing of the North-East Atlantic cod stock: A computation model
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)This paper shows how intra-stock relations, such as cannibalism and growth enhancement, define the optimal sharing of a fish resource between heterogeneous harve sting agents. The sharing of resources between different ... -
Capital flight from Africa - with a little help from the banks
(Fuga de Capitais E a Política de Desenvolvimento a Favor dos Mais Pobres em Angola [Capital Flight and Pro-Poor Development Policy in Angola], Chapter, 2014-01-01)Africa is a source of large-scale capital flight. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on how banks facilitate capital flight from Africa. There is growing evidence that subsidiaries of the world’s major banks have ... -
Capital flight, tax policy and lobbyists in Africa
(Lifting the veil of secrecy: Perspectives on international taxation and capital flight from Africa, Chapter, 2017-11-01)This article examines how the use of tax havens affects tax moral and lobbying, and how tax havens form elites’ and other actors’ incentives to block or promote tax reforms in African countries. A particlar focus is on the ... -
Caste discrimination and barriers to microenterprise growth in Nepal
(CMI Working Paper WP 2012:9, Working paper, 2012-11-05)Studies of microbusiness in poor countries find high marginal returns to capital but also lack of investments. This paper analyzes how caste-based segmentation in the capital and labor markets can act as obstacles to ... -
Caste, local networks and lucrative jobs: Evidence from rural Nepal
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2010)We study how local connections to persons in influential positions affect access to lucrative international migrant jobs and attractive government employment. In rural Nepal, it would not be surprising if social status, ... -
Certified integrity? Forest certification and anti-corruption
(U4 Issue 2013:1, Research report, 2013-01-22)Forest certification schemes regulate forest exploitation and trade across many countries. In the absence of a multilateral agreement on limiting deforestation, they provide rules to balance the social, economic and ... -
Challenges facing Sudan after referendum day 2011. Persistent and emerging conflict in the north-south borderline states
(Sudan Report SR 2010: 1, Research report, 2010-01-01)With the referendum on the self-determination of South Sudan scheduled for January 9, 2011, Sudan will enter the final phase covered by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005. If South Sudanese vote, as expected, in ... -
Changes in Citizens' Perceptions of the Local Taxation System in Tanzania
(REPOA Brief 12, Research report, 2008-08-22)This brief examines changes in citizens' perceptions of local taxation over time in Tanzania based on survey data from 2003 and 2006. It investigates why people do or do not pay taxes, their perceptions of misuse of tax ... -
Changing Geopolitics of the South Caucasus after the Second Karabakh War. Prospect for Regional Cooperation and/or Rivalry
(CMI Report 2023:4, Research report, 2023-09-01)This report is from the research project “Changing Geopolitics of the South Caucasus: The Prospect for Regional Cooperation and the Role of the External Actors”, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign ...