Blar i Chr. Michelsens Institutt på tittel
Viser treff 541-560 av 1983
Effekter i mottakerlandene av norske petroleumsinvesteringer med hovedvekt på Angola
(Research report, Research report, 1999)Denne rapporten ser på hvordan norske petroleumsinvesteringer kan bidra til industriutvikling og en jevnere inntektsfordeling i mottakerlandet. Videre ser vi på i hvilken grad norske petroleumsinvesteringer kan være en ... -
EFFEXT Background Paper – National and international migration policy in Ethiopia
(Others, 2022-09-01)This EFFEXT Background Paper provides a brief presentation of migration and migration policy dynamics in Ethiopia. It presents an overview of key national and international migration policies, and outlines the key migration ... -
EFFEXT Background Paper – National and international migration policy in Lebanon
(Others, 2022-12-01)This EFFEXT Background Paper provides a brief presentation of migration and migration policy dynamics between the European Union (EU) and Lebanon. It presents an overview of key Lebanese national and international ... -
EFFEXT Background Papers – National and international migration policy in Ghana
(Others, 2023-03-01)About the EFFEXT Background Papers The Effects of Externalisation: EU Migration Management in Africa and the Middle East (EFFEXT) project examines the effects of the EU’s external migration management policies ... -
EFFEXT Background Papers – National and international migration policy in Jordan
(Others, 2023-07-01) -
Egypt's constitutional cul-de-sac: Enabling military oversight and a security state in a nominally democratic order
(CMI Insight 2014:1, Report, 2014-04-02)Egyptians began 2014 being summoned back to the polls for the third time in three years on a constitutional matter. This time, as in the past two polls (and indeed, all such balloting in Egyptian history), the people gave ... -
Eksperter kritiske til UDs trossatsing
(Others, 2019-01-01) -
El agua como derecho humano: Reconocimientos y disputas en Costa Rica
(Book, 2022-04-01)The book El agua como derecho humano: Reconocimientos y disputas en Costa Rica (Water as a Human Right: Recognitions and Disputes in Costa Rica) analyzes the role of the human right to water and sanitation in shaping ... -
El humanitarismo: Una breve reseña
(CMI Insight 2021:04, Report, 2021-06-01)Este resumen analiza brevemente cuatro ámbitos cruciales del humanitarismo contemporáneo: la diplomacia humanitaria, la educación en situaciones de emergencia, el concepto de sociedad civil en el humanitarismo y las fronteras ... -
El papel de la sociedad civil en el proceso de examen de la UNCAC: ¿avanzar más allá del cumplimiento?
(U4 Issue 2013:10, Research report, 2013-12-01)El papel crucial que la sociedad civil desempeña en la lucha contra la corrupción es ampliamente reconocido. La Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción (UNCAC) reafirma esta convicción en su preámbulo y en ... -
El poder de la información: Mejorando la transparencia en el sector educación de Sierra Leona
(U4 Brief 2009:11, Report, 2009-07-14)La mejor defensa contra la corrupción son las cifras y los datos fidedignos. Un Sistema de Información sobre la Gestión Educativa que funcione de forma eficaz puede señalar transgresiones dentro de ámbitos tales como el ... -
Elaborer un système de gestion des risques de corruption pour ONG : Réflexions à l'usage des donateurs
(U4 Issue 2012:5, Research report, 2012-09-01)Les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG), souvent en première ligne des activités d’aide au développement, sont amenées à gérer une part importante des fonds affectés à leurs interventions. On peut donc craindre des ... -
Electronic Fiscal Devises (EFDs): Lessons from the Region and Mainland Tanzania
(Others, 2019-04-01) -
Elite behaviour and citizen mobilization
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:8, Working paper, 2015-08-01)This paper studies the relation between self-serving elite behaviour and citizen political participation. We use a fixed effects approach to analyze the association between portfolio investment in tax havens and voter ... -
Elite Capture of Kabul Bank
(Corruption, Grabbing and Development: Real World Challenges, Chapter, 2014-03-01)Afghanistan is entering the most critical period since the overthrow of Taliban back in 2001. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has announced withdrawal of international forces by 2014, and a sharp reduction ... -
Elite Capture Through Information Distortion: A Theoretical Essay
(Journal of Development Economics vol. 106, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-01)We investigate donor-beneficiary relationships in participatory development programs, where (i) communities are heterogeneous and dominated by the local elite, (ii) the elite strategically propose a project to the donor, ... -
Embezzlement of Donor Funding in Health Projects
(U4 Brief 2008:11, Report, 2008-05-02)Donor funding has fuelled a vast increase in service delivery, medical research and clinical trials throughout the developing world. Yet, there is a dark side to this badly needed influx of funding: with pressures to spend ... -
Emergency Urbanism and Architectures of Precarity in Sabra, Beirut
(Journal article, 2021-02-01)Since the mid-1980s, generations of displaced people have sought refuge in the ramshackle buildings that were once the Gaza-Ramallah Hospital, a multi-story hospital complex built by the Palestinian Liberation Organization ... -
Employee referral, social proximity and worker discipline: Theory and Evidence from India
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:1, Working paper, 2015-02-01)We develop a new theory of employee referrals into informal low - and unskilled jobs in developing country labour markets. Employers use social preferences between referees and new recruits to mitigate moral hazard problems ... -
Empower the guardians of the earth, do not rob them.
(Others, 2024-04-01)This article originally appeared in The Hindu (April 22, 2024) and has been republished with permission from the editors.