Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Title
Now showing items 1308-1327 of 1971
Preventing corruption in community mineral beneficiation schemes
(Research report, 2017-02-01)Abstract This paper analyses patterns of corruption and corruption risks related to community mineral beneficiation schemes (CMBSs) that distribute benefits funded by mineral revenues to communities. It analyses insights ... -
Preventing the misuse of shell companies by regulating corporate service providers
(U4 Brief 2013:7, Report, 2013-10-28)Corporate service providers supply the shell companies that are commonly used to launder illicit funds, including the proceeds of corruption. Effectively regulating these service providers is one important way to limit ... -
Prêts pour l'initiative REDD+ ? Quelles leçons tirer des affaires de corruption dans les zones protégées de l'Ouganda
(U4 Brief 2012:7, Report, 2012-07-31)La présente synthèse vise à tirer des leçons de différentes affaires de corruption ayant récemment été mises au jour dans des zones protégées ougandaises. A la lumière d’une affaire qui a impliqué la Banque mondiale et le ... -
Priorities and challenges of Qatar’s Humanitarian Diplomacy
(CMI Brief no. 2019:07, Report, 2019-08-01)This Policy Brief analyzes Qatar’s role in Humanitarian Diplomacy. It begins by defining the term Humanitarian Diplomacy and situating Qatar’s interventions within broader trends of humanitarianism in the Gulf sub-region. ... -
Private sector development for poverty reduction. Opportunities and challenges for Norwegian development aid
(CMI Report R 2015:9, Research report, 2015-09-03)Private sector development (PSD) is back on the donors’ agenda. In Norway, PSD aid and aid funded loans have increased more than five-fold during the last decade and the government has promised further expansions. To guide ... -
Problemet er systemet
(Others, 2009-01-01)The Problem is the System (English version) Valgkrisen i Afghanistan var bisarre til det siste. President Hamaid Karzai – utskjelt som korrupt leder og valgfusker i stort format – ble utropt til vinner av sin egen ... -
Productivity of health workers: the case of Tanzania
(Others, 2011-01-01) -
Professional Agency in the Ecology of Wrongdoing
(CMI Working Paper WP 2018:8, Working paper, 2018-06-01)This study offers an account of individual agency within a constructivist view of professional wrongdoing. The main contribution is a model in which the neglected role of individual professionals is foregrounded, offering ... -
Profiting from corruption: The role and responsibility of financial institutions
(U4 Brief 2009:31, Report, 2009-12-09)This U4 Brief assesses how banks facilitate illicit capital flows from developing countries. The shortcomings of the existing regulatory frameworks are discussed, and recommendations are made for donor governments on what ... -
Profitt eller moral? Ein diskusjon om næringslivsinteresser og menneskerettar
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)Koplinga mellom menneskerettar og næringslivsinteresser har for alvor vorten satt på dagsorden dei siste par åra. I stadig sterkare grad vert det stilt krav til bedriftane om at dei ikkje kan forhalda seg passivt til brot ... -
Programmes for assisted return to Afghanistan, Iraqi Kurdistan, Ethiopia and Kosovo: A comparative evaluation of effectiveness and outcomes
(CMI Report R 2016:2, Research report, 2016-05-01)Norway encourages assisted return for persons without legal residence permits in Norway and for those who wish to return to their country of origin. Those who apply for assisted return receive help with the application ... -
Project Leaf and addressing corruption in REDD+
(U4 Brief 2013:3, Report, 2013-09-11)Project Leaf (Law Enforcement Assistance for Forests) was launched on 5 June, 2012 – on World Environment Day. It is an initiative to counter various aspects of forest crime, including corruption, illegal logging and timber ... -
Projectos de Construção Pública - Angola. Necessidade de fortificar as barreiras contra a corrupção
(Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 6, Report, 2011-06-05)Entre o início de 2002 e 2009, o governo Angolano investiu cerca de 30,4 mil milhões de dólares americanos em novas infra-estruturas, hospitais, escolas e outros projectos de construção pública. Estes investimentos têm ... -
Promising but disputed: is Blockchain the answer to fraud and corruption in education?
(Others, 2021-04-01)The promise of a technology delivering trust in trust-less environments, of immutability, security, traceability and transparency, has attracted many different industries to investigate blockchain as a tool to prevent fraud ... -
Promoting defence management and security sector reform in Southern Africa. An assessment of SADSEM's achievements, impacts and future challenges
(Research report, Research report, 2009)SADSEM – the Southern African Defence and Security Management Network – was launched in 2000 as an attempt to enhance democratic governance and the effectiveness of defence and security functions in Southern Africa. The ... -
Promoting investment in small Caribbean states
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2004)This study performs an econometric analysis to determine the main policy levers for investment promotion in the Caribbean. The results provide the following policy advice to Caribbean policy makers seeking to increase ... -
Promoting women's economic empowerment through business trainings
(Research report, 2024-05-01)This evidence review explores the effectiveness of business training programs in promoting women's economic empowerment, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. By synthesizing various studies, the review assesses ... -
Promoting women's rights in Afghanistan: a call for less aid and more politics
(NOREF Policy Brief, Research report, 2012-11-01)To NATO countries, promoting women’s rights in Afghanistan is often framed as a choice between committing to high levels of aid for gender-related activities and an uncompromising public stance vis-à-vis the Afghan ... -
Property owners’ knowledge and attitudes towards property taxation in Tanzania
(CMI Insight 2018:01, Report, 2018-08-01)Property taxation (PT) is high on the political agenda in Tanzania and considered a cornerstone of the Government’s efforts to strengthen broad based direct taxation. Because it is visible to taxpayers, and in principle ...