Now showing items 1537-1556 of 1931

    • Tackling petty corruption through social norms theory: lessons from Rwanda 

      Nicaise, Guillaume (U4 Issue 2021:2, Research report, 2021-01-01)
      Despite Rwanda’s implementation of a ‘zero tolerance for corruption’ strategy, taxi motorcyclists working in Kigali continue to deal with corrupt security officers and police officers. Yet, the use of ...
    • Tackling shell companies: Limiting the opportunities to hide proceeds of corruption 

      Sharman, Jason (U4 Brief 2012:10, Report, 2012-12-05)
      Shell companies that cannot be traced back to their owners are one of the most important mechanisms by which corrupt officials transfer illicit wealth from developing countries. This process damages these countries’ ...
    • Taking stock of the tax reform process in Angola, and why tax incentives should be avoided 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Jensen, Søren Kirk; Orre, Aslak (Angola Brief vol. 2 no. 1, Report, 2012-06-05)
      Angola is currently implementing a tax reform. The main objective of the reform is to increase non-oil tax revenues by broadening the tax base, rationalize incentives, increase control with voluntary tax payments and fight ...
    • Taking the inside or outside track – or both? NGO advocacy in state reporting under the Child Rights Convention: a case study from Kenya 

      Stokke, Hugo (CMI Report R 2015:5, Research report, 2015-04-27)
      This report forms part of a larger study titled Advancing the Rights of Children: Assessing the Effectiveness of Transnational Advocacy Networks for Child Rights. Norwegian-Kenyan Civil Society Partnerships Examined. It ...
    • Taking the Paris Principles to Asia. A Study of Three Human Rights Commissions in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines 

      Stokke, Hugo (Research report, Research report, 2007)
      The report studies three human rights commissions in Southeast Asia in light of the so-called Paris Principles. These principles are the authoritative guidelines for directing the work of national human rights institutions. ...
    • Taking the Paris Principles to Norway - Match or Mismatch 

      Stokke, Hugo (Conference object, 2017-06-01)
      Presented at the Realizing Rights Conference, June 8 - 10, Univeristy of Ottawa, Canada
    • Taming the war machine: Police, pacification and power i Rio de Janeiro 

      Salem, Tomas (Master thesis, 2016-01-01)
      In this thesis I trace the changes in the exercise of Brazilian state power in Rio’s poor communities, or favelas, through an ethnographic exploration of the Pacifying Police Units (UPPs) - allegedly a proximity policing ...
    • Tanzania 

      Lange, Siri (Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures. Practices, Interpretations and Representations., Chapter, 2007-01-01)
    • Tanzania as a future petro-state: Prospects and challenges 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Mmari, Donald; Matola, Fred (Conference object, 2014-11-04)
    • Tax administrations working together 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Heggstad, Kari K. (CMI Report R 2012:3, Research report, 2012-09-27)
      The Revenue Authorities of Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia have initiated a partnership for capacity building with the Norwegian Tax Administration (NTA). The overarching objective of the collaboration is to improve revenue ...
    • Tax amnesty in Angola: a fresh start or a vicious circle? 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Jensen, Søren Kirk; Paulo, Francisco Miguel (Angola Brief vol. 4 no. 9, Report, 2014-09-17)
      The Angolan Parliament has recently approved a comprehensive set of new tax legislation as part of the ongoing non-oil tax reform. An amnesty for taxpayers’ outstanding debt is part of the reform package. Given the lawlessness ...
    • Tax bargains in unlikely places: The politics of Zambian mining taxes 

      Rakner, Lise (The Extractive Industries and Society vol. 4 no. 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-04-01)
      In developed nations, issues of taxation rank high on the agendas of political parties. In Africa’s new democracies taxation does not figure as a central campaign issue. Lack of attention to issues of taxation reflects ...
    • Tax evasion and corruption in local governments in Tanzania: Alternative economic approaches 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)
      The primary concern of the paper is to discuss the role of various economic factors in explaining the mechanisms and degree of fiscal corruption and tax evasion in local governments in Tanzania. The emphasis is on how the ...
    • Tax haven or international financial centre? The case of Kenya 

      Waris, Attiya (U4 Brief 2014:8, Report, 2014-09-17)
      International financial centres are geared to provide optimal conditions for the financial services industry. They encourage activities that can improve a country’s economy, but they may also facilitate money laundering, ...
    • Tax havens and development 

      Norwegian Government Commission on Capital Flight from Poor Countries (Conference object, 2009-10-01)
      Tax havens harm both industrialised and developing countries, but the damaging impacts are largest in developing countries. This is partly because these countries are poor and thereby have more need to protect their ...
    • Tax Reform and State Building in a Globalized World 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Moore, Mick (Taxation and State Building in Developing Countries Chapter 10, Chapter, 2008-01-01)
      How far has the recent global wave of tax reform contributed to state building in poorer countries? This chapter concludes that there are a large number of good things to report, but worrying problems in the poorest and ...
    • Tax research at CMI - Annual Report 2023 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Sjursen, Ingrid Hoem (Others, 2024-01-01)
      The Annual Report 2023 provides an overview of key people, research projects, publications, seminar contributions and organization of other activities by CMI’s Tax Research Group.
    • Tax-motivated illicit financial flows: A guide for development practitioners 

      Hearson, Martin (U4 Issue 2014:2, Research report, 2014-01-06)
      Tax revenue can help governments finance development and decrease reliance on foreign aid. But tax-motivated illicit financial flows – tax evasion, tax avoidance and aggressive tax planning – undermine these efforts. ...
    • Taxation and development: a review of donor support to strengthen tax systems in developing countries 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (Working paper 2013/010, Research report, 2013-02-01)
      Recent years have seen a growing interest among donors on taxation in developing countries. This reflects a concern for domestic revenue mobilization to finance public goods and services, as well as recognition of the ...
    • Taxation and State Building in Developing Countries 

      Bräutigam, Deborah; Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Moore, Mick (Book, 2008-01-01)
      Developing countries face new and pressing challenges as they strive to build more effective and accountable public institutions. These difficulties differ from those experienced historically by OECD countries, yet patterns ...