Now showing items 730-749 of 1929

    • Governing Petroleum Resources: Prospects and Challenges for Tanzania 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Mmari, Donald; Dupuy, Kendra (Book, 2019-11-01)
      Over the last decade, large deposits of natural gas have been discovered off the southern coast of Tanzania. This book analyzes the long-term process of how a country develops the institutions that govern resources, the ...
    • Government's role in cluster development for MSEs: Lessons from Ethiopia 

      Ali, Merima (CMI Report R 2012:2, Research report, 2012-09-19)
      Cluster development programs have become increasingly widespread tools in fostering innovation and growth of a competitive private sector in developing countries, including Ethiopia. As part of the MSE Development Strategy ...
    • Grabbing an Election: Abuse of State Resources in the 2011 Elections in Uganda 

      Helle, Svein-Erik; Rakner, Lise (Corruption, Grabbing and Development: Real World Challenges, Chapter, 2014-03-01)
      Elections are an integral part of representative democracies. Well functioning elections contribute to democratic accountability and democratic institutions, which in turn contributes to economic and human development too ...
    • Grameen Bank 

      Hatlebakk, Magnus (Økonomisk Forum vol. 61 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-06-13)
      Grameen Bank har hatt stor suksess med å nå dei fattigaste med små lån, og vart i fjor premiert med Nobels Fredspris. Denne artikkelen drøftar graden av suksess, med vekt på metodeproblem som følgjer av seleksjon av landsbyar ...
    • Grand Corruption in the Regulation of Oil 

      Al-Kasim, Farouk; Søreide, Tina; Williams, Aled (U4 Issue 2008:2, Research report, 2008-05-07)
      This U4 Issue explores the topic of grand corruption in the regulation of oil. It focuses on how and why corruption can distort or prevent efficient regulation of the oil sector. The authors suggest that, though voluntary ...
    • Grand designs: Corruption risks in major water infrastructure projects 

      Butterworth, John; de la Harpe, Jean (U4 Brief 2009:27, Report, 2009-11-01)
      Multi-million dollar water infrastructure projects carry some of the largest corruption risks in the sector linked to the procurement of civil works and associated design, supply and consultancy services. The potential for ...
    • Grandes desigualdades regionais nos serviços de saúde em Angola 

      Mæstad, Ottar; Frøystad, Mona; Villamil, Nohra (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 4, Report, 2011-06-05)
      Um levantamento estatístico das unidades de saúde e agregados familiares em Luanda e Uíge confirmou que grandes desigualdades de acesso persistem entre províncias angolanas, em cuidados básicos de saúde. Também se observam ...
    • Grands chantiers : risques de corruption dans les grands projets d' infrastructure hydrauliques 

      Butterworth, John; de la Harpe, Jean (U4 Brief 2011:12, Report, 2011-12-07)
      Les projets de développement des infrastructures hydrauliques de plusieurs millions de dollars sont exposés au plus grand risque de corruption dans les domaines des marchés de travaux de génie civil et services de conception, ...
    • Grassroots Responses to Mass Migration in Europe: Introduction 

      De Lauri, Antonio; Brkovic, Carna; Hess, Sabine (Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics vol. 7 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-01)
    • Guerra no Norte de Moçambique, uma Região Rica em Recursos Naturais – Seis Cenários 

      dos Santos, Francisco Almeida (CMI Insight 2020:3, Report, 2020-05-01)
      Desde os ataques de Outubro de 2017 em Mocímboa da Praia, realizados por alegados insurgentes islamistas, vulgarmente referidos como Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama e localmente conhecidos como Al Shabab , não é ...
    • Gullfaks - the first Norwegian oil field developed and operated by Norwegian companies 

      Nordås, Hildegunn Kyvik (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2000)
      This case study analyses the market for oil-related producer services for the Gullfaks oil field in the Norwegian part of the North Sea. We find that the market is highly concentrated, the Norwegian market share is extensive, ...
    • Hamas and the Arab Spring: Introduction 

      Løvlie, Frode; Knudsen, Are John (Middle East Policy vol. 20 no. 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-01)
      The Arab Spring is a critical juncture for examining Hamas, a movement created in the context of a popular revolt (against Israeli occupation) similar to those that have reverberated throughout the Middle East. Since the ...
    • Hamas and the Quest for Palestinian Statehood 

      Knudsen, Are; Ezbidi, Basem (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      The Islamic Resistance Movement’s (Hamas) big win in the elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) marks the end of Fatah’s political hegemony. Having trumped Fatah in the elections, Hamas faces several domestic ...
    • Hamas kan ikke anerkjenne Israel 

      Knudsen, Are (Others, 2009-01-01)
    • Handel og arbeidstandarder: Barnearbeid 

      Wiig, Arne (Research report, Research report, 1996)
      Trade and labour standards: Child labour. This report, commissioned by Save the Children, Norway, discusses the main economic arguments for and against the incorporation of a social clause in World Trade Organization (WTO). ...
    • Hard Methods for Soft Policies. Environmental and Social Cost-Benefit Analysis 

      Angelsen, Arild; Sumaila, Ussif Rashid (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1995)
      The quest for sustainability has put the conventional Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) technique under fierce attack. Much of the critique is, however, misplaced or based on misunderstandings. Alternative methodologies for ...
    • Has recent political unrest affected garment exports from Bangladesh? 

      Wiig, Arne (CMI Report R 2018:02, Research report, 2018-01-01)
      According to the World Bank, political unrest in Bangladesh in the first part of 2015 resulted in a loss of 1% of GDP. [1] A previous study by UNDP (2005) estimated the average costs of unrest as even higher during the ...
    • Has the EITI been successful? Reviewing evaluations of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative 

      Lujala, Päivi; Rustad, Siri Aas; Le Billon, Philippe (U4 Brief 2017:5, Report, 2017-08-01)
      Has the EITI been successful? Many efforts have been devoted to improving resource governance through the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. A review of 50 evaluations concludes that the EITI has succeeded in ...
    • “Have You Been Recruited Because You Are a Woman or Because You Are Good?” Gendered Humanitarian Diplomats at the United Nations 

      Turunen, Salla (Diplomatica, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-01)
      This article examines gender equality in humanitarian diplomacy. To date, there has been no discussion of gender in relation to humanitarian diplomacy, which stands in contrast to an existing body of literature on gender ...