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Viser treff 522-541 av 1981
Eastern Sudan: Hosting Ethiopian refugees under tough conditions
(Report, 2021-10-01)Many communities in Eastern Sudan host a large number of Ethiopian refugees. Conditions in the refugee camps are extremely harsh, and there is widespread fear within the host communities that the presence of refugees will ... -
Ebola and corruption: Overcoming critical governance challenges in a crisis situation
(U4 Brief 2015:1, Report, 2015-01-01)Since the end of 2013, the Ebola virus disease has been ravaging the economies and societies of Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea-Conakry, infecting over 20,000 people by the end of 2014. The disease also spread to Nigeria, ... -
Ebola outbreak 2014-2016: Effects on other health services
(CMI Brief no. 2020:03, Report, 2020-04-01) -
"Economic Aid to Post-Conflict Countries: A Methodological Critique of Collier and Hoeffler"
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2005)This paper retests the analysis of “Aid Policy and Growth in Post-Conflict Societies,” by Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler (October 2002 and forthcoming in European Economic Review). It finds that their data and analysis do ... -
Economic Analysis of Land Degradation in Indonesian Upland
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)The objective of this research is to determine factors affecting land degradation in the upland in Indonesia, and to suggest appropriate policies regarding land-use. The regression results indicate that about half of the ... -
Economic and social structures that may explain the recent conflicts in the Terai of Nepal
(Research report, 2007-01-01)We attempt to explain the present ethnic-based conflict in the Terai of Nepal by deeper social and economic structures. Based on previous research on the village economies of Terai we describe the main socio-economic ... -
Economic development and industrial structure - an overview
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)This essay offers a selective review of central issues related to economic growth. The interrelationship between technological progress, capital accumulation, specialisation and industrial structure is emphasised. It is ... -
Economic growth in Angola to 2017: The main challenges
(Angola Brief vol. 2 no. 4, Report, 2012-12-11)This article argues that Angola’s “golden age” of tremendous post-war growth (2002-2008) has come to an end. Growth will at best be at a much lower level. Given the rapid population growth, annual gains in GDP per capita ... -
Economic growth, employment, and decentralised development in Sri Lanka
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2000)This Working Paper describes the economic growth rate and patterns in Sri Lanka during the 1990s, showing the interrelationship between uneven sectorial growth and the unbalanced regional growth patterns. This is reflected ... -
Economic Prospects for Ethiopia and Challenges for Poverty Reduction
(Research report, Research report, 2006)The report analyses Ethiopia’s economic performance and expected future development. The economic growth rate is likely to remain high despite large fluctuations in agricultural production. Projections indicate, however, ... -
Economic Reconstruction and the Peasants in Ethiopia. Two Papers Presented at the Symposium on the Ethiopian Economy, with a Postscript
(Working paper, Working paper, 1992)The two papers present proposals for the economic reconstruction of Ethiopia, based on the interests of the peasants and other poor groups. In the first paper, Fantu Cheru outlines a reform programme combining the market ... -
Educación sin corrupción en el Perú: Lecciones de una intervención combinada entre el estado y la sociedad civil
(U4 Brief 2008:21, Report, 2008-08-08)En este texto se presenta una reciente experiencia anticorrupción en el sector educativo del Perú, llevada a cabo por una alianza entre la Defensoría del Pueblo y el capítulo peruano de Transparencia Internacional, Proética. ... -
Education and electoral participation: Reported versus actual voting behaviour
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:9, Working paper, 2015-08-01)Using survey data of voters in Tanzania, this paper shows that while education does not affect self-reported voting in general elections, it increases actual voting. The less educated are more likely to claim to have voted ... -
Education desires and conflict impacts in refugees’ decisions to leave
(Migration Studies vol. 12 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-01)In this article, we set out to unpack, explore and contribute to new understanding of how conflict and education emerge and intertwine in refugees’ reflections about their decisions to leave conflict-affected areas. We ... -
EF og bistanden. Virkninger på norsk bistand av et eventuelt norsk EF-medlemskap
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 1992)Dette er en rapport til Utenriksdepartementet om mulige virkninger av et norsk medlemskap av EF på norsk utviklingsbistand. Den består av fire deler hvorav den første beskriver bistanden gjennom EF-kommisjonen; den andre ... -
Effect of Paying for Performance on Utilisation, Quality, and User Costs of Health Services in Tanzania: A Controlled Before and After Study
(PlosONE vol. 10 no. 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-01)Despite widespread implementation across Africa, there is limited evidence of the effect of payment for performance (P4P) schemes in low income countries on the coverage of quality services and affordability, consistent ... -
Effects of Externalisation (EFFEXT) Summary Report
(Others, 2024-11-01)Migration is key for development in Africa and the Middle East. Yet, a number of states in these vast regions cooperate with European stakeholders on interventions to curb irregular migration and increase returns. While ... -
Effects of Payment for Performance on accountability mechanisms: Evidence from Pwani, Tanzania
(Social Science & Medicine vol. 179, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-01)Payment for Performance (P4P) aims to improve provider motivation to perform better, but little is known about the effects of P4P on accountability mechanisms. We examined the effect of P4P in Tanzania on internal and ... -
Effekter i mottakerlandene av norske petroleumsinvesteringer med hovedvekt på Angola
(Research report, Research report, 1999)Denne rapporten ser på hvordan norske petroleumsinvesteringer kan bidra til industriutvikling og en jevnere inntektsfordeling i mottakerlandet. Videre ser vi på i hvilken grad norske petroleumsinvesteringer kan være en ... -
EFFEXT Background Paper – National and international migration policy in Ethiopia
(Others, 2022-09-01)This EFFEXT Background Paper provides a brief presentation of migration and migration policy dynamics in Ethiopia. It presents an overview of key national and international migration policies, and outlines the key migration ...