• Food Insecurity in Sudan as seen from Kassala State 

      Nour, Samia Mohamed; Mohamedain, Eltayeb (Report, 2020-07-01)
      Sudan’s commitment to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 – zero hunger – can turn out to be even more challenging than anyone had bargained for. Due to prolonged conflict, environmental deterioration ...
    • Food securities and social conflict 

      Helland, Johan; Sørbø, Gunnar M. (CMI Report R 2014:01, Research report, 2014-06-01)
      Following rising food prices violent ‘food riots’ took place in about 40 countries around the globe in 2007-2008. These developments have led to renewed interest among both scholars and policymakers in the role of food ...
    • Food Security and Agricultural Development in Sudan: The case of Kassala State 

      Prof.; Nour, Samia Mohamed; Mohamedain, Eltayeb (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2020:1, Working paper, 2020-07-01)
      This research discusses the relationship between agricultural development and food security, determinants of supply of (production of food) and demand for (consumption of food) food and determinants of food insecurity in ...
    • “For the Guarantee of Law and Order”: The Armed Forces and Public Security in Brazil 

      Samset, Ingrid (CMI Working Paper WP 2014:11, Working paper, 2014-09-17)
      The transition to democracy in Brazil came with a significant change in the role the armed forces could play for public security within the country. According to article 142 of the 1988 constitution, the armed forces could ...
    • Foreign direct investment during transition. Determinants and patterns in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union 

      Tøndel, Line (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      This paper provides an analysis of foreign direct investments to the countries of the former Soviet Union and 10 of the former socialist economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Foreign direct investments to the ...
    • Foreign Direct Investments and Development: The Malaysian Electronics Sector 

      Ismail, Mohd Nazari (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      This paper presents recent data on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Malaysia, focusing on the electronics industry. It is found that FDI accounts for about 80 percent of total investment in the electronics sector during ...
    • Forest becomes frontline: Conservation and counter-insurgency in a space of violent conflict in Assam, Northeast India 

      Dutta, Anwesha (Political Ecology, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-01)
    • Forest carbon rights and corruption: What donors can do to minimize the risks 

      Downs, Fiona (U4 Brief 2015:2, Report, 2015-01-01)
      Assigning forest carbon rights is crucial for any effective REDD+ system. Often linked to debates about forest tenure, carbon rights determine who can make decisions about REDD+, who can benefit, how and to whom the carbon ...
    • Forest concessions and corruption 

      Søreide, Tina (U4 Issue 2007:3, Research report, 2007-12-05)
      The forest industry has the potential to contribute to the economy and increase state revenues in many developing countries. The realisation of these opportunities depends on the governance of the forest industry and the ...
    • Forest governance in Congo: Corruption rules? 

      Trefon, Theodore (U4 Brief 2010 No 5 (2nd ed), Report, 2010-09-03)
      Innovative management of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) forests is an international priority. It is important to promote socio-economic wellbeing and biodiversity conservation. It is also crucial to address global ...
    • Former Armed Groups in Power and Post-war Youth Policies 

      Aalen, Lovise (Research report, 2022-01-01)
      This research brief discusses the role of youth in relation to rebel-to-party transitions and how to improve the inclusion of youth in such processes, bringing about genuine youth participation. There is a growing ...
    • Forms of Humanitarian Diplomacy 

      De Lauri, Antonio; Turunen, Salla (Others, 2022-04-01)
      Humanitarian emergencies continue to proliferate globally. Mostly driven by conflicts – but also natural hazards, climate change, famine, and epidemics – these emergencies exacerbate existing social vulnerabilities ...
    • Forum: Critical ethnography 

      Johais, Eva; Leser, Julia; Kusic, Katarina; Eggeling, Kristin Anabel; Weißenfels, André; Streinzer, Andreas; Davey, Ryan; Kocks, Johanna; Anderl, Felix; Merkle, Lena; Leander, Anna (Journal article, 2024-01-01)
      Ethnography is a political practice with an ambivalent relationship to power. On the one hand, it has benefitted from, legitimized and stabilized hegemonic power relations. On the other hand, it can challenge the self-evidence ...
    • Forward looking review of the regional strategy on scaling up access to modern energy services in the East African community 

      Viiding, Marko; Tostensen, Arne (Research report, 2013-07-10)
      The East African Countries (EAC) Secretariat’s Energy Division supports regional knowledge coordination and has become a common forum for exchange of best practices and discussions on joint development, and improved ...
    • Fra motstander til medspiller: Partnerskap mellom norske frivillige organisasjoner og norsk næringsliv 

      Lange, Siri; Spissøy, Arild; Brudvik, Marie (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg partnerskap mellom norske frivillige organisasjoner og norske bedrifter. Partnerskap innebærer et mer forpliktende samarbeid for å nå felles sosiale mål enn tradisjonelt sponsorsamarbeid. ...
    • Fraca previsão de receitas: Um grande desafio para uma política fiscal sólida em Angola 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Jensen, Søren Kirk; Paulo, Francisco Miguel (Angola Brief vol. 4 no. 3, Report, 2014-04-08)
      A política fiscal consiste no uso da arrecadação de receitas (tributação) e da realização de despesas (gastos) pelo governo com o objetivo de monitorar e influenciar a economia da nação. Um grande desafio que se coloca à ...
    • Framed Justice: The Politics of Media for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon 

      Hanafi, Sari; Knudsen, Are John; Flahive, Robert (Arab Journal for Political Science vol. 45-46, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-01)
      [English abstract] The Lebanese media landscape is widely acknowledged to be a battleground for privatized outlets aligned with political elites. Each outlet vies for hegemony in a crowded and competitive marketplace of ...
    • Fraud in Hospitals 

      Musau, Steve; Vian, Taryn (U4 Brief 2008:8, Report, 2008-05-02)
      Hospitals are vulnerable to corruption. In the U.S., health care fraud has been stimated to cost $60 billion per year, or 3% of total health care expenditures - much of it in the hospital sector. Hospitals account for 50% ...
    • Frå vondt til verre? Afghanistan 10 år etter 

      Strand, Arne (Others, 2011-09-22)
    • Fredagslunsj: Tanker om Istanbul i Kairo (Friday Lunch: A note on Istanbul in Cairo) 

      Naguib, Nefissa (Arr. Idéhistorisk tidsskrift no. 1-2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-05-09)