Now showing items 881-900 of 1926

    • Corruption risks and experiences in REDD+ financial benefit sharing mechanisms 

      Dupuy, Kendra (U4 Brief 2014:11, Report, 2014-12-10)
      The success of REDD+ hinges on providing forest users with positive monetary and nonmonetary incentives or benefits that both motivate behavioral change regarding forest use and help offset the various costs associated ...
    • Corruption in Emergencies: What Role for Media? 

      Mortensen, Gemma (U4 Brief 2006:2, Report, 2006-01-01)
      This brief is based on the discussion and recommendations that emerged from a meeting of aid agencies, donors and media experts convened by U4 and NORAD in May 2006. For a more comprehensive report of the meeting, along ...
    • Hamas and the Arab Spring: Introduction 

      Løvlie, Frode; Knudsen, Are John (Middle East Policy vol. 20 no. 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-08-01)
      The Arab Spring is a critical juncture for examining Hamas, a movement created in the context of a popular revolt (against Israeli occupation) similar to those that have reverberated throughout the Middle East. Since the ...
    • Problemet er systemet 

      Suhrke, Astri; Strand, Arne (Others, 2009-01-01)
      The Problem is the System (English version) Valgkrisen i Afghanistan var bisarre til det siste. President Hamaid Karzai – utskjelt som korrupt leder og valgfusker i stort format – ble utropt til vinner av sin egen ...
    • Not so petty: Corruption risks in payment and licensing systems for water 

      Butterworth, John; de la Harpe, Jean (U4 Brief 2009:26, Report, 2009-11-10)
      The water “business” involves large numbers of consumers using water in different ways including households, industries, and farms. Management of water at the user level, and the associated collection of charges or fees, ...
    • Gender parity in Senegal – A continuing struggle 

      Tøraasen, Marianne (CMI Insight 2017:2, Report, 2017-05-01)
      In 2010, the Senegalese women’s movement, supported by political elites and international norms, managed to push for the adoption of one of the world’s most radical gender quota laws to date. This was achieved without the ...
    • Business development for poverty reduction 

      Villanger, Espen; Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal (Research report, 2015-09-01)
      The report is based on a literature review and discuss three topics: 1. Can economic growth eradicate poverty? 2. How can donors contribute to private sector growth and structural transformation in poor countries? 3. How ...
    • Small Hands Should Play, Not Work: A Theoretical Analysis of Interventions in Child Labor 

      Ringdal, Charlotte (Master thesis, 2011-01-01)
      Twelve hours a day, 7 days a week, there are 150 million children below the age of 15 working to make the clothes we wear, the carpets on our floors and the phones in our pockets. Most of these children do not have a choice: ...
    • UMOJA and the Maputo Festival. Midterm review of the UMOJA Cultural Flying Carpet and the Maputo Festival 

      Lange, Siri; Albertyn, Chris; Bang, Anne; Matsinhe, Melita (CMI Report R 2015:1, Research report, 2015-01-01)
      This review was commissioned by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Maputo. The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the study says that the team shall visit Mozambique and one of the other six African countries that are part of the ...
    • 'Xiculungo' revisited: Assessing the implications of PARPA II in Maputo 2007-2010 

      Paulo, Margarida; Rosário, Carmeliza; Tvedten, Inge (CMI Report R 2011:1, Research report, 2011-05-01)
      This report is part of a larger exercise to monitor and evaluate Mozambique’s poverty reduction strategy PARPA II (2006-2011), and focuses on continuity and change in poverty and well-being in the capital city Maputo ...
    • Has the EITI been successful? Reviewing evaluations of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative 

      Lujala, Päivi; Rustad, Siri Aas; Le Billon, Philippe (U4 Brief 2017:5, Report, 2017-08-01)
      Has the EITI been successful? Many efforts have been devoted to improving resource governance through the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. A review of 50 evaluations concludes that the EITI has succeeded in ...
    • Resumo de Política III – Crime e Segurança em Maputo, Moçambique 

      Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge; Chauque, Abel (CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 3, Report, 2015-06-01)
      Este é o terceiro de uma série de resumos de política relacionados com o projecto de investigação “A Etnografia de uma Cidade Dividida: Sócio-política, Pobreza e Género em Maputo, Moçambique” (2012-2015), financiado pelo ...
    • Notions élémentaires de politiques d'éthique organisationnelle 

      Whitton, Howard (U4 Brief 2011:6, Report, 2011-08-01)
      Les codes de conduite sont désormais bien connus, mais le rôle des politiques d’éthique organisationnelle reste bien souvent ignoré en dépit de son importance. Or, ces politiques constituent l’épine dorsale de stratégies, ...
    • The Kinship in Public Office indicator: Kin connectivity as a proxy for nepotism in the public sector 

      Lesné, Frédéric; Gauthier, Bernard (U4 Brief 2014:12, Report, 2014-12-10)
      Measuring nepotism in the public sector is challenging because of its elusive nature. This brief reviews methodologies developed to measure the extent of family connections in the public sector and introduces an innovative ...
    • The elephant still in the room: The effectiveness of development aid policy regarding corruption 

      Williams, Aled (Others, 2011-04-26)
      Anecdotes abound that corruption is still a very real challenge for development aid policy and practice. So too does more formal research evidence. This opinion article in the GIZ online magazine Digital Development Debates ...
    • The fish’s head: Appointment and removal procedures for anti-corruption agency leadership 

      Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Issue 2015:12, Research report, 2015-06-01)
      “A fish rots from the head” is the saying when an organisation’s leadership is seen as responsible for the unethical behaviour of its personnel. Undue external interference with an anti-corruption agency (ACA) is likely ...
    • Can the Sudan Achieve the MDGs Given its Past and Present Expenditures Allocation Patterns? 

      Ahmed, Medani Mohmed (Sudan Report SR 2008: 2, Research report, 2008-07-01)
      In recent years there has been enormous concern about whether or not the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) and non-HIPCs will be able to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Many scholars, decision makers and ...
    • "Milking the system": Fighting the abuse of public resources for re-election 

      Speck, Bruno; Fontana, Alessandra (U4 Issue 2011:7, Research report, 2011-08-01)
      Abuse of state resources for re-election damages democracy creating an unlevel playing field that improves re-election chances of incumbents and negatively influencing the quality of government, since diversion of resources ...
    • Attached Labor in Nepal: A Field-Study of Landlord-Labor Relations that are Misrepresented in the Nepal-LSMS data 

      Hatlebakk, Magnus (Conference object, 2004-01-01)
      In the LSMS data for Nepal most agricultural laborers report daily wages, while econometric analysis on the data indicates that, for many villages, the laborers actually have long-term contracts. We have visited some of ...
    • Regulating conflicts of interest in challenging environments: The case of Azerbaijan 

      Reed, Quentin (U4 Issue 2010:2, Research report, 2010-02-02)
      Current approaches to regulating conflicts of interest, often encouraged by international anti-corruption standards, are commonly judged by how restrictive they are. Such interpretations reflect a mistaken view that a ...