UMOJA and the Maputo Festival. Midterm review of the UMOJA Cultural Flying Carpet and the Maputo Festival
Original version
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report 1) 61 p.Abstract
This review was commissioned by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Maputo. The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the study says that the team shall visit Mozambique and one of the other six African countries that are part of the project. Tanzania was chosen as the second country because the camp for the eastern carpet was to be held there and this would give the team access to UMOJA teachers and participants from all of the eastern carpet countries, and the chance to observe the cooperation in practice. In addition, one team member made one-day visits to Johannesburg and Nairobi. Kampala, the centre for UMOJA CFC-East, was not visited, and the administrative aspects of UMOJA CFC-East are therefore covered to a lesser degree than are those of UMOJA CFC-South. Nevertheless, it is our considered opinion that the conclusions presented in this report are based on a reasonably correct overall picture of the UMOJA project over the period of 2011 to the present day. A review inception meeting was held with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Maputo on Wednesday, 18 September 2013. At the conclusion of the Review Team’s visits in Mozambique and Tanzania, a de-briefing meeting was held with Wilhelm Dahl and Per Skoglund on Thursday 26 September to present and further discuss emerging findings. This is an independent report and the conclusions and analyses are not necessarily shared by all of the stakeholders who were interviewed. Verification of our information and analysis was triangulated through interviews, follow-up correspondence with key stakeholders and a review of available documentation and financial data. Within the timeframes available, we addressed the main issues described in the Terms of Reference. The Review Team gratefully acknowledges those we interviewed for giving their time to share their experience and insights. Thanks to the UMOJA Management Team for accommodating and