Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Title
Now showing items 1534-1553 of 1981
Specialised anti-corruption courts: Uganda
(U4 Brief 2016:5, Report, 2016-07-01)The Uganda High Court has an Anti-Corruption Division (ACD) with original jurisdiction over all corruption and related cases. The main rationale for its establishment was the speedier resolution of corruption cases, and ... -
‘Spectacular Fishing: Embodying Sovereignty in the post-Brexit Channel Islands and the South China Sea.’
(Variations on Sovereignty: Snapshots of Political Contestation and Transformation from Brexit to the South China Sea., Chapter, 2023-05-01)The South China Sea disputes over the Paracels and Spratlys – two archipelagos claimed in whole by China and Vietnam and in part by a number of ASEAN countries and Taiwan – and the post-Brexit dispute between ... -
Squeezing a balloon? Challenging the nexus between organised crime and corruption
(U4 Issue 2009:7, Research report, 2009-07-23)Corruption and organised crime are of great concern to the international community: while the first is regarded as one of the greatest barriers to development, the second is seen as a key threat to international security ... -
State - Local Community Games of Forest Land Appropriation
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)This paper explores possible strategic interactions between the state and local community in games of tropical forest land appropriation. Two key questions are addressed. First, how does the structure of the game influence ... -
Statistical evidence on social and economic exclusion in Nepal
(Research report, Research report, 2009)The discourse on social exclusion in Nepal is very ideological, with some authors considering basically all Nepalis as socially excluded except for male Bahuns of hill origin. This is obviously not very useful for targeted ... -
Stones on the Road: the Politics of Participation and the Generation of Crisis in Bolivia
(Bulletin of Latin American Research vol. 25 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006-01-01)This paper demonstrates that recent protests in Bolivia must be linked to the failure of efforts to improve democratic participation in the country. It argues that such failures can be traced to a history of prejudices in ... -
Stortingskandidaters møter med vold: Er norsk politikk et trygt rom?
(CMI Brief no. 2023:8, Report, 2023-11-01)Norske politikere blir i liten grad utsatt for politisk motivert vold. De tenker heller ikke på vold som en risiko en må regne med om en engasjerer seg politisk. Likevel opplever mange norske politikere å ... -
Strained Fraternity. Identity Formations, Migration and Social Transformation among Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu, India
(Master thesis, 2005-01-01)This dissertation deals with the situation of the Sri Lankan refugees who have fled to the Indian State of Tamil Nadu - primarily due to the escalating civil war. Their situation in India has been shaped by a series of ... -
Strategic Dynamic Interaction: The Case of Barents Sea Fisheries
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)This paper develops a bioeconomic model for two Barents Sea fisheries that attempts to capture the predator-prey relationships between cod and capelin, the two main species in the habitat. The aim is to analyse joint ... -
Strategies of Self-Proclaimed Pro-Life Groups: Effect of New Religious Actors on Sexual Policies
(Latin American Perspectives vol. 208 no. 43: 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-01)Over the past few decades political processes recognizing and broadening sexual and reproductive rights have produced a reaction from conservative sectors seeking to block those gains. Although the Catholic Church hierarchy ... -
Strategisk handelsteori og økonomisk utvikling
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)This paper gives an overview of theories of strategic trade policies and discusses whether these theories are applicable as development strategies for developing countries. The general answer is no. The theories are partial ... -
Street based self-employment: A poverty trap or a stepping stone for migrant youth in Africa?
(Conference object, 2015-06-01)Street vending is a common phenomenon in urban areas of Africa. Although such street based self-employment activities often lack legal recognition and are sometimes criminalized, significant share of the youth labor force ... -
Strengthening civil society in developing countries? Development aid and Norwegian organisations
(CMI Brief vol. 17 no. 1, Report, 2018-01-01)Norway channels a large portion of its development aid budget through Norwegian civil society organisations. This also includes disbursements from Norad’s civil society grant for strengthening civil society where more than ... -
Strengthening Cooperation in Documentation for Development. A Seminar on Networking with Special Emphasis on NGOS. Le Renforcement de la Cooperation en Matiere de Documentation sur le Development. Séminaire sur les différents réseaux et en particulier ceux des organisations non gouvernmentales (ONG) Paris, 3-6 September 1991
(Working paper, Working paper, 1992)Report and papers from the 1991 EADI I & D Working Group seminar. 120 representatives from NGOs international organisations, documentalists and librarians set up task force groups and discussed electronic mail; database ... -
Strengthening District Health Systems and HIV Service Delivery Outcomes in Mozambique: Findings from the CHASS-SMT Project
(Research report, 2015-10-01)Introduction : While there is growing consensus within the global health community on the importance of health systems strengthening (HSS) to improving service delivery and health outcomes, evidence linking HSS interventions ... -
Strengthening Nordic development cooperation in and with Afghanistan
(Norad Report Discussion 3/2009, Research report, 2009-03-01)The meeting of the Nordic Foreign Ministers in Stockholm on 18 April 2008 adopted a Plan of Action for Nordic Cooperation in Afghanistan to enable them to be a more concerned partner for the Government of Afghanistan (GoA) ... -
Strengthening Tanzania’s Anti-Corruption Action (STACA) Programme A Case Study Evaluation
(Research report, 2016-03-01)This report summarises the findings of the independent evaluation of DfID’s Strengthening Tanzania’s Anti-Corruption Action (STACA) programme conducted by a team from the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre (U4) at the Chr. ... -
Strengthening the ethics framework within aid organisations. Good practices from the compliance approach and the values-based approach
(U4 Issue 2022:8, Research report, 2022-09-01)Values based approaches can be used to help tackle implicit biases and informal norms, such as gender discrimination. They shift focus from the individual to the network in the design of anti-corruption policies, considering ... -
Striking a New Balance? Exploring Civil-Military Relations in Colombia in a Time of Hope
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:5, Working paper, 2015-05-01)Colombia appears to be fast approaching an agreement on a set of peace accords ending an armed conflict that has lasted over 55 years. In this CMI Working paper, we consider the status of and possibilities to transform ... -
Strong regional inequalities in health service delivery in Angola
(Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 3, Report, 2011-06-05)A statistical survey of health facilities and households in Luanda and Uíge has confirmed that strong inequalities persist between provinces in the availability of basic health services. Large differences are observed also ...