• Strong regional inequalities in health service delivery in Angola 

      Mæstad, Ottar; Frøystad, Mona; Villamil, Nohra (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 3, Report, 2011-06-05)
      A statistical survey of health facilities and households in Luanda and Uíge has confirmed that strong inequalities persist between provinces in the availability of basic health services. Large differences are observed also ...
    • Subverting the Constitution and Curtailing Civil Society. Angola’s New Law on NGOs. 

      Gomes, Catarina Antunes; Abreu, Cesaltina; Nangacovie, Margareth; Amundsen, Inge (CMI Insight 2023:2, Report, 2023-09-01)
      In Angola, the government is in the process of making a new law on the NGOs, a law that is deemed unconstitutional, unnecessary, and a breach of people’s fundamental rights and freedoms of association. Like in many ...
    • Successful practices and lessons learned: Ukrainian students in Swedish and Finnish schools 

      Ukjent forfatter (Others, 2024-03-01)
      The integration of Ukrainian refugee students into schools in Finland and Sweden is a crucial aspect of their adaptation to new circumstances. This policy brief draws on a qualitative study conducted in the spring of 2022 ...
    • Sudan 

      Tønnessen, Liv (The Middle East (16th edition), Chapter, 2023-02-01)
    • Sudan country case study: Child rights 

      al-Nagar, Samia; Tønnessen, Liv (UTV Working Paper 2011:3, Research report, 2011-08-26)
    • Sudan peace agreements: Current challenges and future prospects 

      Ahmad, Abdel Ghaffar Mohamed (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2010: 1, Working paper, 2010-03-17)
      Since achieving independence, Sudan has been burdened with many conflicts which have hindered its economic, social and cultural development. While some of these problems can be attributed to colonial polices within the ...
    • Sudanese Women’s Demands for Freedom, Peace, and Justice in the 2019 Revolution 

      al-Nagar, Samia; Tønnessen, Liv (Women and Peacebuilding in Africa, Chapter, 2021-10-01)
      This chapter aims to understand why women were so visibly involved in the most recent revolution and how it relates to their struggles for peace, justice, and freedom during the dictatorship of Bashir. Women’s activism ...
    • Sudan’s constitutional process: A gender inclusive approach 

      Hoverter, Terry (Report, 2021-08-01)
      Research shows that including women in constitutional processes secures more durable and long-lasting outcomes. Yet women have been excluded from the discussions about Sudan’s future. What steps can the transitional ...
    • Sudan’s popular uprising and the demise of Islamism 

      Assal, Munzoul A. M. (CMI Brief no. 2019:3, Report, 2019-12-01)
      This Sudan Brief is concerned with the fractionalization of Islamism during Bashir’s rule (1989-2019). It does not focus on the details of Bashir’s brutal rule, rather, it is about the emerging disunity from ...
    • Sudan’s Transition: Living in Bad Surroundings 

      Sørbø, Gunnar M. (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2020:4, Working paper, 2020-12-01)
      Following the 2019 April revolution, Sudan now finds itself in the middle of a profound and uncertain political transition. Should the transition succeed, the country could move in directions that are novel in Sudan’s ...
    • Supply chain management in the oil industry: The Angolan case 

      Wiig, Arne (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      This paper focuses on the organisation of the supply chain in the offshore oil industry, primarily the relationships between upstream oil-companies and their main contractors. From studies of the North Sea offshore industry, ...
    • Support for parliaments : Tanzania and beyond 

      Amundsen, Inge (Research report, Research report, 2010)
      This report presents an analysis of the Parliament of Tanzania (which includes the Bunge in Dodoma and the House of Representatives in Zanzibar), which has only recently taken up its ‘checks and balances’ functions. The ...
    • Support to political parties 

      Amundsen, Inge (Others, 2007-11-28)
      Norwegian Centre for Democracy support arranged the seminar "Confronting the Weakest Link: Aiding Political Parties in New Democracies" with Dr. Thomas Carothers (Vice President for Studies of International Politics and ...
    • Supporting child rights: Synthesis of lessons learned in four countries 

      Tostensen, Arne; Stokke, Hugo; Trygged, Sven; Halvorsen, Kate (Research report, 2011-02-01)
      This evaluation was commissioned jointly by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with the dual purpose of: (a) summarising results ...
    • Sustaining local level development: What worked and what did not. Lessons from the phasing-out of Norwegian aid to the Hambantota Integrated Rural Development Programme (HIRDEP), Sri Lanka 1992 to 1999 

      Jerve, Alf Morten; Endresen, Sylvi; Gamage, Dhanawardana; Karunanayake, Marcus M. (Research report, Research report, 2003)
      Aid has been successful when it is no longer needed, but we all too often see how aid breeds dependency, and how both donors and recipients have difficulties preparing for termination of the relationship. This is a study ...
    • Switches from quota- to non-quota seats: A comparative study of Tanzania and Uganda 

      Wang, Vibeke; Yoon, Mi Yung (CMI Brief no. 2, Report, 2018-04-01)
      Reserved-seat quotas have been used worldwide as a measure to get more women in parliament. However, they are meant to be temporary until women can compete with men for open seats using their quota experience. The cases ...
    • Syria's refugees in Lebanon: Brothers, burden and bone of contention 

      Knudsen, Are John (Lebanon Facing the Arab Uprisings: Between Internal Challenges and External Constraints, Chapter, 2017-01-01)
      The Syrian civil war has displaced more than one million Syrians as refugees in Lebanon. Lebanon has not set up formal camps, but instituted a “non–camp” approach, meaning that nearly all the refugees are self–settled and ...
    • Syrian Refugees in Istanbul and Gaziantep: Comparative Findings on Settlement, Livelihood and Support 

      Içduygu, Ahmet; Osseiran, Souad (CMI Insight 2022:01, Report, 2022-06-01)
      The Syrian presence in Turkey is largely urban in nature with refugees settling in regional cities along the Syria-Turkey border and in the metropolises of western Turkey. Based on a survey with 300 Syrian refugees in ...
    • Syrian Self-settlement in Lebanon’s ‘Arrival Cities’: Refugee Livelihoods in Tripoli, Beirut, and Tyre 

      Forster, Robert; Knudsen, Are J. (Urban Displacement: Syria's Refugees in the Middle East, Chapter, 2024-03-01)
      Taking arrival cities as their point of departure, Robert Forster and Are John Knudsen compare settlement choices and outcomes for Syrian refugees living in the poorest neighbourhoods in Beirut, Tripoli and Tyre. The latter ...
    • Tackling corruption for governing REDD in the Philippines 

      Mayo-Anda, Grizelda (U4 Issue 2011:4, Research report, 2011-05-16)
      Forest governance in the Philippines during the post-colonial period has involved protracted efforts to arrest and reverse patterns of overexploitation of forest products and land. Much of this loss is commonly attributed ...