Now showing items 1450-1469 of 1922

    • Shady traffic: Part three: Review of the portefolio supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on combating trafficking in human beings 

      Halvorsen, Kate; Stokke, Hugo (Norad report 2c/2009, Research report, 2009-02-05)
      As a response to the growing international and national focus on combating human trafficking, Norway developed its first action plan on trafficking for the period 2003-2005, succeeded by another one to cover the period of ...
    • Shaping the tax agenda: Public engagement, lobbying and tax reform in Tanzania 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Ngowi, Prosper; Rakner, Lise (CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 5, Report, 2015-07-01)
      Tax reforms are no longer the exclusive domain of the International Monetary Fund, external experts, and the Ministry of Finance. Increasingly, interest groups across Africa shape the tax agenda. Business associations and ...
    • Share-tenancy within the household unit 

      Bøe, Turid (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)
      Virtually all peasant household models assume efficient allocation of household productive resources between different household activities. In an African context characterised by different plots of land being cultivated ...
    • Shatila: The island of (in)stability 

      Haveland, Bjørnar Skaar (Journal article, 2021-02-01)
      The Shatila refugee camp was established in 1949 for Palestinian refugees fleeing Palestine during the Nakba. The camp is located in Beirut next to the Sabra neighbourhood (of the Gaza buildings discussed in the foregoing ...
    • Shifting Cultivation and "Deforestation". A Study from Sumatra, Indonesia 

      Angelsen, Arild (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1994)
      About half of tropical deforestation is commonly explained by the expansion of traditional agriculture (shifting cultivation). This article first questions the share of responsibly assigned to traditional agriculture. ...
    • Shifting Cultivation Expansion and Intensity of Production: The Open Economy Case 

      Angelsen, Arild (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1994)
      This paper studies decision making in shifting cultivation, in particular labour inputs, length of rotation or fallow period (intensity of production), and the agricultural frontier (expansion). Analytical models are ...
    • Should Corrupt Countries receive Budget Support? 

      Kolstad, Ivar (CMI Brief, Report, 2005-01-01)
      Corruption makes budget support ineffective, and sometimes counter-productive. Budget support is particularly unsuitable in partner countries where political corruption is rampant. As donors increase budget support, it is ...
    • Should Tanzania establish a sovereign wealth fund? 

      Torvik, Ragnar (CMI Working Paper WP 2016:5, Working paper, 2016-07-01)
      Abstract Many natural resource abundant countries have established sovereign wealth funds as part of their strategy of managing the resource wealth. The paper looks into different arguments used as reasons to establish ...
    • Shrinking oil: Does weak governance and corruption reduce volumes of oil produced? 

      Al-Kasim, Farouk; Søreide, Tina; Williams, Aled (U4 Issue 2010:3, Research report, 2010-06-18)
      Prominent contributions to the resource curse literature suggest that weak governance and corruption are key factors behind continued poverty in resource-rich countries. How poor governance and corruption influence revenue ...
    • Shutting down social media, shutting out the youth? 

      Lemaire, Pauline (CMI Brief no. 2023:4, Report, 2023-05-01)
      Young people across Africa use social media to participate in politics, while their governments implement strategies to limit online political mobilization. However, young citizens whose government shut down social media ...
    • Sistema "parlamentar-presidencial" ou presidencialismo extremo? 

      Pestana, Nelson (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 16, Report, 2011-06-05)
      A nova Constituição angolana (Fevereiro 2010) consagrou um sistema de governo auto-designado “Parlamentar-Presidencial”. Esta qualificação sugere a existência de equilíbrio entre os dois órgãos de soberania que não é ...
    • Sitting on the Fence: Conflicts of Interest and How to Regulate Them 

      Reed, Quentin (U4 Issue 2008:6, Research report, 2008-11-01)
      This paper describes the problem of conflict of interest of public officials and the main ways in which it may be tackled, with particular focus on regulation of elected officials. The paper describes three main types of ...
    • Skatt og statsbygging i utviklingsland: Hvordan skatt kan bidra til å ansvarliggjøre myndighetene overfor egne borgere 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (Journal article, 2011-05-02)
      Den politiske betydningen av skattlegging går langt ut over det å skaffe inntekter til å finansiere offentlig sektor, infrastruktur og grunnleggende behov for borgerne. I denne artikkelen argumenterer Odd-Helge Fjeldstad ...
    • Skatteunndragelse. En studie av kommunebeskatning i Tanzania 

      Hansen, Cecilie Fosse (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)
      I dette notatet gis en oversikt over økonomisk teori om skatteunndragelse. Relevansen av ulike teoretiske tilnærminger i en u-landskontekst, drøftes. Deretter analyseres hvilke variabler som kan bidra til å forklare den ...
    • Small Hands Should Play, Not Work: A Theoretical Analysis of Interventions in Child Labor 

      Ringdal, Charlotte (Master thesis, 2011-01-01)
      Twelve hours a day, 7 days a week, there are 150 million children below the age of 15 working to make the clothes we wear, the carpets on our floors and the phones in our pockets. Most of these children do not have a choice: ...
    • Social accountability in situations of conflict and fragility 

      Schouten, Claire (U4 Brief 2011:19, Report, 2011-12-14)
      Donor support to social accountability in fragile and conflict-affected states is a relatively new phenomenon. It has emerged with the lessons that top-down anticorruption approaches have often failed and different approaches ...
    • Social Action and Microcredit Funds in Malawi: A Pilot Study 

      Moorsom, Richard (Research report, Research report, 1997)
      This study forms part of the output of a consultancy on Social Development Funds in Zimbabwe and Malawi commissioned from Chr. Michelsen Institute by the African Development Bank. It describes, analyses and evaluates ...
    • Social Development and Foreign Direct Investments in Developing Countries 

      Kolstad, Ivar; Tøndel, Line (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      This study analyses the link between social development and foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries. Previous empirical studies conflict in their view of the impact of wage levels and human capital on FDI, ...
    • Social development and industry level foreign direct investment 

      Kolstad, Ivar; Villanger, Espen (Research report, Research report, 2004)
      Investment is crucial for economic development. A number of empirical studies document a relationship between social development and aggregate foreign direct investment (FDI). This study complements aggregate studies by ...
    • Social Funds in Angola. Channels, Amounts and Impact 

      Amundsen, Inge; Wiig, Arne (CMI Working Paper, Working paper, 2008)
      Private companies are spending significant resources on social projects in Angola, for the benefit of poor, for general development purposes and for positioning purposes. This study gives a background to and overview of ...