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Viser treff 623-642 av 1975
Explaining municipal governance in Kosovo: local agency, credibility and party patronage
(Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-01)What can explain the varied effectiveness of internationally led attempts at statebuilding? This article seeks to answer this question by comparing the contrasting trajectories of governance in two municipalities in Kosovo: ... -
Explaining the Timeliness of Implementation of Truth Commission Recommendations
(Journal of Peace Research vol. 59 no. 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-01)Truth commissions are widely seen as important peacebuilding tools partially because they issue recommendations that seek to prompt further justice initiatives to address past abuses and promote institutional reforms that ... -
Exploring new political alternatives for the Oromo in Ethiopia. Report from Oromo workshop and its after-effects
(Research report, Research report, 2009)This report is intended to stimulate a debate on political alternatives for the Oromo, an ethnic and social group in Ethiopia. It makes documents from an Oromo conference in Bergen at CMI available for the discourse among ... -
Exploring the links between UNCAC and the Paris Declaration
(U4 Brief 2009:25, Report, 2009-10-20)It is acknowledged by donors that the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) should play a central role in country-level dialogue, implementation, and monitoring of anti-corruption work. At the same time, when supporting ... -
Exploring the relationship between socio-economic inequality, political instability and economic growth Why do we know so little?
(CMI Working Paper WP 2012:2, Working paper, 2012-02-08)The hypothesis that socio-economic inequality has a detrimental effect on economic growth by breeding political instability has been subject to empirical investigation for decades. However, the numerous studies in the field ... -
Exploring the Research-Policy Linkage: The Case of Reforms in Financing Primary Education in Tanzania
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)Tanzania abolished school fees in primary schools as from 2002. This move was made possible because of shifts in the policy of major donors, not least the World Bank. In the subsequent years Tanzania recorded a rapid ... -
Exploring the spatio-temporal processes of communal rangeland grabbing in Sudan
(Pastoralism vol. 8 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-01)The persistent policy of successive Sudanese governments in favouring large-scale agricultural investments at the expense of traditional land use is creating material differences among significant groups of the population. ... -
External Debts, Growth and Peace in the Sudan. Some Serious Challenges Facing the Country in the Post-Conflict Era
(CMI Report SR 2008: 1, Research report, 2008-07-21)Traditional studies on the external debt problem have focused mainly on the development of the magnitude and trends of the external debt in the low-income countries (LICs) and have then been followed by other studies which ... -
Externally Driven Border Control in West Africa: Local Impact and Broader Ramifications
(International Migration Review vol. 0 no. 0, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-01)Over the last two decades and with notable increase since 2015, millions of euros have been invested in territorial border governance in West Africa. Targeting migration policy frameworks, capacity building, and the provision ... -
Extractive sectors and illicit financial flows: What role for revenue governance initiatives?
(U4 Issue 2011:13, Research report, 2011-11-18)Countries highly dependent on natural resources are among the most severely affected by the problem of illicit financial flows. Despite a lack of definite studies proving the correlation between higher dependency on natural ... -
Évaluation de la performance des collectivités décentralisées : Une étude comparée
(L'Afrique des Grands Lacs: annuaire 2014-2015, Chapter, 2015-06-01)This article explores the performance evaluation of decentralized entities within the decentralization framework in Rwanda and Burundi. The analysis shows the evaluation results, but also the normative impact of this New ... -
Factors affecting tax compliant attitude in Africa: Evidence from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa
(Conference object, 2013-02-28)In this study, we explore factors that determine citizens’ tax compliance behavior in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa using attitude and perception data from the new round 5 of Afrobarometer surveys. The study ... -
Failed governance and political turbulence in Abyei Area of Sudan
(Sudan Working Paper SWP 2015:1, Working paper, 2015-03-06)This report is the result of deskwork review of two major documents, signed in 2005 on Abyei area conflict, in order to expose factors that contributed to non-implementation of Abyei Protocol and the rejection, by the Sudan ... -
Faire face à la corruption en éducation : faire progresser des pratiques de responsabilisation grâce au suivi budgétaire.
(U4 Brief 2009:17, Report, 2009-08-13)Le travail sur le budget de l’éducation effectué par la société civile est un instrument puissant permettant de rendre les gouvernements comptables vis-à-vis de leurs citoyens et d’attirer l’attention sur la corruption ... -
Faith on Trial: Blasphemy and 'lawfare' in Indonesia
(Ethnos, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-01)This article develops the argument that blasphemy trials occupy a pivotal role in ‘religion-making’ in post-1998 Indonesia. Examining a blasphemy trial on the island of Lombok in 2010, I argue that the process of democratization ... -
Faithful Ally. The UK Engagement in Afghanistan.
(PRIO Papers, Research report, 2011-01-01)The British government under Tony Blair was an early and major supporter of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). The Royal Navy and Air Force participated in the first strikes against Afghanistan in October with Tomahawk ... -
False Prophets? Ontological Conflicts and Religion-Making in an Indonesian Court
(Critical Anthropological Engagements in Human Alterity and Difference, Chapter, 2016-11-01)This chapter examines a blasphemy trial on Lombok in 2010, in which a Muslim who claimed to have received revelations from the Angel Gabriel was charged with the offence of “insulting Islam” and accused of pretending to ... -
Family law reform in Sudan: A never ending story?
(CMI Brief no. 2018:08, Report, 2018-06-01)The family law in Sudan, legalises child marriage, stipulates a wife’s obedience to her husband, and gives the male guardian veto power on women’s consent to marriage. #JusticeforNoura has shone a spotlight on early and ... -
Family law reform in Sudan: competing claims for gender justice between sharia and women’s human rights
(CMI Report R 2017:5, Research report, 2017-12-01)This paper focuses on family law reform in Sudan-a country that has been in a state of perpetual conflict that stretches back long before its independence in 1956. The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in ... -
Faryab survey. Comparison of findings from Maymane, 2006 and 2009
(Research report, Research report, 2009)This is a follow-up to an earlier survey conducted in Maymane district by the Organization for Sustainable Development and Research (OSDR) during a two-week period in early November 2006. In that survey 183 interviews were ...