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Viser treff 1688-1707 av 1981
The Influence and Effects of Financial Development on Economic Growth. An Empirical Approach
(Research report, Research report, 2003)The financial sector plays an important part in economic growth as it can reduce the cost of acquiring information, conducting transactions and facilitating saving mobilisation. By providing these services, the financial ... -
The Informal Credit Market: A Study of Default and Informal Lending in Nepal
(Master thesis, 2005-01-01)Informal credit markets are still important in developing countries. Despite an increase in supply of formal credit in rural areas, informal lenders remain the dominant source of credit for the poorest households. Improvements ... -
The Institutional Context of the 2004 General Elections in Malawi
(Research report, Research report, 2006)This report summarises the findings of a joint research project undertaken by the Centre for Social Research, Chr. Michelsen Institute and the Universities of Malawi and Bergen. Ensuring that elected political leaders play ... -
The institutional impact of aid dependence on recipients in Africa
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1999)Heavy aid dependence can have significant effects on institutions and governance. In Botswana, Mauritius, Korea and Taiwan, high levels of aid reinforced local capacity, enabling them to 'graduate' from most aid. But in ... -
The institutionalisation of the Tanzanian opposition parties: How stable are they?
(Research report, Research report, 2000)In 1992, legislation formally ended the nearly 30 year domination of the one-party state in Tanzania, part of a democratisation wave that appeared to sweep through Africa in the late 80s and early 90s. In Tanzania by 1993, ... -
The interplay between poverty and electoral authoritarianism: Poverty and political mobilization in Zambia and Uganda
(CMI Working Paper WP 2012:3, Working paper, 2012-02-28)In this paper we wish to analyze the interplay between the political setting of electoral authoritarianism and economic grievances expressed in particular by an urban poor electorate in Africa. We show that the outcomes ... -
The invisible ceiling: Muslim immigrant entrepreneurs navigate Norway’s financial environment
(Journal article, 2022-05-01)Extended abstract published as part of conference proceedings after the 2022 ReInser International Conference for sharing best practices, bringing together researchers, practicioners and policy-makers. Conference proceedings ... -
The Kinship in Public Office indicator: Kin connectivity as a proxy for nepotism in the public sector
(U4 Brief 2014:12, Report, 2014-12-10)Measuring nepotism in the public sector is challenging because of its elusive nature. This brief reviews methodologies developed to measure the extent of family connections in the public sector and introduces an innovative ... -
The Law, the Loss and the Lives of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
(CMI Working Paper, Working paper, 2007)Lebanon has been a reluctant host to Palestinian refugees since 1948. A mainstay of Lebanese policies vis-à-vis the Palestinian refugees has been preventing their permanent integration and settlement in the country. The ... -
The limits of clientelism: Multi-party politics in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Forum for Development Studies vol. 28 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001-01-01) -
The Limits of Law: Abortion in the Middle East and Northern Africa
(Health and Human Rights Journal vol. 21 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-01) -
The local governance of COVID-19: Disease prevention and social security in rural India
(World Development vol. 138, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-01)Countries around the world have undertaken a wide range of strategies to halt the spread of COVID-19 and control the economic fallout left in its wake. Rural areas of developing countries pose particular difficulties for ... -
The Mapuche People's Battle for Indigenous Land. Litigation as a Strategy to Defend Indigenous Land Rights
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2008)Land is the foundation for the economic sustenance of indigenous peoples and for the continued survival of their cultures. One of the major problems faced by indigenous peoples is the dispossession of their traditional ... -
The Moderating influence of international courts on social movements: Evidence from the IVF case against Costa Rica
(Health and Human Rights Journal vol. 19 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-01)Feminists and religious conservatives across the globe have increasingly turned to courts in their battles over abortion. Yet while a significant literature analyzes legal mobilization on abortion issues, it tends to focus ... -
The Morality of Transnational Social Security: When is it fair to export Norwegian social security benefits?
(Research report, 2018-01-01)The Norwegian welfare system was created to ensure the wellbeing of a population largely living within state borders. But the group of people who take state benefits abroad is growing. Bridging social security with ... -
The New Deal as an anti-corruption tool? Don't blame the policy, work with it
(U4 Brief 2015:8, Report, 2015-01-01)Full text on mobile or tablet The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States provides a framework in which donors and host countries establish shared priorities for reducing fragility, with fragile states themselves ... -
The non-oil tax reform in Angola: Escaping from petroleum dependency?
(The Extractive Industries and Society vol. 7 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-01)Angola experienced an extraordinary oil boom between 2004 and 2014. During this period, oil revenue accounted for 80% of all government revenue. In 2011, the Government of Angola started implementing a non-oil tax reform. ... -
The non-oil tax reform in Angola: On track or losing momentum?
(Angola Brief vol. 4 no. 2, Report, 2014-02-18)Since 2010, Angola has been implementing a tax reform aiming to increase non-oil tax revenues. This brief addresses main achievements of the reform since mid-2012 on administrative and legislative issues. Does the reform ... -
The Norad Programme in Arts and Cultural Education. A Mid-Term Review of the Programme Period 2006-2008/9
(Research report, Research report, 2008)This report is a review of the Norad Programme in Arts and Cultural Education (ACE). ACE is a programme for cooperation between institutions for cultural education in the South and partners in Norway, established to ... -
The NORAD Programme in Arts and Cultural Education. A review of the first phase 2002-2004
(Research report, Research report, 2005)The Norad Programme in Arts and Cultural Education was established in 2002 and is administered by Centre for International University Co-operation (SIU). The total budget for the programme period (2002-2005) is NOK 15 ...