Now showing items 238-257 of 1922

    • China and Angola - Strategic partnership or marriage of convenience? 

      Corkin, Lucy (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 1, Report, 2011-02-04)
      In 2004 Angola’s Ministry of Finance and China’s Ministry of Trade signed the first of several financing packages for public investment projects in Angola. These packages provided for oil-backed concessional loans from ...
    • China in Africa. Implications for Norwegian Foreign and Development Policies 

      Tjønneland, Elling N.; Brandtzæg, Bjørn; Kolås, Åshild; Le Pere, Garth (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      China’s development will affect the history of the twenty-first century, and perhaps nowhere more importantly than in Africa. The emergence of China introduces new opportunities for Africa, new challenges and new imponderables ...
    • China in Africa: Soft power, media perceptions and a pan-developing identity 

      Li, Shubo; Rønning, Helge (CMI Report R 2013:2, Research report, 2013-11-06)
      China is currently implementing a full-fledged ‘Going ¸Global’ strategy, particularly in Africa. Chinese engagement on the continent is all pervasive and spearheaded by summit conferences and flanked by a surge of Chinese ...
    • Chinese aid – a blessing for Africa and a challenge to western donors 

      Lomøy, Jon (CMI Insight 2021:2, Report, 2021-05-01)
      To Africa, the emergence of China as a major development funder presents a clear advantage. It gives access both to new substantial resources and to areas to which western donors are less willing to contribute. It gives ...
    • Christians in Palestine: A threatened community? 

      Kårtveit, Bård Helge (CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 8, Report, 2012-12-13)
      Christian Palestinians constitute one of the oldest Christian communities in the world, and their presence in Palestine dates back to the Roman Era. In modern times, they have been instrumental in shaping a Palestinian ...
    • Citizens Demand Tougher Action on Corruption 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Ngalewa, Erasto; Katera, Lucas (REPOA Brief 11, Research report, 2008-05-10)
      This brief examines the extent of corruption perceived by residents of six councils in Tanzania; identifying the sectors worst affected. It also presents recommendations on measures to address local corruption based upon ...
    • Civil society and peace building in Sudan: A critical look 

      Assal, Munzoul A. M. (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2016:2, Working paper, 2016-05-01)
      Abstract The role of civil society organizations in peace making and peace building is often valorized, especially in countries that witness protracted conflicts. The assumption underlying this valorization is that while ...
    • Civil Society in Angola 

      Amundsen, Inge (Others, 2008-01-01)
      Presentation of the report "Civil Society in Angola. Inroads, Space, and Accountability", written with Cesaltina Abreu.
    • Civil Society in Angola: Inroads, Space and Accountability 

      Amundsen, Inge; Abreu, Cesaltina (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      Civil society is inherently weak in Angola, and the political and societal space for civil society is limited. Angolan authorities have not fully accepted civil society’s voice, watchdog and control functions, and the legal ...
    • Civil Society in Tanzania 

      Lange, Siri; Wallevik, Hege; Kiondo, Andrew (Research report, Research report, 2000)
      There has been a tremendous growth in non-governmental organisations in Tanzania over the last decades, and with the many reforms presently taking place, the civil society is expected to play a central role in both service ...
    • Civil society monitoring in the health sector. The Partnership for Transparency Fund’s work to ensure clean procurement and quality service provision 

      Fink, Hady; Steingrüber, Sarah; Bhargava, Vinay (U4 Practice Insight 2022:1, Report, 2022-10-01)
      For successful engagement with and effective monitoring of the health sector, it is important to select the right partner, work closely with communities and authorities, and consider the most appropriate project design and ...
    • Civil Society Procurement Monitoring: Challenges and Opportunities 

      De Simone, Francesco; Shah, Shruti (A New Role for Citizens in public Procurement, Chapter, 2012-01-01)
      The article provides an overview of the involvement of civil society organiza!ons and citizens in public procurement. It analyses the main challenges and opportuni!es arising from civil society procurement monitoring ...
    • Civil society’s role in petroleum sector governance: The case of Tanzania 

      Dupuy, Kendra; Rakner, Lise; Katera, Lucas (CMI Brief no. 2019:02, Report, 2019-05-01)
      Good governance in the management of natural resources is now recognized by scholars and policy makers as key to ensuring that countries can prevent and escape the resource curse and translate resource wealth into inclusive ...
    • Civil-Military Relations in the Middle East: A Literature Review 

      Kårtveit, Bård; Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen (CMI Working Paper WP 2014:5, Working paper, 2014-07-01)
      In the 1950s and 1960s, a wave of military coups in the Middle East triggered extensive research on the role of military forces throughout the region. Since the early 1980s however, civil-military relations in the Middle ...
    • Civilian and Military Relations in Turkey: A Historical Survey 

      Kutay, Acar (CMI Working Paper WP 2016:11, Working paper, 2016-12-01)
      This CMI Working Paper presents an analysis of civilian-military relations in Turkey, casting light on institutional, legal and economic aspects that have shaped the military’s role in society. An assessment of contemporary ...
    • Civilians’ Survival Strategies amid Institutionalized Insecurity and Violence in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan 

      Komey, Guma Kunda (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2016:4, Working paper, 2016-09-01)
    • Clarifier le concept de volonté politique pour lutter contre la corruption 

      Brinkerhoff, Derick W. (U4 Brief 2011:5, Report, 2011-08-01)
      L’ “absence de volonté politique” est souvent incriminée lorsque les programmes de lutte contre la corruption n’apportent pas les résultats escomptés. Cependant, malgré la fréquence avec laquelle on s’en sert pour justifier ...
    • ‘Cleaning the womb’: perspectives on fertility control and menstruation among students in Antananarivo, Madagascar 

      Jansen, Karine Aasgaard (Culture, Health and Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-01)
      This article discusses students' perspectives on fertility control, including induced abortion, in Antananarivo, Madagascar. The study draws on a total of nine weeks of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 2016 and 2017. ...
    • Clientelist Politics. State formation and corruption in Palestine 1994-2000 

      Amundsen, Inge; Ezbidi, Basem (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      The state formation process in Palestine started after the Oslo agreements between Israel and Palestine in 1994, which established a Palestinian quasi-state. The process came, however, to an almost complete halt with the ...