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DERAP's first 25 years. The history of the Development Action and Research Programme at Chr. Michelsen Institute
(Book, 1995-05-01)Chr. Michelsen Institute is an independent research institute that was established in 1930. By the early 1960s, its Department of Humanities focused on research and advisory work in developing countries. Against this ... -
Combating corruption: A transparency index for donors?
(Development Today vol. 9 no. 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1999-01-01)For decades the international donor community has turned a blind eye to corruption in developing countries. This attitude appears to have changed. There is now a remarkable consensus among aid organisations on the importance ... -
Dilemmas of fiscal decentralisation: A study of local government taxation in Tanzania
(Forum for Development Studies vol. 27 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2000-01-01)Local taxes represent less than 5 percent of total tax revenues in Tanzania. However, the large number of these taxes, together with their unsatisfactory nature, means that their economic, political and social impacts are ... -
Corruption: A selected and annotated bibliography
(Commissioned Report, Research report, 2000-01-01) -
Will more credit increase interest rates in rural Nepal?
(PDF is a revised version of Department of Economics. University of Bergen. WP-21-2000, Research report, 2000-01-01)We test two alternative models of interest rates determination in informal rural credit markets, using LSMS data from Nepal. We find strong support for a capacity-constrained collusive oligopoly model with full information ... -
Taxation, coercion and donors. Local government tax enforcement in Tanzania
(The Journal of Modern African Studies vol. 39 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001-01-01)This paper presents three propositions about tax collection by local authorities in Tanzania. First, revenue performance depends on the degree of coercion involved in tax enforcement. Reciprocity does not seem to be an ... -
Why people pay taxes: The case of the development levy in Tanzania
(World Development vol. 29 no. 12, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001-01-01)This paper examines factors determining tax compliance behavior in local authorities in Tanzania. The poll tax - locally named "development levy" - is used as case. The study finds support for the hypotheses that tax ... -
The limits of clientelism: Multi-party politics in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Forum for Development Studies vol. 28 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001-01-01) -
Globalisation and the Reinvention of Andean Tradition: The Politics of Community and Ethnicity in Highland Bolivia
(Journal of Peasant Studies vol. 29 no. 3/4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002-01-01)Travelling and working beyond the boundaries of their traditional communities, rural populations in the Andean Highlands have never really fitted with earlier categorizations of peasants as easily definable, harmonious and ... -
Donor roles in face of endemic corruption - Albania in the policy debate
(U4 Report, Report, 2003-01-01) -
Who's helping Who?NGO Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance. With Special Reference to Afghanistan (1985 -2001)
(Doctoral thesis, 2003-01-01) -
Fighting fiscal corruption: Lessons from the Tanzania Revenue Authority
(Public Administration and Development vol. 23 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003-01-01)Over the last decade several African countries have undertaken comprehensive reforms of their tax administration to increase revenue and curb corruption. This paper examines recent experiences in the fight against corruption ... -
Fiscal corruption: A vice or virtue?
(World Development vol. 31 no. 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003-01-01)Recent literature on tax administration in poor countries suggests there are virtues of allowing fiscal corruption. By strengthening the bargaining power of corrupt tax officers, it is argued that tax evasion may be reduced ... -
'Fiscal corruption: a vice or virtue': a reply
(World Development vol. 31 no. 8, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003-01-01) -
The budget as theatre - the formal and informal institutional makins of the budget process in Malawi. Final report
(Research report, 2004-01-01)What can explain the apparent lack of political will to formulate, implement and monitor the budget process and public financial management in accordance with the overall goals of the Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy ... -
Attached Labor in Nepal: A Field-Study of Landlord-Labor Relations that are Misrepresented in the Nepal-LSMS data
(Conference object, 2004-01-01)In the LSMS data for Nepal most agricultural laborers report daily wages, while econometric analysis on the data indicates that, for many villages, the laborers actually have long-term contracts. We have visited some of ... -
Taxation, aid and democracy. Research programme 2000-2003. Final report.
(Research report, 2004-01-01)Taxation, aid and democracy are closely related in poor aid-dependent African countries. The way they tackle the issue of domestic revenue mobilisation significantly influences their potential for economic growth and ... -
What's trust got to do with it? Non-payment of service charges in local authorities in South Africa
(The Journal of Modern African Studies vol. 42 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004-01-01)A major financial problem in many municipalities in South Africa is the inadequate collection of service charges due to widespread non-payment. The prevailing view is that non-compliance is caused by poverty and the existence ... -
Local revenue mobilization in urban settings
(Conference object, 2005-01-01)Paper presented at the Workshop on Local Governance and Poverty Alleviation in Africa, African Development Bank, Tunis, 21-24 June 2005