Browsing Bora-import by Title
Now showing items 285-304 of 434
Post-war reconciliation and democratization: Concepts, goals and lessons learnt
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2000) -
Poverty and development in Tanzania: A discussion note
(Research report, Research report, 2000)This brief discussion note is focusing on major policy issues confronting Tanzania when aiming at a substantial reduction in poverty level over the next decades. The government has high ambitions for creating high quality ... -
Poverty in Mozambique Discourse, Analysis and Monitoring. Suggestions for National Stakeholders and the Donor Community
(Research report, Research report, 2005)This report was prepared for the Norwegian Embassy in Mozambique and NORAD. Its purpose is to advise the Norwegian and other cooperation authorities on how best to support poverty analysis and monitoring in Mozambique, ... -
Poverty reduction strategy processes in Malawi and Zambia
(Research report, Research report, 2004)Malawi and Zambia are poor and heavily indebted countries whose dependence on foreign aid is pronounced. They both qualify for debt relief in terms of the Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) initiative under the auspices ... -
Powerful donors and foreign policy: The role of multilateral financial institutions
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2004)The opportunity for a powerful donor country, such as the United States, to use a multilateral financial institution (MFI) strategically in order to promote its own foreign policy goals has received little attention. The ... -
Precarious peacebuilding: Post-war Lebanon, 1990-2005
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2005)This paper analyses Lebanon’s post-war period (1990–2005) from the perspective of peacebuilding and argues that the country’s precarious attempts at implementing a peacebuilding agenda must be sought internally in the ... -
Profitt eller moral? Ein diskusjon om næringslivsinteresser og menneskerettar
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)Koplinga mellom menneskerettar og næringslivsinteresser har for alvor vorten satt på dagsorden dei siste par åra. I stadig sterkare grad vert det stilt krav til bedriftane om at dei ikkje kan forhalda seg passivt til brot ... -
Promoting defence management and security sector reform in Southern Africa. An assessment of SADSEM's achievements, impacts and future challenges
(Research report, Research report, 2009)SADSEM – the Southern African Defence and Security Management Network – was launched in 2000 as an attempt to enhance democratic governance and the effectiveness of defence and security functions in Southern Africa. The ... -
Promoting investment in small Caribbean states
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2004)This study performs an econometric analysis to determine the main policy levers for investment promotion in the Caribbean. The results provide the following policy advice to Caribbean policy makers seeking to increase ... -
Prospects for Tanzania's Mining Sector
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2000)The success of Tanzania's structural reform efforts will (inter alia) depend on its ability to generate foreign exchange incomes. Mineral exports seem a promising source of such incomes. Tanzania is reportedly well endowed ... -
Protected Marine Reserves as Fisheries Management Tools: A Bioeconomic Analysis
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)This paper develops a dynamic computational bioeconomic model with the objective of assessing protected marine reserves as fisheries management tools. Data on the North East Atlantic cod stock are used to determine the ... -
Protective Strategies in the 1990s: A Review of the Policy Discourses in UNHCR and the Executive Committee. Report prepared under a grant from the Research Programme on Forced Migration, the Research Council of Norway
(Research report, Research report, 1998)The study examines changing policy doctrines for protecting refugees, as reflected in the official documents of UNHCR and its Executive Committee (ExCom) composed of nation states. Collectively, the two bodies determine ... -
PRSP in Tanzania: Do Mkukuta and the CCm Election Manifesto Pull in the same Direction?
(Research report, Research report, 2006)The National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP), or what is more commonly referred to by the Kiswahili acronym Mkukuta, has been in effect since July 2005. It is a key document setting out a broad framework ... -
Rainbow justice and peace building. South Africa 1994-2001
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001) -
Rational Choice and the Problem of Institutions. A discussion of Rational Choice Institutionalism and its Application by Robert Bates
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)The paper discusses and reviews various directions within new institutional economics. A central question of concern is whether theories of institutionalism based within rational choice reasoning provide a theoretical basis ... -
Reconciliation and Democratisation: Outlining the Research Field
(Research report, Research report, 2002)The report presents an overview of institutional strategies to deal with the problem of past atrocities – trials, purges, truth commissions, restorative efforts, reforms, amnesty and amnesia. It discusses the main debates ... -
Regional Dimensions of Norwegian Country Programmes in East Africa
(Research report, Research report, 2006)This study is an assessment of existing Norwegian aid country programmes in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and how they relate to East African regional ambitions, supplemented by information on other donors’ direct support for ... -
Regional variation in livelihood strategies in Malawi
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2009)This is a background paper on livelihood strategies in rural Malawi in general. Livelihood strategies are identified at the household level as a function of assets held, using survey data. Only endowments that are likely ... -
Repayment of Old Loans through New Loans. Is "Cross-Financing" a Problem for the Grameen Bank?
(Research report, Research report, 1997)The study analyses the problem and extent of cross-financing in the Grameen Bank system. The main finding is that cross-financing is rarely a problem. However, survey data indicate that long term borrowers, who generally ... -
Representerer opphavsmerking en konkurransevridende faktor?
(Research report, Research report, 1993)Denne rapporten analyserer i hvilken grad tvungen opphavsmerking for klær representerer en konkurransevridende faktor. Konkurranservidningen består dels i at produkter med samme kvalitet oppnår ulik pris, og dels i at ...