Viser treff 961-980 av 1926

    • La corruption dans le secteur de l'éducation 

      U4 (U4 Issue 2009:10, Research report, 2009-08-24)
      L’étude de U4 sur la Corruption dans le secteur de l’éducation constitue une source d’informations essentielle sur les défis que pose le phénomène de la corruption dans le secteur de l’éducation, dans une perspective de ...
    • Review of and recommendations for Norwegian support to good governance in Pakistan 

      Bauck, Petter; Strand, Arne; Gul, Shirin (Norad Report Discussion 12/2011, Research report, 2011-05-27)
      The report introduces a theoretical framework for analysis, and then discusses how Pakistan and Norway define governance and good governance before moving on to a political economy analysis of Pakistan, complemented by an ...
    • Traditional, but changing, cultural norms: Rural community views on child marriage in Algadaref State, Sudan 

      Nagar, Samia El; al-Jack, Ibtisam; Tønnessen, Liv (CMI Report SWP 2017:4, Research report, 2017-12-01)
      This report investigates child marriage in Algadaref State, located in Sudan’s eastern region. Child marriage is a human rights violation affecting children’s and women’s rights to health, education, equality, ...
    • Making Whistleblower Protection Work: Elements of an Effective Approach 

      Whitton, Howard (U4 Brief 2008:24, Report, 2008-12-15)
      Protection of whistleblowers – individuals who make a principled public interest disclosure of wrongdoing – is now broadly accepted as an essential tool for strengthening accountability and reducing corruption in the public ...
    • The Paradox of Representation in Sudan: Muslim Women's Diverging Agendas 

      Tønnessen, Liv; Kjøstvedt, Hilde Granås (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 1, Report, 2010-02-24)
      The international discourse on gender and peacebuilding presupposes a common agenda among all women across religion, ethnicity and class in any given post-confl ict situation. This brief challenges this position by exploring ...
    • Unfulfilled hopes. The quest for a minimum marriage age in Yemen, 2009–2014 

      Bang, Anne K. (CMI Report R 2016:3, Research report, 2016-05-01)
      The project Women’s Human Rights and Law Reform in the Muslim World seeks to map family and criminal law reforms in the period 1995-2015 in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia ...
    • Sitting on the Fence: Conflicts of Interest and How to Regulate Them 

      Reed, Quentin (U4 Issue 2008:6, Research report, 2008-11-01)
      This paper describes the problem of conflict of interest of public officials and the main ways in which it may be tackled, with particular focus on regulation of elected officials. The paper describes three main types of ...
    • “Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth”. Corporal Punishment of Children in Kibera 

      Tostensen, Arne; Onyango, Philista (CMI Report R 2015:6, Research report, 2015-04-01)
      This report forms part of a larger study titled Advancing the Rights of Children: Assessing the Effectiveness of Transnational Advocacy Networks for Child Rights. Norwegian-Kenyan Civil Society Partnerships Examined. It ...
    • Towards 2014 and beyond: NATO, Afghanistan and the "Heart of Asia" 

      Suhrke, Astri (Noref Policy Brief August 2012, Research report, 2012-09-14)
      Two different and basically conflicting visions of Afghanistan’s post-transition future were discernible by mid-2012. In one, Afghanistan’s security is anchored in an “enduring partnership” with NATO. The U.S. and its ...
    • Roots of fragmentation: The army and regime survival in Syria 

      Selvik, Kjetil (CMI Insight 2014:2, Report, 2014-04-30)
      The Syrian army did not turn on the regime in the face of popular protests, contrary to its Egyptian and Tunisian counterparts. Yet, the Syrian army lost its ability to keep the country together. This CMI Insight focuses ...
    • Exploring the links between UNCAC and the Paris Declaration 

      Hechler, Hannes (U4 Brief 2009:25, Report, 2009-10-20)
      It is acknowledged by donors that the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) should play a central role in country-level dialogue, implementation, and monitoring of anti-corruption work. At the same time, when supporting ...
    • Reality checks in Mozambique. 1st Annual Report - Baseline 

      Tvedten, Inge (Research report, 2011-01-01)
      A series of five “Reality Checks in Mozambique” will take place in the period 2011-2016, focusing on the dynamics of poverty and well-being with a particular focus on good governance, agriculture/climate and energy that ...
    • Development, Ethnicity and Fragmentation: Some dominant Issues in the University Collaboration between Khartoum and Bergen (in Arabic) 

      Ahmed, Abdel Ghaffar M. (Conference object, 2015-09-01)
      The collaboration between the Departments of Anthropology in the University of Khartoum and the University of Bergen has now lasted for over 50 years. Many schools of thought have left their mark on the development of the ...
    • Following the Money: do Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys matter? 

      Sundet, Geir (U4 Issue 2008:8, Research report, 2008-12-12)
      Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys, or PETS, are recognised as an effective tool to improve accountability in public finance and service delivery. A Ugandan success with PETS is one of the most cited anti‑corruption success ...
    • Taking stock of the tax reform process in Angola, and why tax incentives should be avoided 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Jensen, Søren Kirk; Orre, Aslak (Angola Brief vol. 2 no. 1, Report, 2012-06-05)
      Angola is currently implementing a tax reform. The main objective of the reform is to increase non-oil tax revenues by broadening the tax base, rationalize incentives, increase control with voluntary tax payments and fight ...
    • Beyond the code of conduct: Building ethical competence in public officials 

      Whitton, Howard (U4 Brief 2009:19, Report, 2009-09-08)
      Can Codes of Conduct set realistic ethical standards for officials? Can training in ethics and professional standards make any practical difference in the way public officials behave? Can the notions of ‘ethical competence’ ...
    • Rainbow revolution in Latin America: The battle for recognition 

      Gianella-Malca, Camila; Wilson, Bruce (CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 1, Report, 2015-02-01)
      In a surprising turn of events, a “rainbow revolution” has blossomed in Latin America. In spite of the region’s long history of deep-rooted patriarchy, machismo, homophobia, and political and social marginalization of ...
    • How prepared are we to assess real implementation of anti corruption conventions? Lessons from the Americas 

      Peñailillo, Miguel (U4 Issue 2009:3, Research report, 2009-03-31)
      The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) is the latest achievement in a series of international anti corruption treaties. All of them share a common challenge – how to meaningfully assess their implementation. ...
    • Collaboration against corruption?: Multistakeholder groups in natural resource management 

      Søreide, Tina; Truex, Rory (U4 Issue 2011:5, Research report, 2011-06-01)
      Multistakeholder processes – involving representatives from civil society, government and the private sector — are increasingly viewed by donors as a means to promote improved service delivery and operational performance ...
    • Elite Capture of Kabul Bank 

      Strand, Arne (Corruption, Grabbing and Development: Real World Challenges, Chapter, 2014-03-01)
      Afghanistan is entering the most critical period since the overthrow of Taliban back in 2001. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has announced withdrawal of international forces by 2014, and a sharp reduction ...