Viser treff 621-640 av 1926

    • Oljefondets 'second-best' rolle 

      Søreide, Tina (Others, 2012-03-22)
      Statens Pensjonsfond Utland (SPU) investeres for å sikre god avkastning til den norske stat, men har en funksjon utover sitt mandat som finanspolitisk virkemiddel gjennom muligheten til å utelukke selskaper etter en etisk ...
    • Litigating the right to heath in India: Can litigation fix a health system in crisis? 

      Wahi, Namita (CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 4, Report, 2012-05-31)
      There is a healthcare crisis in India. Health indicators are dismal. 25% of the world’s maternal deaths every year, occur in India. 47% of all children in India are underweight. Health rights litigation has highlighted ...
    • Custodians of social peace or contenders in a popularity contest? The Egyptian Armed Forces and Egypt’s Coptic Christians 

      Christiansen, Lars Gunnar (CMI Working Paper WP 2015:4, Working paper, 2015-04-16)
      This report analyses current and past relations between the Egyptian Coptic Christian community and the Egyptian Armed Forces, discussing contemporary events on the backdrop of historical analysis. Based on a thorough ...
    • The Criminalisation of Rape in Pakistan 

      Khan, Shehar Bano; Gul, Shirin (CMI Working Paper WP 2017:08, Working paper, 2017-09-01)
      In Pakistan, the legal recognition of rape as a crime has changed in pace with the dominant narrative on women’s sexuality. The country’s most troublesome categorisation of rape was, unfortunately, introduced under the ...
    • Understanding the Lay of the Land: An Institutional Analysis of Petro-Governance in Tanzania 

      Lee, Bryan; Dupuy, Kendra (CMI Working Paper WP 2016:12, Working paper, 2016-12-01)
      Tanzania has recently discovered large petroleum reserves, boosting its reserve natural resource stocks and potential future revenue flows. What is the likelihood that the country’s petroleum resources will translate into ...
    • A Hawk in Dove’s Feathers: Colombian Civil-Military Relations Under Santos 

      McNeish, John-Andrew (CMI Insight 2015:1, Report, 2015-02-13)
      Colombian president Juan Manual Santos has claimed a new approach to security politics in the violence-ridden South American nation. This Insight reviews Santos’ approach to civil military relations, and suggests that ...
    • Just Faaland – en verdensborger i Bergen 

      Isaksen, Jan; Jansen, Eirik G. (Book, 2017-11-01)
      Denne boken er en hyllest til Just Faaland som døde i februar 2017. Just Faaland bygget opp det som i dag er Chr. Michelsens Institutt i Bergen. Han var leder for avdelingen for utviklingsforskning ved instituttet fra ...
    • Comment assurer le suivi et l'évaluation des agences anti-corruption : Guide à l'usage des agences, des donateurs et des évaluateurs 

      Johnsøn, Jesper; Hechler, Hannes; De Sousa, Luís; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Issue 2012:2, Research report, 2012-05-24)
      Le nombre d’agences anti-corruption (AAC) à travers le monde est en constante augmentation. Pourtant, donateurs internationaux et gouvernements nationaux remettent de plus en plus en question le rôle de ces organismes qui ...
    • Rising Powers and the African Security Landscape 

      Tjønneland, Elling N.; Alden, Chris; van Nieuwkerk, Anthoni; Abdenur, Adriana Erthal; Neto, Danilo Marcondes de Souza (CMI Report R 2014:4, Research report, 2014-11-01)
      The last decade has witnessed a major economic expansion of China, India, Brazil and South Africa in Africa. This has mainly been driven by commercial and corporate interests, but the political profile of these rising ...
    • Country Evaluation Brief: Somalia 

      Manuel, Marcus; Faure, Raphaelle; Mansour-Ille, Dina (Norad Country Evaluation Briefs 3/2017, Research report, 2017-06-01)
      Somalia is one of the world’s poorest countries having suffered from decades of acute political fragility, instability, violent conflict and lack of development. It is also ranked as the most corrupt country by Transparency ...
    • The gendered impact of corruption: Who suffers more? men or women? 

      Boehm, Frédéric; Sierra, Erika (U4 Brief 2015:9, Report, 2015-01-01)
      What supports the claim that corruption causes more suffering for women than men? By distinguishing between indirect victimisation and direct victimisation, it is reasonable to assume women suffer more, and differently, ...
    • A joint response to corruption in Uganda: Donors beginning to bite? 

      de Vibe, Maja (U4 Practice Insight 2012:1, Report, 2012-03-12)
      Given the stagnating trend on corruption in Uganda and the need to consolidate accountability reforms ahead of the inflow of oil revenues, international development partners developed a Joint Response to Corruption in early ...
    • A Different Yardstick: The Gendered Political Discourse in Malawi 

      Lora-Kayambazinthu, Edrinnie; Shame, Edith Kalilombe (CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 5, Report, 2016-04-01)
      The 2014 election campaign in Malawi focussed on gender rather than facts. In this brief we argue that the campaign showed a strong, conservative, culturally driven bias against Banda and other women leaders. the discourse ...
    • Donors and "zero tolerance for corruption": From principle to practice 

      De Simone, Francesco; Taxell, Nils (U4 Brief 2014:2, Report, 2014-02-05)
      Bilateral donors often use “zero tolerance for corruption policies” to signal a tough stance against corruption, but staff often experience a lack of clarity on how to apply these policies in practice. Some multilateral ...
    • Corruption in land administration: Roles for donors to minimise the problem 

      Wren-Lewis, Liam (U4 Brief 2013:1, Report, 2013-03-15)
      Land issues have been rising up the agenda of policy makers due to rapid urbanisation and high food prices. Yet, land administration is one of the most corrupt government activities. How should international donors respond? ...
    • Monitoring aid: Lessons from a natural resources programme in Tanzania 

      Jansen, Eirik (U4 Practice Insight 2009:1, Report, 2009-07-01)
      This Practice Insight describes the Norwegian Embassy’s decision in 2006 to independently evaluate their long-term support to the Management of Natural Resources Programme in Tanzania. A review of several projects suggested ...
    • Not so great expectations: Gas revenue, corruption and willingness to pay tax in Tanzania 

      Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Jahari, Cornel; Mmari, Donald; Sjursen, Ingrid Hoem; Tungodden, Bertil (CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 4, Report, 2016-02-01)
      Huge reservoirs of natural gas have been discovered offshore the southern coast of Tanzania. There are high expectations that exploitation of natural resources will substantially increase Tanzania’s national income. This ...
    • Transparency in Health Programmes 

      Vian, Taryn (U4 Brief 2008:9, Report, 2008-05-02)
      Transparency is an important tool for good governance, helping to expose abusive practices including fraud, patronage, corruption, and other abuses of power. Increasing transparency can also enhance accountability by ...
    • Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Corporations 

      Kolstad, Ivar (CMI Brief, Report, 2007-01-01)
      The question of corporate responsibility in poor and undemocratic countries, has been addressed by a CMI strategic institute programme (SIP) entitled "Business ethics for multinational corporations in developing countries". ...
    • Evaluation of Norway's Support to Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation 

      Jones, Nicola; Tvedten, Inge; Arbulu, Angelica; Pereznieto, Paola; Lindström, Johanna; Norbakk, Mari (Norad Evaluation Report 2/2015, Research report, 2015-06-01)
      Purpose of evaluation: This report evaluates Norway’s support to strengthening women and girls’ rights and gender equality through its development cooperation during the period 2007-2013. It assesses the extent to which ...