Now showing items 1481-1500 of 1927

    • Constatações da Realidade em Moçambique. Relatório Anual 2015. Expressões Quantitativas de Pobreza e Bem-Estar 2011-2015 

      Tvedten, Inge; Tuominen, Minna; Rosario, Carmeliza (Reality Checks Mozambique 2011-2015, Research report, 2016-01-01)
      As Constatações da Realidade em Moçambique são executadas pela ORGUT Consulting (Suécia) em associação com a COWI Lda. (Mozambique) e o Chr. Michelsen Institute (Noruega), ...
    • Constatações da Realidade em Moçambique 2015. Sub-Relatório, Distrito do Lago 

      Tvedten, Inge; Noronha, Nair; José, Barnabé; Putile, Beatri (Reality Checks Mozambique 2011-2015, Research report, 2016-01-01)
      As Constatações da Realidade em Moçambique são implementadas pela ORGUT Consulting (Suécia) em associação com a Cowi Mozambique e o Chr. Michelsen Institute, em nome da Embaixada da Suécia em Maputo. As Constatações da ...
    • Review of Matantala Rural Integrated Enterprise and the community development with traditional leaders programme 

      Jul-Larsen, Eyolf; Munachonga, Monica; Chileche, Priscilla (Norad Report 24/2009, Research report, 2009-09-21)
      The project on Community development with traditional leaders funded by the Norwegian Embassy and implemented by Matantala Rural Integrated Development Enterprise started in December 2006. Its main objectives are to ...
    • Promoting women's rights in Afghanistan: a call for less aid and more politics 

      Wimpelmann, Torunn (NOREF Policy Brief, Research report, 2012-11-01)
      To NATO countries, promoting women’s rights in Afghanistan is often framed as a choice between committing to high levels of aid for gender-related activities and an uncompromising public stance vis-à-vis the Afghan ...
    • Corruption: A selected and annotated bibliography 

      Amundsen, Inge; Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (Commissioned Report, Research report, 2000-01-01)
    • UN peacekeeping in the Congo: When is the job done? 

      Samset, Ingrid (Noref Policy Brief 6, June, Research report, 2010-06-01)
      On 28 May 2010, the United Nations Security Council made a critical decision on the future of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Monuc) – the largest and most costly such operation in ...
    • Evaluation of Swedish government research cooperation with Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique 2011-2016 

      Kruse, Stein-Erik; Tvedten, Inge; Tedre, Matti; Rosário, Carmeliza (Sida Decentralised Evaluation 2017:9, Research report, 2017-01-01)
      This report presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations of an Evaluation of Swedish government research cooperation with Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique. The purpose of this evaluation is to analyse, ...
    • Framed Justice: The Politics of Media for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon 

      Hanafi, Sari; Knudsen, Are John; Flahive, Robert (Arab Journal for Political Science vol. 45-46, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-01)
      [English abstract] The Lebanese media landscape is widely acknowledged to be a battleground for privatized outlets aligned with political elites. Each outlet vies for hegemony in a crowded and competitive marketplace of ...
    • Law in Afghanistan: A Critique of Post-2001 Reconstruction 

      De Lauri, Antonio (Journal of Critical Globalization Studies vol. 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)
      This article provides a critical reflection on the efforts at legal reconstruction initiated in 2001 by the international community and the Afghan government. Its aim is to highlight some of the more controversial factors ...
    • Land, Property Rules and Disputes in Kabul 

      De Lauri, Antonio (Iran Nameh vol. 29(3-4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-01)
    • Introduction 

      Søreide, Tina; Williams, Aled (Corruption, Grabbing and Development: Real World Challenges, Chapter, 2014-03-01)
      There are many reasons why there are differences across the globe in terms of how well opportunities for development and a good life are secured. One of the things we know, however, is that grabbing, and perceived risks ...
    • Autarquias em Angola: Qual o problema do gradualismo? 

      Orre, Aslak Jangård (Others, 2013-10-21)
      Having been promised in the Angolan constitutions for more than two decades, locally elected municipalities with semi-autonomous administration ("autarquias") have not been implemented anywhere in Angola. By 2013, the ...
    • Enhancing Public Service Ethics in Bangladesh: Dilemmas and Deterrents 

      Kim, Pan-Suk; Monem, Mobasser; Baniamin, Hasan Muhammad (Journal article, 2014-05-01)
      There may be many factors that diminish or destroy trust in governmental institutions. However, none may destroy trust easier or faster than unethical behavior or blatant corruption by public officials. Bangladesh is rated ...
    • The role of the churches in poverty reduction in Angola 

      Jensen, Søren Kirk; Pestana, Nelson (Research report, Research report, 2010)
      This study was carried out as a collaborative effort between the Center of Studies and Scientific Research (CEIC) of the Catholic University of Angola (UCAN), the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and Independent Policy ...
    • Kalandula e os CACS. Voz activa ou prestação de contas 

      Orre, Aslak (CMI Working Paper, Working paper, 2009)
      Este relatório pretende apresentar algumas das conclusões do primeiro trabalho de campo no projecto de pesquisa do CMI-CEIC-ADRA sobre os Conselhos de Auscultação e Concertação Social (CACS) em Angola.[1] A pesquisa teve ...
    • Statistical evidence on social and economic exclusion in Nepal 

      Das, Arun K.L.; Hatlebakk, Magnus (Research report, Research report, 2009)
      The discourse on social exclusion in Nepal is very ideological, with some authors considering basically all Nepalis as socially excluded except for male Bahuns of hill origin. This is obviously not very useful for targeted ...
    • Haydom Lutheran Hospital - Final project review 

      Mæstad, Ottar; Mwisongo, Aziza (Research report, Research report, 2009)
      Haydom Lutheran Hospital (HLH) is a first level referral hospital located in Mbulu district, Manyara region in Tanzania. HLH was established by the Norwegian Lutheran Mission in 1955 and is owned by the Evangelical Lutheran ...
    • Rukwa Ruka. The attempt of a foreign donor to uplift a neglected region: A study of the impact of Norwegian aid to Rukwa Region, Tanzania 

      Jerve, Alf Morten; Ntemi, E.J.K. (Research report, Research report, 2009)
      From 1978 to 1996 a close link existed between one of Tanzania’s least developed regions and Norway. Norway provided aid to the tune of 400 million kroner, or about 70 million dollar, with the broad goal of improving the ...
    • Research for improved health worker performance. International Workshop Bergen, Norway, May 2009 

      Mæstad, Ottar (Research report, Research report, 2009)
      Inspired by a vision to build knowledge on how to implement high quality health care in low income contexts, Chr Michelsen Institute (CMI), Health Economics Bergen and the Centre for International Health (CIH) at the ...
    • "If men and women were equal, we would all simply be people". Gender and poverty in northern Mozambique 

      Tvedten, Inge; Paulo, Margarida; Tuominen, Minna (Research report, Research report, 2009)
      This is the second report in the series ‘Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique’. While the first report went through existing quantitative data on the national level, this report focuses on the social ...