Now showing items 1-20 of 447

    • A Different Yardstick: The Gendered Political Discourse in Malawi 

      Lora-Kayambazinthu, Edrinnie; Shame, Edith Kalilombe (CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 5, Report, 2016-04-01)
      The 2014 election campaign in Malawi focussed on gender rather than facts. In this brief we argue that the campaign showed a strong, conservative, culturally driven bias against Banda and other women leaders. the discourse ...
    • A Hawk in Dove’s Feathers: Colombian Civil-Military Relations Under Santos 

      McNeish, John-Andrew (CMI Insight 2015:1, Report, 2015-02-13)
      Colombian president Juan Manual Santos has claimed a new approach to security politics in the violence-ridden South American nation. This Insight reviews Santos’ approach to civil military relations, and suggests that ...
    • A joint response to corruption in Uganda: Donors beginning to bite? 

      de Vibe, Maja (U4 Practice Insight 2012:1, Report, 2012-03-12)
      Given the stagnating trend on corruption in Uganda and the need to consolidate accountability reforms ahead of the inflow of oil revenues, international development partners developed a Joint Response to Corruption in early ...
    • A new conservative social movement? Latin America’s regional strategies to restrict abortion rights 

      Malca, Camila Gianella; Sieder, Rachel; Peñas, Angelica; Machado, Marta Rodriguez de Assis (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 5, Report, 2017-06-01)
      Despite increased evidence of international lobbying groups working to restrict sexual and reproductive health and rights policies at international bodies such as the United Nations, little is known about transnational ...
    • A Promising Experience: Building Peace through Community Development 

      Samset, Ingrid (CMI Brief vol. 6 no. 3, Report, 2007-01-01)
      Mainstream peacebuilding approaches tend to assume that a conflict settlement must be in place before the process of social and economic development can begin. Humanitarian rather than development aid is therefore the norm ...
    • A reforma tributária do sector não petrolífero em Angola: No caminho certo ou a perder o dinamismo? 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Jensen, Søren Kirk; Paulo, Francisco Miguel (Angola Brief vol. 4 no. 4, Report, 2014-04-08)
      Desde 2010, Angola está a implementar uma reforma tributária que visa aumentar as suas receitas fiscais não petrolíferas. Este brief aborda os principais feitos da reforma à partir do segundo semestre de 2012 quanto à ...
    • Access denied. Abortion rights in Latin America 

      Gianella-Malca, Camila; Gloppen, Siri (CMI Brief vol. 13 no. 1, Report, 2014-01-01)
      Millions of Latin American women face serious barriers to their sexual and reproductive rights, and they suffer serious consequences as a result. Latin American countries maintain restrictive abortion laws in spite of ...
    • Achieving Success and Avoiding Failure in Anti-Corruption Commissions: Developing the Role of Donors 

      Williams, Robert; Doig, Alan (U4 Brief 2007:1, Report, 2007-10-05)
      Anti-corruption Commissions (ACCs) have, with one or two exceptions, been a disappointment both to the people of developing countries and to their development partners. As the 2005 UNDP report on institutional anti-corruption ...
    • Acting jointly on behalf of women? The cross-party women’s caucus in Malawi 

      Chiweza, Asiyati; Wang, Vibeke; Maganga, Ann (CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 8, Report, 2016-05-01)
      Despite an increase in the number of countries that have adopted women’s caucuses in sub-Saharan Africa, there is still little empirical knowledge about how they operate and under which conditions they are most effective ...
    • Addressing corruption through sector approaches: Exploring lessons from the Moroccan anticorruption strategy for the health sector 

      Fink, Hady; Hussmann, Karen (U4 Practice Insight 2013:2, Report, 2013-05-28)
      Sector-specific anti-corruption efforts are widely recommended but rarely implemented at the country level. The Moroccan Central Authority for Corruption Prevention opted similar approaches in any sector. Sector-specific ...
    • Addressing CRSV through Truth Commissions in Africa 

      Sekhu, Lesego; Makhathini, Sinqobile; Brankovic, Jasmina (Report, 2024-02-01)
      Based on examples from truth commissions in Africa, the policy brief presents recommendations for enhancing accountability, reparation, and guarantees of non-recurrence for conflict-related sexual violence. Written for ...
    • Afghan Civil Society: Tradition Facing the Future 

      Strand, Arne (CMI Briefs vol. 14 no. 9, Report, 2015-03-01)
      Developing robust civil society organisations (CSOs) is a high priority in countries emerging from conflicts. However, civil society is very diverse, and different organisations might require different development strategies. ...
    • Afghan hydrocarbons: Addressing corruption to fuel development? 

      Strand, Arne; Williams, Aled (U4 Brief 2010 No 7, Report, 2010-09-15)
      Use of Afghanistan’s oil and gas resources, if properly handled, could have considerable spinoff effects for development and reduce dependence on high-cost energy from neighbouring countries. But mistrust between local and ...
    • After the uprising: Including Sudanese youth 

      Aalen, Lovise (Report, 2020-12-01)
      The youth were the backbone of the protests that led to the fall of Sudan’s president Omer al-Bashir in April 2019. Yet, two years after the uprising they are still largely excluded from the political decision-making ...
    • Agricultural development and food Security in Sudan as seen from Kassala State 

      Nour, Samia Mohamed; Mohamedain, Eltayeb (Report, 2020-07-01)
      Any success achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 – zero hunger – relies on sustainable systems for food production and sound agricultural policies. Kassala State in Eastern Sudan is an interesting case for ...
    • Albania’s Special Courts against Corruption and Organised Crime 

      Gunjic, Ivan (U4 Brief 2022:1, Report, 2022-01-01)
      The Special Courts against Corruption were established following a comprehensive reform of the Albanian Constitution in 2016. The most unusual feature of these specialised courts is a review mechanism, not yet operational, ...
    • Albania’s Special Courts against Corruption and Organised Crime 

      Gunjic, Ivan (U4 Brief 2022:1, Report, 2022-01-01)
      The Special Courts against Corruption were established following a comprehensive reform of the Albanian Constitution in 2016. The most unusual feature of these specialised courts is a review mechanism, not yet operational, ...
    • Améliorer la structure ? Réforme institutionnelle et corruption dans le secteur de l'eau 

      de la Harpe, Jean; Butterworth, John (U4 Brief 2011:8, Report, 2011-08-01)
      L’échec du monde à assurer à ses citoyens l’accès à l’eau et à l’assainissement est reconnu comme un problème de gouvernance, et les réformes institutionnelles figurent largement dans les efforts prodigués en faveur d’une ...
    • An ambassador's guide to the United Nations Convention against Corruption 

      Hechler, Hannes (U4 Brief July 2010 special, Report, 2010-12-16)
      This guide provides key information on the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and steps that can be taken to foster its implementation in partner countries.
    • An increasing number of Muslim women in politics: A step towards complementarity, not equality 

      Tønnessen, Liv (CMI Brief no. 2018:3, Report, 2018-05-01)
      The number of Muslim women participating in political decision-making in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) is on the rise. This brief explores how Islamists in Sudan have interpreted complementarity over time and ...