Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Subject "Pakistan"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Anti-corruption policy making in practice: What can be learned for implementing Article 5 of UNCAC? Synthesis report of six country case studies: Georgia, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Zambia
(U4 Report 2007:2, Research report, 2007-01-01)Fighting corruption is a challenge in any context, because corruption has many faces and can occur in different forms across all sectors and institutions of a country. The UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) recognises ... -
Community driven development in fragile contexts
(CMI Report R 2022:2, Research report, 2022-06-01)This review of community driven development discusses the incentive problems that arise when an external agency attempts to involve the local community in the planning and implementation of development projects. -
Democratic Transitions and Gendered Exceptions. Women's rights under fire in KhyberPakthunkwah
(Others, 2010-01-01)Gendering Asia presentasjon -
Does Aid to Institution Development Work? Reflections on Personal Experiences
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)The author has spent dose to ten years as advisor to planning organisations in four developing countries: Pakistan, Kenya, the Sudan and Bangladesh. He raises the question whether the work of the advisory teams resulted ... -
Income-generating Programmes in Pakistan and Malawi: A Comparative Review
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)This paper reviews income-generating programmes in Pakistan and Malawi organised by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). It compares the different strategies chosen by the NRC regarding project design and the creation of ... -
Land dispute and death enmity in a Kohistani mountain village (Pakistan)
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)This paper reconstructs the events that unleashed death enmity between two closely related men. Recounting this complex story from the angle of the contestants challenges simplistic cultural and material explanations of ... -
License to kill: Honour killings in Pakistan
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2004)Pakistan has one of the highest incidences of honour killings in the world. This is a major human rights issue that has received little attention outside of human rights groups and women activist networks. This paper ... -
Mountain protected areas in Northern Pakistan: the case of Khunjerab National Park
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)This paper discusses recent conversation efforts in Northern Pakistan and the relevance of national parks as legal instruments in nature and wildlife conservation. Employing an extensive case study approach the paper ... -
Review of and recommendations for Norwegian support to good governance in Pakistan
(Norad Report Discussion 12/2011, Research report, 2011-05-27)The report introduces a theoretical framework for analysis, and then discusses how Pakistan and Norway define governance and good governance before moving on to a political economy analysis of Pakistan, complemented by an ... -
Review of Norwegian Earthquake Assistance to Pakistan 2005 and 2006
(Research report, Research report, 2006)The massive earthquake that struck northern parts of Pakistan and India on 8 October 2005, led to the loss of more than 75 000 lives, 100 000 were severely injured and 2.8 million were left without shelter. The relief ... -
Review of Right to Play
(Research report, Report, 2006)Right to Play (former Olympic Aid), is an athlete-driven international humanitarian organisation which uses sport and play as a development tool for children and youth. The central delivery method is through international ... -
Specialised anti-corruption courts: A comparative mapping
(U4 Issue 2016:7, Research report, 2016-12-01)Frustration with the capacity of the ordinary machinery of justice to deal adequately with corruption has prompted many countries to develop specialised anti-corruption institutions. While anti-corruption agencies with ... -
The Absence of Freedom
(Journal of Global Slavery vol. 2 no. 1-2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-01)Central and South Asian brick kilns have long attracted the attention of both humanitarian agencies and scholars as sites of slavery-like forms of labor exploitation. They represent both an important case study for ... -
The Criminalisation of Rape in Pakistan
(CMI Working Paper WP 2017:08, Working paper, 2017-09-01)In Pakistan, the legal recognition of rape as a crime has changed in pace with the dominant narrative on women’s sexuality. The country’s most troublesome categorisation of rape was, unfortunately, introduced under the ... -
UN Resolution 16/18 and the Istanbul Process: What has been achieved? A charting of blasphemy trends in Pakistan and Indonesia.
(CMI Report 2022:01, Research report, 2022-01-01) -
Спеціалізовані антикорупційні суди: порівняльний аналіз. Оновлене видання, 2022
(U4 Issue 2023:1, Research report, 2023-03-01)While there are no definitive best practices for specialised anti-corruption courts, existing models and experience provide some guidance to reformers considering the creation of similar institutions. -
Спеціалізовані антикорупційні суди: порівняльний аналіз. Оновлене видання, 2022
(U4 Issue 2023:1, Research report, 2023-03-01)While there are no definitive best practices for specialised anti-corruption courts, existing models and experience provide some guidance to reformers considering the creation of similar institutions. -
Спеціалізовані антикорупційні суди: порівняльний аналіз. Оновлене видання, 2022
(U4 Issue 2023:1, Research report, 2023-03-01)While there are no definitive best practices for specialised anti-corruption courts, existing models and experience provide some guidance to reformers considering the creation of similar institutions.