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Viser treff 21-40 av 1983
Verdensbankens verdensbilde
(Research report, Research report, 1992)Denne studien gir en kort presentasjon av hovedpunktene i Verdensbankens "World Development Reports" for 1990, 1991 og 1992, og drøfter kritisk de mest sentrale problemstillingene i rapportene. Rapportene framstår som ... -
Safeguarding the Right to Asylum
(Working paper, Working paper, 1992)The paper was prepared for a UN Expert Group meeting in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, January 1993, in preparation for the 1994 World Conference on Population and Development. The paper analyzes the challenges which contemporary ... -
Migration, State and Civil Society in Southeast Asia
(Working paper, Working paper, 1992)The paper was prepared for a conference on the impact of international migration on the security and stability of states, which was organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 1991. The analysis focuses ... -
Strengthening Cooperation in Documentation for Development. A Seminar on Networking with Special Emphasis on NGOS. Le Renforcement de la Cooperation en Matiere de Documentation sur le Development. Séminaire sur les différents réseaux et en particulier ceux des organisations non gouvernmentales (ONG) Paris, 3-6 September 1991
(Working paper, Working paper, 1992)Report and papers from the 1991 EADI I & D Working Group seminar. 120 representatives from NGOs international organisations, documentalists and librarians set up task force groups and discussed electronic mail; database ... -
Politics, Administration and Agricultural Development. The Case of Botswana's Accelerated Rainfed Arable Programme
(Research report, Research report, 1992)This is a case study of a large programme for arable faring in Botswana from 1985 to 1990. The focus is upon the organization of the programme. The study seeks to explain why the programme developed into an ineffective and ... -
Politisk liberalisering og økonomisk reform
(Arbeisnotat, Working paper, 1992)Notatet bygger på et foredrag for hovedfagsstudenter i sammenlignende politikk på "Finseseminaret" i februar 1992. Teorier om sammenhengen mellom demokrati og økonomisk liberalisering gjennomgås og diskuteres med referanse ... -
Norwegian Development Aid Evaluations 1980-1989. A Bibliography
(Research report, Research report, 1992)This is the second volume in a bibliographical series on Norwegian development policy and development research in the 1980s. This bibliography registers and covers evaluation studies and project-related pre-feasibility ... -
The Queens' Daughters: Prostitutes as an Outcast Group in Colonial India
(Research report, Research report, 1992)The report historically traces the social construction of the Indian prostitute, which misrepresented and degraded the imagery of an accomplished courtesan and artistic entertainer to the degraded western image of a ... -
Human Rights as International Consensus. The Making of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1945-1948
(Research report, Research report, 1993) -
Hvorfor har militæret fortsatt makten i Burma?
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)This paper seeks to explain why the military has remained in power in Burma after the country-wide uprising for democracy in 1988. It is argued that a theoretical approach has to include a focus on the particular actors ... -
Hva får vi igjen? En statistisk analyse av norske leveranser til det multilaterale bistandsmarkedet
(Research report, Research report, 1993)Omfanget av Norges salg til det bistandsfinansierte markedet blir til tider diskutert, blant annet på grunnlag av landets store bistandsbevilgninger. Denne studien tar sikte på å presentere og analysere tilgjengelig data ... -
Development Planning and the Importance of Democratic Institutions in Botswana
(Research report, Research report, 1993)This study takes an extended look at Botswana, a country which is found to depart from the common pattern of African states and therefore may be considered as something of a special case. By using a state-centred approach, ... -
Individual Choice under Uncertainty
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)The first part of this paper gives an overview of the dominating approach within economic theory on individual decision making under uncertainty or risk - the expected utility (EU) theory. The theory has increasingly been ... -
Determinants of Late Development. A Study of Turkey's Late Industrialisation Attempt until 1946
(Research report, Research report, 1993) -
From Policy Guidelines to Problem Solving. A Critical Assessment of the National Conservation Strategies of Botswana and Zambia
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)This study focuses on the National Conservation Strategies of Botswana and Zambia. The strategies contain detailed elaborations about environmental problems, goals, means and implementation. The implementation of the NCSs ... -
A Hobbled Democracy. The Kenya General Elections 1992
(Research report, Research report, 1993)On 29 December 1992 the first multi-party elections since 1966 were held in Kenya. This report provides a critical assessment of the circumstances surrounding that event. The irregularities and problems encountered in the ... -
Macro-Economic Effects of Development Plan Expenditures. A Framework for Analysis, with Special Reference to Uganda
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)Development plans are mainly concerned with the financial aspects of development projects, while the economic aspects are often neglected. This paper constructs a methodology for converting the information given in development ... -
Human Rights and Development. The Discourse in the Humanities and Social Sciences
(Research report, Research report, 1993)The aim of this study is to review central debates on human rights within the social sciences and humanities with a view to enumerating the present state of knowledge about human rights and development. The central topics ... -
Development Theory: Recent Trends. Proceedings of the NFU Annual Conference 1992
(Research report, Research report, 1993) -
Representerer opphavsmerking en konkurransevridende faktor?
(Research report, Research report, 1993)Denne rapporten analyserer i hvilken grad tvungen opphavsmerking for klær representerer en konkurransevridende faktor. Konkurranservidningen består dels i at produkter med samme kvalitet oppnår ulik pris, og dels i at ...