Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 1983
A Reluctant Warrior. The German Engagement in Afghanistan.
(PRIO Paper, Research report, 2011-01-01)Germany’s engagement in Afghanistan post -9/11 is a milestone in German foreign policy. It is historically significant, as it marks the first deployment of German combat troops outside Europe since World War II. It has ... -
A review of development trends in the energy sector of Bangladesh
(Research report, Research report, 2001)This is the second report under the CMI/NCG contract for strengthening the country-specific knowledge base of NORAD and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This energy review examines the gas and power sectors in ... -
A review of game theoretic models of fishing
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)Game theory is a formal tool for analysing strategic interaction between a finite number of agents. The fact that usually more than one entity or agent has property rights to fishery resources, has led to an explosion in ... -
A review of Ireland Aid's Human Rights and Democratisation Scheme
(Research report, Research report, 2002)In 1997, Ireland Aid (IA) established a Human Rights and Democratisation (HRD) scheme in order to assist projects outside IA’s programme countries. Its broad objective is to assist the development of democratic processes ... -
A selected survey of traditional and evolutionary game theory
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2002)This note reviews the game theoretic literature with the aim of highlighting the similarities and dissimilarities between what we term traditional game theory and evolutionary game theory. The focus is on the contributions ... -
A teoria do "encerramento do Ijtihad" no direito islâmico
(Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais vol. 80, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008-03-01)O postulado da jurisprudência islâmica clássica sobre o “encerramento dos portões do ijtihad”, ou a teoria da abdicação da aplicação do raciocínio ... -
"A woman should not be the boss when a man is present": Gender and poverty in Southern Mozambique
(Research report, Research report, 2010)This is the third and final report in the series “Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique”, revealing a curious incongruity between often broad and sweeping statements about gender inequality and the great ... -
Abortion rights legal mobilization in the Peruvian media, 1990–2015
(Health and Human Rights Journal vol. 19 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-01)State and non-state actors engaged in disputes to expand and limit abortion rights have engaged in legal mobilization—in other words, strategies using rights and law as a central tool for advancing contested political ... -
Abundant in policy, absent in practice? Rethinking 'local ownership'
(CMI Working Paper WP 2013:1, Working paper, 2013-03-06)Local ownership of international statebuilding processes tends to be understood as a quality which is ‘supported’, ‘fostered’, ‘granted’ or ‘stifled’ by foreigners rather than something which is simply taken by the hosts ... -
Acceso a la justicia para las mujeres indígenas en América Latina
(CMI Working Paper WP 2011: 2, Working paper, 2011-02-09)Este informe ofrece un panorama de los desafíos que mujeres indígenas en América Latina enfrentan cuando acceden a la justicia oficial y a los sistemas de justicia indígena. El mismo se enfoca en los marcos normativos, la ... -
Access denied. Abortion rights in Latin America
(CMI Brief vol. 13 no. 1, Report, 2014-01-01)Millions of Latin American women face serious barriers to their sexual and reproductive rights, and they suffer serious consequences as a result. Latin American countries maintain restrictive abortion laws in spite of ... -
Access Regimes and Institutions: The Economic Organisation of the Migrant Popo Fishermen of Pointe-Noire, Congo
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1999)Within Popo society in Pointe Noire, Congo, fishermen seIl their fish to their wives at a price slightly below the local market price. The wives process the fish and re-seIl it in distant markets, making a profit they ... -
Access to Formal Banking and Household Finances: Experimental Evidence from India
(CMI Working Paper WP 2017:1, Working paper, 2017-02-01)Access to formal banking is spreading across the world. Obtaining a bank account may transform how people manage their finances, and affect their savings and consumption. We report from a field experiment that randomly ... -
Access to Justice and Human Rights in Afghanistan
(Journal of Crime, Law and Social Change vol. 60, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)In anthropological and legal literature, the phenomenon termed ‘legal pluralism’ has been interpreted as a co-presence of legal orders which act in relation to their own ‘levels’ of referring ... -
Accountability and taxation: Experimental evidence
(Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization vol. 216, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-01)The Rentier State Hypothesis states that taxation promotes government accountability. The argument is that citizens demand more accountability for spending of tax revenue than for spending of windfall revenue (e.g., natural ... -
Accountability on the Move. The Parliament of Angola
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2005)The Parliament of Angola was established and elected in 1992 in a watershed election that coincided with the peace process in Angola and the democratisation process in much of Africa. There has still been no second election, ... -
Accounting for poverty reduction in Norwegian development aid to Mozambique
(Research report, Research report, 2008)Poverty reduction is the overarching goal of Norwegian development assistance, as expressed in the “Government Plan of Action for Combating Poverty in the South Towards 2015” and other related documents. At the same time, ... -
Achieving Success and Avoiding Failure in Anti-Corruption Commissions: Developing the Role of Donors
(U4 Brief 2007:1, Report, 2007-10-05)Anti-corruption Commissions (ACCs) have, with one or two exceptions, been a disappointment both to the people of developing countries and to their development partners. As the 2005 UNDP report on institutional anti-corruption ... -
Acting jointly on behalf of women? The cross-party women’s caucus in Malawi
(CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 8, Report, 2016-05-01)Despite an increase in the number of countries that have adopted women’s caucuses in sub-Saharan Africa, there is still little empirical knowledge about how they operate and under which conditions they are most effective ... -
Activism from the closet: Fear of a double backlash against a nascent queer movement in Sudan
(Queer lawfare in Africa: Legal strategies in contexts of LGBTIQ+ criminalisation and politicisation, Chapter, 2022-11-01)