Blar i Publications på dokumenttype "Master thesis"
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En skattepolitisk konfrontasjon med skatteparadiser. Det norske Finansdepartementets narrativ om nasjonalpolitisk avmakt i møte med et globalt fenomen 1970-2012
(Master thesis, 2012-09-28)The issue of so-called “tax havens” is controversial and has been on the international political agenda with interest peaking at the G20 meeting of 2 nd April 2009. The phenomenon`s main feature, banking secrecy laws, ... -
Enough food is not enough - Litigation as a strategy to secure the right to food
(Master thesis, 2011-10-28)This thesis aims to investigate the conditions for legal enforcement of the right to food in Guatemala. In recent years there has been an increase in the phenomenon of protecting social rights through the legal opportunity ... -
Hamas in the West Bank. A study of the political position of the West Bank branch between 1987 and 2007
(Master thesis, 2011-02-08) -
Living in a material world: Political funding in electoral authoritarian regimes in Sub-saharan Africa
(Master thesis, 2011-12-08)This thesis investigates the role of political funding in two electoral authoritarian regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa. The issue of political funding has been investigated thoroughly in developed democracies in the West, but ... -
Muligheter og begrensninger for innovasjon med endrede rammebetingelser i instituttsektoren
(Master thesis, 2020-02-01)En studie av hvordan økt kompleksitet påvirker roller, relasjoner og samspill på Chr. Michelsens Institutt 1988 - 2019. -
Poverty dynamics among the Dalits of Tarai
(Master thesis, 2013-11-26)The literature suggests that links between social identity and economic outcomes can induce poverty among groups with low social status. This seems to be true in Nepal where Dalits, the group at the bottom of the caste ... -
Safeguarding borders, or safeguarding queers?
(Master thesis, 2018-08-01)While the political field of immigration is getting increasingly stringent throughout Europe, rights for queer individuals are progressively strengthened in Western parts of the world. These two parallel trends have made ... -
Small Hands Should Play, Not Work: A Theoretical Analysis of Interventions in Child Labor
(Master thesis, 2011-01-01)Twelve hours a day, 7 days a week, there are 150 million children below the age of 15 working to make the clothes we wear, the carpets on our floors and the phones in our pockets. Most of these children do not have a choice: ... -
Strained Fraternity. Identity Formations, Migration and Social Transformation among Sri Lankan Tamils in Tamil Nadu, India
(Master thesis, 2005-01-01)This dissertation deals with the situation of the Sri Lankan refugees who have fled to the Indian State of Tamil Nadu - primarily due to the escalating civil war. Their situation in India has been shaped by a series of ... -
Taming the war machine: Police, pacification and power i Rio de Janeiro
(Master thesis, 2016-01-01)In this thesis I trace the changes in the exercise of Brazilian state power in Rio’s poor communities, or favelas, through an ethnographic exploration of the Pacifying Police Units (UPPs) - allegedly a proximity policing ... -
The Informal Credit Market: A Study of Default and Informal Lending in Nepal
(Master thesis, 2005-01-01)Informal credit markets are still important in developing countries. Despite an increase in supply of formal credit in rural areas, informal lenders remain the dominant source of credit for the poorest households. Improvements ... -
When Neighbours become Killers. Land Redistribution, Ethnicity and Communal Violence in Kibaale District, Uganda
(Master thesis, 2006-01-01)The point of departure is a local incident of ethnic violence in Kibaale District in western Uganda. Very few people were killed, yet it received enormous attention in the media and general public, and the incident was ...