Browsing Publications by Subject "Afghanistan"
Now showing items 1-20 of 91
A Contradictory Mission? NATO from Stabilization to Combat in Afghanistan
(International Peacekeeping vol. 15 no. 2 April, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008-05-01)Between 2001 and 2007, the United States and NATO gradually abandoned the commitment to a light military footprint in Afghanistan, initially adopted to avoid making the same mistakes as the Soviet Union. A heavy footprint, ... -
Access to Justice and Human Rights in Afghanistan
(Journal of Crime, Law and Social Change vol. 60, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)In anthropological and legal literature, the phenomenon termed ‘legal pluralism’ has been interpreted as a co-presence of legal orders which act in relation to their own ‘levels’ of referring ... -
Adultery, rape, and escaping the house: The protection and policing of female sexuality in Afghanistan
(CMI Working Paper WP 2017:9, Working paper, 2017-12-01)This working paper undertakes an initial survey of the dynamics through which the criminalization of female sexuality structures women’s access to protection against rape in Afghanistan, examining both legislation and ... -
Afghan Civil Society: Tradition Facing the Future
(CMI Briefs vol. 14 no. 9, Report, 2015-03-01)Developing robust civil society organisations (CSOs) is a high priority in countries emerging from conflicts. However, civil society is very diverse, and different organisations might require different development strategies. ... -
Afghan hydrocarbons: Addressing corruption to fuel development?
(U4 Brief 2010 No 7, Report, 2010-09-15)Use of Afghanistan’s oil and gas resources, if properly handled, could have considerable spinoff effects for development and reduce dependence on high-cost energy from neighbouring countries. But mistrust between local and ... -
Afghan Migration Patterns
(Conference object, 2016-06-01) -
Afghan perspectives on achieving durable peace
(Peace Brief 94, Research report, 2011-06-15)While momentum in pursuit of a peace settlement for Afghanistan increases, ambiguities remain in the U.S. strategy, and there are questions about the ability of the Afghan government to successfully lead a process and the ... -
Afghanistan og mindreårig migrasjon
(Others, 2017-01-01) -
Afghanistan: folk, konflikt og framtid
(Others, 2013-11-12) -
Afghanistan: Innovative Risk Management Approaches for Local Aid Delivery
(Afghanistan: Opportunity in Crisis Series No. 4, Research report, 2014-05-02)Future stability in Afghanistan depends in part upon continued delivery of development assistance throughout the country, albeit at reduced levels, to meet basic needs. Experience demonstrates that delivery of development ... -
Afghanistan: Situasjon og formidlingsutfordringar
(Others, 2013-01-28) -
Annex 2-4: Norway's contribution to women's participation in peacebuilding A Case Study Analysis from Afghanistan, Colombia and Nordic Women Mediators Network
(Research report, 2022-05-01)The study is part of an evaluation of Norwegian efforts to increase women's participation in peacebuilding between 2000 - 2020 conducted by Norad’s evaluation department. The purpose is to generat e knowledge ... -
Appraisal of extended rule of law project in Faryab, Afghanistan
(Norad Report Discussion 19/2010, Research report, 2010-10-26)As part of the international follow-up of the 2001 military intervention, Norway increased its engagement in Afghanistan4 from the end of 2001. In accordance with the Bonn Agreement, the goal of the engagement was to assist ... -
Armed governance: the case of the CIA-supported Afghan militias
(Small Wars and Insurgency, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-01)This article examines the genealogy and behavior of the CIA militias in Afghanistan against the backdrop of persistent armed governance whereby a plurality of actors competes over control and rule. The nonaccountable use ... -
Assisterte returprogram til Afghanistan, Irakisk Kurdistan, Etiopia og Kosovo. Korleis gjekk det? Ei samanliknande evaluering av verknad og resultat.
(CMI Report R 2016:2, Research report, 2016-05-01) -
Betingelsar for sikkeheit og fred i Afghanistan
(Others, 2015-02-10) -
Between Law and Customs: Normative Interconnections in Kabul’s Tribunals
(Diogenes vol. Vol. 60(3-4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-01)The Afghan normative scenario is composed of customary practices, shari’a principles, laws promulgated by the state and international law. Studies on this arsenal tend to give special attention to the coexistence ... -
Beyond conflictual peacebuilding 1.11.14
(Others, 2014-01-01)The term "conflictual peacebuilding" was used to describe the situation in Afghanistan by the early 2000, now in 2014 is the term revisied and discussed against the actual situation and lacking progress on securing a peace ... -
Boredom and Crisis in the Humanitarian Realm
(Anthropology Today vol. 30(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-01)‘Humanitarian boredom’ produces its own perspective on the world, providing a ‘point of entry’ to the observation of humanitarianism in practice. In this paper, while problematizing both a general ... -
Civil Soeciety in Peacebuilding: What room is there for Diaspora involvement?
(Others, 2012-03-27)