Blar i Publications på emneord "Accountability"
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Armed governance: the case of the CIA-supported Afghan militias
(Small Wars and Insurgency, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-01)This article examines the genealogy and behavior of the CIA militias in Afghanistan against the backdrop of persistent armed governance whereby a plurality of actors competes over control and rule. The nonaccountable use ... -
Civil society monitoring in the health sector. The Partnership for Transparency Fund’s work to ensure clean procurement and quality service provision
(U4 Practice Insight 2022:1, Report, 2022-10-01)For successful engagement with and effective monitoring of the health sector, it is important to select the right partner, work closely with communities and authorities, and consider the most appropriate project design and ... -
Comisiones de la Verdad de Chile: Verdad y Reparaciones como Política de Estado
(CMI Report R 2018:14, Research report, 2018-10-01)Este informe reconstruye la actuación de las dos comisiones de verdad constituidas en Chile para dar cuenta de la responsabilidad estatal en las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas entre 1973 y 1990 durante la ... -
Comisión del Esclarecimiento Histórico: Guatemala, entre la memoria del silencio y el silencio de la memoria
(CMI Report R 2018:13, Research report, 2018-10-01)El Informe Final de la Comisión de Esclarecimiento Histórico de Guatemala, presentado en 1999, dio cuenta de las graves violaciones de Derechos Humanos perpetrados durante tres décadas de conflicto armado interno (1962–1996). ... -
Corruption and wildlife trafficking
(U4 Issue 2015:11, Research report, 2015-06-03)Wildlife trafficking is a growing global concern. It takes place in all regions of the world with those nations with high biodiversity being the source and the consumers of the wildlife as well as transit areas and hubs ... -
Devolutionary delusions? The effect of decentralization on corruption
(CMI Working Paper WP 2014:10, Working paper, 2014-09-01)The effect of government decentralization on corruption is theoretically ambiguous. On the one hand, bringing government closer to the people could increase accountability and reduce corruption. On the other hand, ... -
From Impunity to Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Latin America: Towards an Analytical Framework
(Conference object, 2013-01-01)Why have some countries in Latin America over the last two decades shifted from widespread impunity for past human rights violations to the implementation of various forms of specific accountability measures, while others ... -
La Comisión de la Verdad para El Salvador: Manteniendo la paz a cambio de justicia
(CMI Report R 2018:12, Research report, 2018-10-01)El Informe final de la Comisión de la Verdad para El Salvador, publicado en 1993, tiene por objetivo dar a conocer las causas y hechos del enfrentamiento político-militar entre los gobiernos salvadoreños y el Frente Farabundo ... -
Maximising the efficiency and impact of Supreme Audit Institutions through engagement with other stakeholders
(U4 Issue 2013:9, Research report, 2013-08-01)The effectiveness of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) is not determined solely by resources and capacity levels. A range of other factors is of equal importance, including the accessibility and communication of audit ... -
Participation, representation and taxation: why collect taxes in oil rich Angola
(Conference object, 2011-06-01) -
Responding to the challenges of supreme audit institutions: Can legislatures and civil society help?
(U4 Issue 2009:1, Research report, 2009-02-04)The gaps between approved budgets and the realisation of policy and development goals stand among key governance challenges in many developing countries. Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) play an important role in holding ... -
Sustainability reporting and anti-corruption provisions: unlocking the potential for impact
(U4 Issue 2025:1, Research report, 2025-01-01)Sustainability reporting can reduce corruption and enhance corporate transparency. Development cooperation organisations and sector-wide anti-corruption initiatives provide examples of how this can be done. -
Tackling fraud and corruption in Indonesia’s health insurance system
(U4 Issue 2022:13, Research report, 2022-11-01)Proper assessment, management, and mitigation of fraud and corruption risks is crucial for safeguarding Indonesia’s National Health Insurance programme. -
Taxation and State Building in Developing Countries
(Book, 2008-01-01)Developing countries face new and pressing challenges as they strive to build more effective and accountable public institutions. These difficulties differ from those experienced historically by OECD countries, yet patterns ... -
The tax systems in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia: capacity and constraints
(CMI Report R 2011:3, Research report, 2011-06-01)The purpose of this study is to systematise and analyse existing knowledge of the capacity and constraints of the tax systems in selected African countries, and to advice Norwegian authorities on how this knowledge can be ... -
Transparency as a game changer in the health sector? Insights from ACTUE Colombia
(U4 Practice Insight 2022:2, Report, 2022-10-01)Experience from transparency initiatives for pharmaceutical policy in Colombia show that ‘radical’ transparency is necessary but not sufficient. A set of corruption prevention measures applied together is key ... -
Tuning in to the politics of (anti-)corruption: astute interventions and deeper accountability
(U4 Issue 2022:3, Research report, 2022-03-01)Corruption becomes politicised when the spoils of corruption are used by politicians to maintain and extend their hold on power. Anti-corruption initiatives can also be politicised, meaning they face being weaponised or ... -
When Supreme Audit Institutions engage with civil society: Exploring lessons from the Latin American Transparency Participation and Accountability Initiative
(U4 Practice Insight 2013:5, Report, 2013-12-17)The Transparency, Participation and Accountability Initiative illustrates emerging partnerships between audit institutions and citizens, and highlights the benefits and challenges of a cooperative approach for engaging ...