Browsing Publications by Author "Weimer, Markus"
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Anti-Corruption and the Role of Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations
Weimer, Markus (U4 Brief 2007:12, Report, 2007-10-09)Recent initiatives such as the Global Compact (Principle 10) and the DAC Revised Principles for Donor Action in Anti-Corruption call for proactively engaging the private sector in anticorruption efforts. These are new, ... -
Political Parties and the Upcoming 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola
Amundsen, Inge; Weimer, Markus (CMI Brief vol. 7 no. 4, Report, 2008-09-03)After the civil war ended 6 years ago, and for the first time since 1992, Angola will go to the polls. On 5th September 2008, there will be parliamentary elections, contested by 14 parties and party coalitions. The ...