Browsing Publications by Author "De Lauri,"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Coda: the experience of war beyond exceptionalism
De Lauri,; Antonio (War and Society, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-01)When linked to the context of war, fun can be understood as an expression of both direct and indirect communication, a manner of public engagement as well as a ‘ritual of inversion’ in which the proprieties of structure ... -
Introduction to the special issue. War and Fun: Exploring the Plurality of Experiences and Emotional Articulations of Warfare and Soldiering
De Lauri,; Antonio; Achilli; Luigi; Jelusic; Iva; Johais; Eva; Mogstad; Heidi (War and Society, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-01)In this text, we introduce the Special Issue ‘War and Fun: Exploring the Plurality of Experiences and Emotional Articulations of Warfare and Soldiering’ by highlighting the need to challenge, expand, and reorient ... -
The Humanitarian Theater in the Mediterranean and the Threat of Violence in the Balkans
De Lauri,; Antonio; Brkovic; Carna (Journal of Borderlands Studies, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-01)This article compares the Mediterranean and the Balkan routes of migration into the European Union, exploring the (in)visibility and (un)knowability of the management of European borderlands. It offers a historical overview ...