Browsing Publications by Title
Now showing items 998-1017 of 1547
Political determinants of sustainable development goals
(The Lancet vol. 390 no. 10112, Journal article, 2017-12-01)We read with interest the article by the GBD 2016 SDG Collaborators 1 (Sept 16, p 1423), which presents a comprehensive analysis of the potential gaps and gains in the health-related Sustainable Development Goals ... -
Political economies of corruption in fragile and conflict-affected states: Nuancing the picture
(U4 Brief 2013:4, Report, 2013-09-20)Addressing corruption in fragile and conflict-affected environments is constrained by the risk that reforms can spark violent resistance. Two different political economies of corruption in fragile states – distinguished ... -
Political economy of the mining sector in Ghana
(Policy Research Working Paper WPS5730, Research report, 2011-08-12)With a focus on the institutional set-up and the political environment as central to understanding and rectifying the poor impact of mining on Ghana’s economic development, this paper highlights the vulnerabilities in ... -
Political Finance: State Control and Civil Society Monitoring
(U4 Brief 2008:12, Report, 2008-04-23)Modern politics face the challenge of reconciling the presence of money in politics with the risks it poses to democratic values and good governance. This U4 Brief describes the nature of common risks and challenges, and ... -
Political Parties and the Upcoming 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola
(CMI Brief vol. 7 no. 4, Report, 2008-09-03)After the civil war ended 6 years ago, and for the first time since 1992, Angola will go to the polls. On 5th September 2008, there will be parliamentary elections, contested by 14 parties and party coalitions. The ... -
Political Parties in Bangladesh
(CPD-CMI Working Paper series WP 2014:8, Research report, 2014-09-09)This study provides an overview of the evolution of political parties since the birth of Bangladesh. It analyses and compares the ideology, organisational structure, leadership and support base of four major electoral ... -
Poor revenue forecasting: A major challenge for sound fiscal policy in Angola
(Angola Brief vol. 4 no. 1, Report, 2014-02-01)Fiscal policy is the use of government revenue collection (taxation) and expenditure (spending) to monitor and influence the nation’s economy. A major challenge facing fiscal policy and implementation of the ongoing non-oil ... -
Poorly designed youth employment programmes will boost the insurgency in Mozambique
(CMI Brief no. 2023:2, Report, 2023-05-01)A jihadist group referred to as Al-Shabab has waged a war against the Mozambican state and its allies since 2017, with devastating consequences for the civilian population. The insurgents mostly recruit among local youth, ... -
Porquê cobrar impostos locais em Angola? ... e os desafios de o fazer
(Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 14, Report, 2011-06-03)É necessário um sistema tributário eficaz para implementar e financiar as actuais políticas de governo relativas à diversificação da economia Angolana e para providenciar qualidade nos serviços públicos, aos cidadãos de ... -
Post-Conflict Peace-Building and Socio-Economic Integration Issues in Southwest Kordofan
(Sudan Report SR 2008: 3, Research report, 2008-09-02)This report is the product of desk-work which consists of 50 per cent of the workload, and a truncated field visit for only one week to Northern Lagawa Locality estimated at 25 per cent of the workload. Field activities ... -
Poverty among Sudanese communities along the eastern borders: A case study from the Kassala and Gedarif States
(Sudan Working Paper SWP 2017:2, Working paper, 2017-06-01)The data for this paper was collected through a survey aimed at reviewing the socioeconomic conditions of the communities living along the Sudanese border between Eritrea and Ethiopia. The survey was conducted during ... -
Poverty dynamics among the Dalits of Tarai
(Master thesis, 2013-11-26)The literature suggests that links between social identity and economic outcomes can induce poverty among groups with low social status. This seems to be true in Nepal where Dalits, the group at the bottom of the caste ... -
Poverty dynamics in rural Orissa: Transitions in assets and occupations over generations
(CMI Working Paper WP 2012:11, Working paper, 2012-01-01)We investigate whether historic land distribution determines stagnation or development of Indian villages. The empirical analysis is motivated by the Banerjee and Newman (1993) model of occupational choice and economic ... -
Poverty reduction through microbusiness
(CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 6, Report, 2012-11-23)Microbusiness can be an effective way out of poverty. Returns to capital for microbusinesses in poor rural areas can be so high that people with microbusinesses can double and even triple their capital within a year. Yet, ... -
Power Prevails. The Failure of Whole-of-Government Approaches in Afghanistan.
(PRIO Policy Brief 04/2011, Research report, 2011-01-01)Over the last decade, Afghanistan has served as the testing ground for a range of whole-of-government (WoG) approaches to international intervention in crisis situations. Examining the WoG approaches of four countries – ... -
Practitioners reflections: Making a difference in high corruption and weak governance country environments
(U4 Practice Insight 2011:1, Report, 2011-02-11)Donor agency officials working on development assistance programmes in highly corrupt and weak governance environments face the challenge of making a difference in citizens’ lives. At the same time, they have to manage the ... -
Pre-colonial centralization and tax compliance norms in contemporary Uganda
(WIDER Working Paper 188, Research report, 2021-12-01)The paper examines the legacy of pre-colonial centralization on tax compliance norms of citizens in contemporary Uganda. By combining geo-referenced anthropological data on pre-colonial ethnic homelands with survey data ... -
Pre-colonial centralization and tax compliance norms in contemporary Uganda
(Journal of Institutional Economics vol. 19 no. 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-06-01)The paper examines the legacy of pre-colonial centralization on tax compliance norms of citizens in contemporary Uganda. Using a regression discontinuity analysis on neighboring ethnic homelands with different levels of ... -
Pre-colonial politics affects tax compliance in modern day Uganda
(Others, 2023-11-01)Parts of Uganda that had centralised political systems before colonial rule are more likely to have higher rates of voluntary tax compliance. -
Predicting malaria epidemics in Ethiopia
(Others, 2010-06-01)