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Maybe we should pay tax after all? Citizens' changing views on taxation in local government authorities
(Conference object, 2008-04-22) -
Measuring Private Sector Corruption
(U4 Brief 2007:5, Report, 2007-10-09)How can donors engage effectively with new kinds of corruption - both in their home countries and in developing and emerging economies - and why is it important to act? -
Measuring the effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Agencies
(Research report, 2023-08-01) -
Measuring the performance of health workers
(Health Labor Market Analyses, Chapter, 2016-10-01)The health workforce has received major policy attention over the past decade,driven in part by the need to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and more . -
Mecanismos para presentar denuncias en organismos de salud
(U4 Brief 2014:7, Report, 2014-06-10)Las estrategias para aumentar la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas suelen incluir mecanismos por medio de los cuales los organismos pueden responder a sospechas específicas de corrupción u otras formas de inconformidad. ... -
Media constraints in sub-Saharan Africa
(CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 4, Report, 2010-08-01)”Free and fair” elections depend not only on factors like adequate election management bodies, election transparency and the absence of coercion. For election to be truly free and fair citizens must also have access to ... -
Medical practice on rural Tanzania: Lack of opportunity or lack of motivation?
(Others, 2011-01-01) -
Mellom politikk og statistikk: Globale fellesgoder i utviklingspolitikken
(Research report, 2021-09-01)Alle land og innbyggere er tjent med et stabilt klima og en pandemifri og fredelig verden. Men hvordan kan vi best sikre oss at slike globale fellesgoder opprettholdes og fremskaffes? Hvordan skal man fordele kostnadene, ... -
Message misunderstood: Why raising awareness of corruption can backfire
(U4 Brief 2023:1, Report, 2023-03-01)Research suggests resources spent on raising awareness with anti-corruption messaging may be wasted or even do more harm than good. Anti-corruption messaging must be tested before being rolled out. -
Methods for learning what works and why in anti-corruption: An introduction to evaluation methods for practitioners
(U4 Issue 2013:8, Research report, 2013-08-01)Evaluations of donor-funded anti-corruption reforms and programmes would benefit from upgrading and diversifying the methods used to document effects. Better evaluations in turn would improve the evidence base for the ... -
Micro, small and medium enterprises in Bangladesh: Are they scaling up?
(Others, 2011-11-22) -
Mid-term evaluation of Swedish government funded civil society support through the AGIR II programme in Mozambique 2014-2020
(Sida Decentralised Evaluation 2018:8, Research report, 2018-04-01)This report presents findings, conclusions and recommendations from the Mid-term Evaluation of Swedish government funded Civil Society support through the AGIR II Programme in Mozambique. The Swedish support to civil society ... -
Mid-term Evaluation Report of the National Solidarity Programme (NSP), Afghanistan
(Research report, 2006-01-01)Twenty-five years of conflict has left Afghanistan with a profound need for extensive intervention to address reconstruction and development requirements, particularly in rural areas, many of which were never reached by ... -
(Humanitarianism: Keywords, Chapter, 2020-09-01) -
Migration Forms: What Forms of Migration Can Be Distinguished?
(Introduction to Migration Studies, Chapter, 2022-06-01)This chapter addresses the question: what forms of migration can be distinguished? This topic is closely tied to the issues addressed in the previous chapters, concerning why and how people migrate. Central to the ... -
Military trials in Egypt: 2011-2014
(CMI Insight 2014:10, Report, 2014-12-09)The use of military tribunals to try civilians was one of the issues that made people rise against then Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in 2011. This CMI Insight investigates the extent to which this practice has continued ... -
"Milking the system": Fighting the abuse of public resources for re-election
(U4 Issue 2011:7, Research report, 2011-08-01)Abuse of state resources for re-election damages democracy creating an unlevel playing field that improves re-election chances of incumbents and negatively influencing the quality of government, since diversion of resources ... -
Mining and the Incidence of Malaria in Angola and Ghana
(CMI Insight 2023:3, Report, 2023-10-01)The discovery of natural resources across the African continent has been embraced as a positive and miraculous event, which could bring millions of people out of poverty and enhance the employment and growth levels of the ... -
Missing from the picture: Men imprisoned for ‘moral crimes’ in Afghanistan
(CMI Insight 2018:2, Report, 2018-06-01)Recent years have seen sustained focus on the prosecution of Afghan women and girls for ‘moral crimes’ such as adultery and ‘running away’. However, many Afghan men are also charged with and convicted for moral crimes. ... -
Missing the essentials? Children can be saved if they are more carefully examined
(CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 9, Report, 2011-10-25)Thousands of children die every year from diseases that are easy to diagnose and treat. A study from rural Tanzania shows that health workers usually don’t do those investigations that are required to identify some of ...