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Global Transitional Justice Norms and the Framing of Truth Commissions in the Absence of Transition
(Journal article, 2020-01-01)As global transitional justice norms strengthen, governments face increasingly pressure to enact formal transitional justice mechanisms to resolve domestic conflict. This article examines how Bahrain, Morocco, and Sri Lanka ... -
Globalisation and the Reinvention of Andean Tradition: The Politics of Community and Ethnicity in Highland Bolivia
(Journal of Peasant Studies vol. 29 no. 3/4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002-01-01)Travelling and working beyond the boundaries of their traditional communities, rural populations in the Andean Highlands have never really fitted with earlier categorizations of peasants as easily definable, harmonious and ... -
'Goats eat where they are tied up': illicit and habitual corruption in Mozambique
(Review of African Political Economy vol. 45 no. 158, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-01)The article shows that corruption is structural and omnipresent in Mozambican society, effectively legitimising corrupt practices at all levels. Using an anthropological approach, it argues that small-scale corruption has ... -
Gold and governance: Legal injustices and lost opportunities in Tanzania
(African Affairs vol. 110 no. 439, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-01-01)Following advice from the World Bank, and hoping for economic growth and independence from donors, a number of African countries have opened up opportunities for large-scale mining by foreign investors over the last decade ... -
Good Governance Facades
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:2, Working paper, 2015-02-10)Fashions come and go in the development community. When a policy idea becomes popular, some governments implement a cosmetic variant of the policy. What looks like development, are institutional façades; pretty from the ... -
Good governance for medicines initiatives: Exploring lessons learned
(U4 Issue 2013:3, Research report, 2013-05-13)Corruption in the pharmaceutical system results in wasted resources, limited access to health services and reduced health gains. In this U4 Issue paper, we examine select global initiatives in the area of good governance ... -
Good Governance, Aid Modalities and Poverty Reduction. From Better Theory to Better Practice
(Research report, 2008-02-15)Leaders of the world community have committed themselves to providing development assistance on a scale and in a form that enables developing countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. In 2008, the international ... -
Gouvernance forestière au Congo : le règne de la corruption ?
(U4 Brief 2011:17, Report, 2011-12-07)La gestion innovante des forêts de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) constitue une priorité internationale. Elle est importante pour la promotion du bien-être socio-économique et la protection de la biodiversité ... -
Governance and Fiscal Federalism in Sudan, 1989–2015: Exploring Political and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in an Unstable Polity
(Sudan Report SR 2017:1, Research report, 2017-03-01)This report analyses the implementation and impact of decentralisation in Sudan: To what extent has the efforts to implement decentralisation policies actually devolved power and fiscal resources to sub-national levels, ... -
Governance considerations for the design of REDD+ in Tanzania: The dilemmas of a nested approach
(U4 Issue 2015:14, Research report, 2015-01-01)There are several different options for the design of REDD+ at the national level, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses in terms of feasibility and desirability. Through the example of Tanzania, this U4 Issue ... -
Governance, resource curse and donor
(Others, 2008-10-07)Plan Part 1. Governance What is good governance? Why is it important? How can we measure good governance? Part 2. The resource curse and the importance of governance in resource rich countries Focus on political ... -
Governing (river) sand. Global questions, local approaches, and lessons for Nepal.
(Others, 2023-05-01) -
Governing Petroleum Resources: Prospects and Challenges for Tanzania
(Book, 2019-11-01)Over the last decade, large deposits of natural gas have been discovered off the southern coast of Tanzania. This book analyzes the long-term process of how a country develops the institutions that govern resources, the ... -
Government's role in cluster development for MSEs: Lessons from Ethiopia
(CMI Report R 2012:2, Research report, 2012-09-19)Cluster development programs have become increasingly widespread tools in fostering innovation and growth of a competitive private sector in developing countries, including Ethiopia. As part of the MSE Development Strategy ... -
Grabbing an Election: Abuse of State Resources in the 2011 Elections in Uganda
(Corruption, Grabbing and Development: Real World Challenges, Chapter, 2014-03-01)Elections are an integral part of representative democracies. Well functioning elections contribute to democratic accountability and democratic institutions, which in turn contributes to economic and human development too ... -
Grameen Bank
(Økonomisk Forum vol. 61 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-06-13)Grameen Bank har hatt stor suksess med å nå dei fattigaste med små lån, og vart i fjor premiert med Nobels Fredspris. Denne artikkelen drøftar graden av suksess, med vekt på metodeproblem som følgjer av seleksjon av landsbyar ... -
Grand Corruption in the Regulation of Oil
(U4 Issue 2008:2, Research report, 2008-05-07)This U4 Issue explores the topic of grand corruption in the regulation of oil. It focuses on how and why corruption can distort or prevent efficient regulation of the oil sector. The authors suggest that, though voluntary ... -
Grand designs: Corruption risks in major water infrastructure projects
(U4 Brief 2009:27, Report, 2009-11-01)Multi-million dollar water infrastructure projects carry some of the largest corruption risks in the sector linked to the procurement of civil works and associated design, supply and consultancy services. The potential for ... -
Grandes desigualdades regionais nos serviços de saúde em Angola
(Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 4, Report, 2011-06-05)Um levantamento estatístico das unidades de saúde e agregados familiares em Luanda e Uíge confirmou que grandes desigualdades de acesso persistem entre províncias angolanas, em cuidados básicos de saúde. Também se observam ... -
Grands chantiers : risques de corruption dans les grands projets d' infrastructure hydrauliques
(U4 Brief 2011:12, Report, 2011-12-07)Les projets de développement des infrastructures hydrauliques de plusieurs millions de dollars sont exposés au plus grand risque de corruption dans les domaines des marchés de travaux de génie civil et services de conception, ...