Browsing Publications by Title
Now showing items 456-475 of 1549
Enrolling the local: Community-based anti-corruption efforts and institutional capture
(Report, 2021-02-01)This Brief examines community-based anti-corruption efforts in natural resource management in order to better understand their rationales, potentialities, and challenges—especially complications posed by the intersection ... -
Enseigner l'éthique dans les sociétés fortement corrompues: préoccupations et opportunités
(U4 Brief 2011:7, Report, 2011-08-30)Cette note de synthèse U4 explore les raisons pour lesquelles une approche traditionnelle de l’enseignement de l’éthique n’est pas adaptée aux sociétés fortement corrompues, et met en exergue des éléments clés concernant ... -
Entangled Biographies: Rebuilding a Sasak House
(Ethnos vol. 72 June 2007 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-01-01)The concept of ‘compatibility' has a particular salience in many Indonesian societies. This article examines ‘compatibility' with reference to person-house relationships on the island of Lombok. Examining a case where ... -
Enterprise in the Undergrowth: Exploring the Ways Chinese Companies Operate in the Dja Forest in Cameroon
(African Study Monographs vol. 43, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-12-01) -
Entre loi et coutumes. L'interconnexion normative dans les cours de justice de Kaboul
(Diogène vol. 239-240, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)Le système juridique afghan est formé de pratiques coutumiè-res, de principes de la shari‘a, de lois promulguées par l’État et denormes internationales. Cet arsenal a ... -
Equinors skattemilliarder til Afrika kommer ikke vanlige folk tilgode, mener skatteekspert Odd-Helge Fjeldstad
(Others, 2023-09-01)– Equinor betalte over 32 milliarder kroner i skatt til Algerie, Angola, Libya og Nigeria i 2022. De enorme inntektene fra oljesektoren har imidlertid i liten grad kommet befolkningen til gode, sier Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, ... -
Er diamantene renvasket?
(Others, 2007-01-01)Til tross for Kimberley-prosessen kan diamanter fortsatt bidra til både borgerkriger og barnearbeid. -
Er Kabul trygt for retur?
(Others, 2017-11-01)Noreg har så langt i år returnert over 500 afghanarar til Kabul. Samtidig er tryggleiken forverra i heile landet, og spesielt Kabul har store sivile tap. Stortinget er delt i oppfatninga om ein skal stanse eller halde fram ... -
Espaço Urbano e Pobreza em Maputo, Moçambique
(CMI Brief vol. 12 no. 2, Report, 2013-06-01)Este é o primeiro de uma série de sínteses sobre políticas relacionadas com um projecto de investigação, “A Etnografia de uma Cidade Dividida: Socio-política, Pobreza e Género em Maputo, Moçambique” (2012–2015), financiado ... -
Ethiopia After Meles: Stability for How Long?
(Journal article, 2014-05-01)When Meles Zenawi, the national and ruling party leader for 21 years, died in August 2012, most observers predicted that Ethiopia would be thrown into an uncertain transition and put in great danger by destructive internal ... -
Ethiopian state support to insurgency in Southern Sudan from 1962 to 1983: local, regional and global connections
(Journal of Eastern African Studies vol. 8 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-09-01)During the 1960s and 1970s, the Government of Ethiopia supplied Southern Sudanese insurgents with arms, training and political support. This support has been explained as retribution for Sudanese aid to Eritrean rebels ... -
Ethnic and Fiscal Federalism in Nepal
(Research report, 2008-07-24)Nepal is in the process of making a democratic federal republic. We hope to contribute to the discussions of ethnic and fiscal federalism based on experiences from other countries. Our main conclusions are: The new ... -
European Parliament hearing on "Costs of corruption in developing countries"
(Conference object, 2015-07-22) -
Evaluating anti-corruption interventions: The state of practice
(U4 Issue 2024:04, Research report, 2024-06-01)Introducing a new framework for assessing the quality of evaluations in anti-corruption interventions, revealing widespread issues and providing fresh insights into evaluation practices. -
Evaluation of agreement between Norwegian Church Aid and Norad for financial support to Haydom Lutheran Hospital
(CMI Report R 2018:9, Research report, 2018-05-01)Executive summary Haydom Lutheran Hospital (HLH) opened in 1955. HLH is owned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT), Mbulu Synod, but for decades, HLH has relied primarily on financial support from the ... -
Evaluation of Norad’s use of knowledge in portfolio management
(Evaluation Report 4/2024, Research report, 2024-09-01)A few years ago, Norad published its strategy towards 2030 and was reorganised to better fit its responsibility for managing an increasing share of Norwegian development aid. The strategy stressed the importance of using ... -
Evaluation of Norway's Support to Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation
(Norad Evaluation Report 2/2015, Research report, 2015-06-01)Purpose of evaluation: This report evaluates Norway’s support to strengthening women and girls’ rights and gender equality through its development cooperation during the period 2007-2013. It assesses the extent to which ... -
Evaluation of Norway's Support to Women's Rights and Gender Equality. Mozambique Case Study Report
(Norad Evaluation Report 2/2015 Annex 7, Research report, 2015-06-01)Purpose of evaluation: This report is the Mozambique case study report for the evaluation of Norway’s support to strengthening women and girls’ rights and gender equality through its development cooperation ... -
Evaluation of Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative Support to Civil Society
(Evaluation Report 1/2024, Research report, 2024-04-01)The Evaluation Department at Norad, in collaboration with CMI and Vista Analyse, has conducted an evaluation of the Norwegian International Climate and Forest Initiative's support to civil society. The purpose of this ... -
Evaluation of Norwegian aid engagement in the Sahel
(Evaluation Reports 1/2023, Research report, 2023-10-01)This is the report commissioned by Norad's Department for Evaluation evaluating Norway's development aid support to the Sahel in the 2016-2022 period. Norway has been engaged in the Sahel region in Africa since the 1970s ...