Browsing Publications by Title
Now showing items 356-375 of 1547
Deforestation in Peru: Confronting the informal practices, state capture, and collusion
(U4 Brief 2024:5, Report, 2024-04-01)Greater transparency and accountability of elected officials, as well as enhanced environmental management, is crucial to meeting the challenges faced by those who wish to protect the Amazon. -
Delivering quality health services for children - implementation challenges
(Others, 2011-01-01) -
Demand for second-stage land certification in Ethiopia: Evidence from household panel data
(Land Use Policy vol. 41, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-11-01)Ethiopia has implemented one of the largest, fastest and least expensive land registration and certification reforms in Africa. While there is evidence that this ‘first-stage’ land registration has had positive effects in ... -
Democracy matters more than ever: Democracy assistance after the entrance of the "Emerging Southern Powers" in sub-Saharan Africa
(CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 5, Report, 2011-08-26)Over the last ten years the new “Emerging Southern Powers” – China, India, Brazil and South Africa – have increased their economic and political engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa. They have introduced new ideas and development ... -
Democracy's shortcomings in anti-corruption
(CMI Working Paper WP 2012:10, Working paper, 2012-12-01)Citizens of countries with a corrupt political leadership are trapped in a situation, typically characterized by increasing income differences, human rights violations, dysfunctional democracy, limited press freedom, weak ... -
Democratic Transitions and Gendered Exceptions. Women's rights under fire in KhyberPakthunkwah
(Others, 2010-01-01)Gendering Asia presentasjon -
Democratisation's Third Wave and the Challenges of Democratic Deepening: Assessing International Democracy Assistance and Lessons Learned
(ODI Working Papers 1, Research report, 2007-10-10)This study focuses on democratisation and democracy assistance in the developing world. It provides an overview of the democratisation processes that have swept across the developing world since the 1980s and explores some ... -
Democratizing Islam and Islamizing democracy: An inquiry into Hasan al-Turabi's conception of Shura in light of Western democratic theory
(Nordic Journal of Human Rights vol. 27 no. 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-08-01)This article explores Hasan al-Turabi’s conception of democracy with particular focus on the role and rights of non-Muslims. This is done through a qualitative analysis of his writings as well as semi-structured ... -
Demokratiassistanse i Afrika
(Others, 2011-11-01)Kurs i "Demokratiassistanse og demokratisering", Senter for etter- og videreutdanning (SEVU), Universitetet i Bergen. 11. november 2011 -
DERAP's first 25 years. The history of the Development Action and Research Programme at Chr. Michelsen Institute
(Book, 1995-05-01)Chr. Michelsen Institute is an independent research institute that was established in 1930. By the early 1960s, its Department of Humanities focused on research and advisory work in developing countries. Against this ... -
Derechos Humanos y Justicia en América Latina en la Agenda Académica Noruega
(Pensamiento Social Noruego sobre América Latina, Chapter, 2015-10-01) -
Desenvolver as infra-estruturas em Angola: Qual o papel da SADC?
(CMI Working Paper WP 2011:3, Working paper, 2011-12-05)As infra-estruturas continuam a ser um dos focos principais da SADC, nos seus esforços de fazer progredir a cooperação regional na África Austral. O desenvolvimento de infra-estruturas em Angola é também uma prioridade ... -
Developing a Sustainable Phd Programme: Experiences from Southern Ethiopia
(Sharing Knowledge, Transforming Societies: The Norhed Programme 2013-2020, Chapter, 2019-10-01) -
Developing an NGO corruption risk management system: Considerations for donors
(U4 Issue 2011:9, Research report, 2011-09-26)Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are often on the front line of aid delivery, managing a significant proportion of aid funds. The risk of corruption in NGO operations is therefore a significant concern. Yet so far, ... -
Developing Angola's infrastructure: What is SADC's role?
(CMI Working Paper WP 2011:3, Working paper, 2011-06-03)Infrastructure has remained a main focus for SADC in its efforts to advance regional cooperation in Southern Africa. Development of Angola’s infrastructure is also a key priority for the Angolan government in the reconstruction ... -
Development success in perspective: A political economy of REDD+ and corruption in Vietnam
(U4 Issue 2016:1, Research report, 2016-01-01)Vietnam has become a key target for donor REDD+ investments. It has been estimated that the forest and climate scheme could generate an annual income of between USD 80-100 million, roughly half of the country?s annual ... -
Development, Ethnicity and Fragmentation: Some dominant Issues in the University Collaboration between Khartoum and Bergen (in Arabic)
(Conference object, 2015-09-01)The collaboration between the Departments of Anthropology in the University of Khartoum and the University of Bergen has now lasted for over 50 years. Many schools of thought have left their mark on the development of the ... -
Devolutionary delusions? The effect of decentralization on corruption
(CMI Working Paper WP 2014:10, Working paper, 2014-09-01)The effect of government decentralization on corruption is theoretically ambiguous. On the one hand, bringing government closer to the people could increase accountability and reduce corruption. On the other hand, ... -
Dez Desafios na Construção Pública. Estudo CEIC-CMI: Transparência no Sector Público
(Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 20, Report, 2011-11-30)Ninguém questiona as necessidades de Angola em infra-estrutura e habitação. E, em comparação com muitos outros países da região, os níveis de investimento do país em actividades de construção são impressionantes. O que ... -
Dietary patterns and their association with cardiovascular risk factors in Ethiopia: A community-based cross-sectional study
(Frontiers in Nutrition vol. 10, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-03-01)Purpose: To identify the dietary patterns, and their association with cardiovascular risk factors among adult people in Wolaita, southern Ethiopia. Methods: A total of 2483 participants aged 25-64 years were selected ...