Browsing Publications by Title
Now showing items 207-226 of 1541
Climate adaptation interventions in smallholder agriculture
(Research report, 2024-06-01)This evidence review assesses various climate adaptation interventions aimed at enhancing the resilience and sustainability of smallholder agriculture. It evaluates the effectiveness of technological, informational, and ... -
Cluster Development Programs in Ethiopia: Evidence and Policy Implications
(Research report, 2015-01-01) -
Co-morbid anaemia and stunting among children 2–5 years old in southern Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study
(BMJ Paediatrics Open, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-06-01)Background In Ethiopia, 38% of children less than 5 years of age are stunted and 57% are anaemic. Both have a negative impact later in life on physical growth and cognitive development and often coexist. There ... -
COAR Strategic Plan 2023-2027
(Research report, 2023-01-01)Afghans have experienced conflicts and wars since 1979, and was in 2022 rankes as the world's 3rd most fragile country. A severe humanitarian crusis and limitations on basic rights poses severe challenges for the population. ... -
Coda: the experience of war beyond exceptionalism
(War and Society, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-01)When linked to the context of war, fun can be understood as an expression of both direct and indirect communication, a manner of public engagement as well as a ‘ritual of inversion’ in which the proprieties of ... -
Collaboration against corruption?: Multistakeholder groups in natural resource management
(U4 Issue 2011:5, Research report, 2011-06-01)Multistakeholder processes – involving representatives from civil society, government and the private sector — are increasingly viewed by donors as a means to promote improved service delivery and operational performance ... -
Collective donor responses: Barking or biting?
(U4 Brief 2014:4, Report, 2014-03-25)In 2006, the OECD Development Assistance Committee Ministers of Development expressed a desire to move towards more effective collective responses to corruption. However, donors have continued to struggle with responding ... -
Collective donor responses: Examining donor responses to corruption cases in Afghanistan, Tanzania and Zambia
(U4 Report 2013:1, Research report, 2013-11-04)In 2006, the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Ministers of Development expressed a desire to move towards more effective collective responses to corruption. A policy and follow up reports were developed, and ... -
Colonial legacy, state-building and the salience of ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:16, Working paper, 2015-01-01)Ethnicity has received increased attention in studies of Africa's economic and institutional development. We present evidence on the long-term effects of Britain's "divide-and-rule" colonial strategy that deliberately ... -
Combate a la corrupción en la educación: Promoción de las prácticas responsables mediante el monitoreo de presupuestos
(U4 Brief 2009:8, Report, 2009-07-14)El monitoreo de presupuestos en el sector de la educación, ejecutado por la sociedad civil, es un método eficaz para lograr la rendición de cuentas del gobierno al ciudadano y brindar una luz sobre la corrupción en el ... -
Combating Corruption in the Revenue Service: The Case of VAT Refunds in Bolivia
(U4 Brief 2008:14, Report, 2008-05-21)A recent and relatively successful anti-corruption strategy on value added tax refunds conducted in Bolivia, applied a process flow approach that appears to be powerful in preventing corruption in tax administration. This ... -
Combating corruption: A transparency index for donors?
(Development Today vol. 9 no. 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1999-01-01)For decades the international donor community has turned a blind eye to corruption in developing countries. This attitude appears to have changed. There is now a remarkable consensus among aid organisations on the importance ... -
Combating illicit financial flows and related corruption in Africa: Towards a more integrated and effective approach
(U4 Issue 2011:12, Research report, 2011-10-01)The relationship between anti-money laundering and anti-corruption strategies is a key issue for developing countries. Corruption and money laundering cannot be effectively addressed solely by the specialised agencies ... -
Combatir la corrupción con estrategias sectoriales: Lecciones de la estrategia anticorrupción para el sector salud de Marruecos
(U4 Practice Insight 2014:1, Report, 2014-06-20)Los esfuerzos anticorrupci ó n espec í ficamente sectoriales son ampliamente recomendados, pero pocas veces implementados a nivel nacional. La Autoridad Central para la Prevenci ó n de la Corrupci ó n de Marruecos ... -
Combattre la corruption dans les pays riches en pétrole: Le rôle de la transparence
(U4 Brief 2009:21, Report, 2009-10-14)La corruption constitue un véritable fléau dans de nombreux pays riches en pétrole et autres ressources naturelles. Elle est en grande partie responsable du faible développement socio‑économique de ces pays. Depuis peu, ... -
Combining long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying for malaria prevention in Ethiopia: a cluster randomized controlled trial
(Conference object, 2017-11-01)Background Long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) are effective tools to prevent malaria, but the effectiveness of combining the two are not yet fully understood. This study compared ... -
Combining Transnational Living and National Welfare
(Research report, 2018-01-01)People can be transnationally mobile while receiving national social security benefits. Transnationally mobile people entitled to Norwegian social security benefits include both foreigners and Norwegians. They regularly ... -
Comisiones de la Verdad de Chile: Verdad y Reparaciones como Política de Estado
(CMI Report R 2018:14, Research report, 2018-10-01)Este informe reconstruye la actuación de las dos comisiones de verdad constituidas en Chile para dar cuenta de la responsabilidad estatal en las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas entre 1973 y 1990 durante la ... -
Comisiones de la verdad y reformas del sector seguridad y defensa en América Latina
(Journal article, 2020-03-01)El presente artículo pretende examinar la formulación y medir el nivel de implementación de las recomendaciones de la Comisión de la Verdad respecto a las ff. aa. y cuerpos de seguridad. A su ... -
Comisión del Esclarecimiento Histórico: Guatemala, entre la memoria del silencio y el silencio de la memoria
(CMI Report R 2018:13, Research report, 2018-10-01)El Informe Final de la Comisión de Esclarecimiento Histórico de Guatemala, presentado en 1999, dio cuenta de las graves violaciones de Derechos Humanos perpetrados durante tres décadas de conflicto armado interno (1962–1996). ...