Now showing items 1035-1054 of 1547

    • Projectos de Construção Pública - Angola. Necessidade de fortificar as barreiras contra a corrupção 

      Søreide, Tina (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 6, Report, 2011-06-05)
      Entre o início de 2002 e 2009, o governo Angolano investiu cerca de 30,4 mil milhões de dólares americanos em novas infra-estruturas, hospitais, escolas e outros projectos de construção pública. Estes investimentos têm ...
    • Promising but disputed: is Blockchain the answer to fraud and corruption in education? 

      Aarvik, Per (Others, 2021-04-01)
      The promise of a technology delivering trust in trust-less environments, of immutability, security, traceability and transparency, has attracted many different industries to investigate blockchain as a tool to prevent fraud ...
    • Promoting women's economic empowerment through business trainings 

      Asri, Viola (Research report, 2024-05-01)
      This evidence review explores the effectiveness of business training programs in promoting women's economic empowerment, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. By synthesizing various studies, the review assesses ...
    • Promoting women's rights in Afghanistan: a call for less aid and more politics 

      Wimpelmann, Torunn (NOREF Policy Brief, Research report, 2012-11-01)
      To NATO countries, promoting women’s rights in Afghanistan is often framed as a choice between committing to high levels of aid for gender-related activities and an uncompromising public stance vis-à-vis the Afghan ...
    • Property owners’ knowledge and attitudes towards property taxation in Tanzania 

      Ali, Merima; Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Katera, Lucas (CMI Insight 2018:01, Report, 2018-08-01)
      Property taxation (PT) is high on the political agenda in Tanzania and considered a cornerstone of the Government’s efforts to strengthen broad based direct taxation. Because it is visible to taxpayers, and in principle ...
    • Property Taxation in Developing Countries 

      Ali, Merima; Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Katera, Lucas (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 1, Report, 2017-03-01)
      Property tax (PT) raises on average revenues of less than 1% of GDP in developing countries. In many African countries it contributes far less than 0.5%. Following such low contribution, there is a growing eagerness among ...
    • "Prosecute and Punish" 

      Skaar, Elin (Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice (Second Edition), Chapter, 2023-08-01)
      The Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice remains the premier reference tool that presents the state of the art in the field of reckoning with the legacy of past gross human rights abuses. Almost 200 scholars and practitioners ...
    • Prospects for peace in a petro-state: Gas extraction and participation in violence in Tanzania 

      Stølan, Andreas; Engebretsen, Benjamin; Berge, Lars Ivar Oppedal; Somville, Vincent; Jahari, Cornel; Dupuy, Kendra (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 10, Report, 2017-12-01)
      Significant petroleum discoveries in Tanzania have shaped the country’s political discourse in recent years, with politicians promising to turn this newfound resource wealth into rapid economic growth and poverty reduction. ...
    • Protected tax havens: Cornering the market through international reform? 

      Kolstad, Ivar (CMI Working Paper WP 2017:7, Working paper, 2017-10-01)
      Since the year 2000, an international reform process has been underway to reduce the negative impacts of tax havens. This paper analyzes whether the reform period has favoured protected tax havens, i.e. havens with strong ...
    • Protection of Civilians – Norway in the Security Council 

      De Lauri, Edited by Antonio; Turunen, Salla; Suhrke, Astri; Jumbert, Maria Gabrielsen; Lidén, Kristoffer; Karlsrud, John (CMI Report R 2021:01, Research report, 2021-02-01)
      This report summarizes a policy seminar organized by the Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies in December 2020. It briefly points out some of the key challenges and opportunities for Norway in the Security Council in ...
    • Protection of civilians: Why they die in US strikes 

      Suhrke, Astri (CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 7, Report, 2015-01-01)
      Read online The US military strike that devastated the MSF hospital in Kunduz in northern Afghanistan on 3 October generated profound, if short-lived, outrage in much of the world. The US government promised an ...
    • Protection paradoxes 

      Strand, Arne (Paradoxes of Protection NCHS webinar 25.10.2021, Research report, 2021-10-01)
    • Provincial variations and entrepreneurialism in the development of China’s Distant Water Fisheries (2011–2020) 

      Zhou, Hang (Marine Policy vol. 147, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-01)
      This study rescales the current state-centric understanding of the development of China’s distant water fishing (DWF) and explores the instrumental role of Chinese provinces in actualizing and shaping this development. ...
    • Proxy indicators for the corrupt misuse of corporations 

      Fazekas, Mihály; Tóth, Bence (U4 Brief 2017:6, Report, 2017-10-01)
      Winners of the U4 Proxy Challenge 2016 We need more imaginative ways of addressing corruption. It is important to generate indicators that development agencies can use. U4 and DFID developed a proxy challenge competition ...
    • Public Anthropology in Changing Times 

      Borofsky, Robert; De Lauri, Antonio (Public Anthropologist vol. 1 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-01)
      Public anthropology is a collective aspiration shaped by generally shared values and intentions within significant sections of social and cultural anthropology. The impetus behind the creation of the journal Public ...
    • Public Anthropology in the Digital Era 

      De Lauri, Antonio; Sandvik, Kristin (The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Chapter, 2021-12-01)
      The public anthropologist grapples with not one but many overlapping digital transformations, which influence how anthropologists access, produce, and disseminate knowledge. The digital turn reshapes the social fields with ...
    • Public construction projects - Angola. A need to fortify the barriers against corruption 

      Søreide, Tina (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 5, Report, 2011-06-05)
      Between early 2002 and 2009 the Angolan government invested around $30.4 billion in new infrastructure, hospitals, schools and other public construction projects. These investments have been extraordinarily large against ...
    • Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys: Lessons from Tanzania 

      Sundet, Geir (U4 Brief 2007:14, Report, 2007-11-01)
      Whereas the successful application of PETS in Uganda has received and continues to receive a lot of attention, less has been written about the experiences of PETS elsewhere. The Tanzanian experience clearly shows that PETS ...
    • Public Sector Reform: What Works and Why? 

      Webb, S.; Casanegra, M.; Evans, A.; Fjeldstad, O.-H.; Isaksen, J.; Funke, I.; Webb, R.; Wescott, C. (IEG Evaluation Report, Research report, 2008-05-24)
      The main objective of this evaluation by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) is to help the World Bank learn how to contribute more effectively to public sector reform (PSR) in its member countries. The intended audience ...
    • Questioning the Secular-Religious Cleavage in Palestinian Politics: Comparing Fatah and Hamas 

      Løvlie, Frode (Politics and Religion vol. 7 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-01)
      Following the 2007 war between Fatah and Hamas, Palestinian politics appears to have followed the regional trend where the competition between secularism and Islamism is developing into a major political cleavage. Through ...