NGOs in Conflict - an Evaluation of International Alert
This report is an evaluation of International Alert (IA), a London-based international NGO which works to prevent and resolve conflict through fieldwork and advocacy activities in different parts of the world. The report argues that IA’s main achievements have been (a) to inspire the entry of NGOs into the area of conflict resolution, and (b) to contribute to the development of local peace constituencies in different countries. While IA’s fields programme in Burundi is being commended, a number of critical comments are made regarding IA interventions in Sri Lanka and Sierra Leone. Based on their findings, the evaluators advise against IA defining mediation as its particular niche. Recommendations are being made regarding areas which are important for IA to consider when developing a strategic plan for the future.
Gunnar M. Sørbø is the Director of Chr. Michelsen InstituteJoanna Macrae is a Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute, LondonLennart Wohlgemuth is the Director of Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala
Chr. Michelsen InstituteSeries
Research reportR 1997: 6