Browsing Bora-import by Subject "Nepal"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Cultural cooperation with Nepal
(Research report, Research report, 2009)This report is a mid-term review of Norway’s support to the cultural sector in Nepal. Norwegian support has focused on the following areas: theatre production, music education, institutional capacity building, and documentation ... -
Explaining Maoist control and level of civil conflict in Nepal
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2009)Does poverty or inequality explain the Maoist insurgency in Nepal? In contrast to previous studies we limit the analysis to the hill/mountain districts of Nepal as very few terai (plains) districts are classified as Maoist. ... -
Hvordan gjøre gode ting bedre? Norske bedrifters CSR aktiviteter i utviklingsland
(Research report, Research report, 2008)Norske bedrifter opererer i en rekke utviklingsland, hvor problemer med fattigdom, dårlig styresett og brudd på menneskerettigheter ofte er store. Når man går inn i denne typen land, stilles man overfor store utfordringer ... -
Is Bonded Labor Voluntary? A Framework against Forced Work
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)UN estimate that 20 million are held in bonded labor. Several economic analyses assert that bonded laborers accept these contracts voluntarily, which could imply that a ban would make such laborers worse off. We question ... -
Is Bonded Labor Voluntary? Evidence from the Liberation of the Kamaiyas in the Far-Western Region of Nepal
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)The UN estimates that 20 million are held in bonded labor. Several economic analyses assert that bonded laborers accept these contracts voluntarily, which could imply that a ban would make such laborers worse off. We ... -
Liberated Bonded Laborers: Are They Better Off? Welfare and Efficiency Implications of an Agricultural Reform in Western Terai, Nepal
(Research report, Research report, 2007-10-22)This report investigates the welfare effects for bonded laborers (kamaiyas) in Western Terai of a ban on permanent labor contracts in July 2000. The ban was credibly enforced and within a short time the number of bonded ... -
Research on corruption in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Uganda. What, who and where?
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)This report provides an overview of corruption-related literature from five of Norway's priority partner countries in the developing world; i.e. Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Uganda. Both published and unpublished ... -
Review of the Nepal Human Rights Yearbook 1993-2002
(Research report, Research report, 2003)NORAD has been supporting the Nepal Human Rights Yearbook for a decade, from the pilot issue in 1992 and up to present date. The Yearbook has over the entire period been published by the Informal Sector Service Center ... -
The Effects on Agrarian Contracts of a Governmental Intervention into Bonded Labor in the Western Terai of Nepal
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)We study an effective intervention into a specific form of bonded labor. The intervention led to a shift in agrarian contracts, from bonded labor to sharecropping. By comparing the pre- and post-liberation contracts we ... -
The impact of wealth and female autonomy on fertility decisions in Nepal: An econometric analysis
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2010)Over the last fifteen years, the fertility rate in Nepal has declined significantly. In the same period, the country has, despite political unrest and a civil war, experienced economic growth. In contrast with its neighboring ... -
UN support for peacebuilding: Nepal as the exceptional case
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2009)In the annals of UN peace operations, the mission in Nepal (UNMIN) appears as an exceptional case. Most peace support operations today are multidimensional – covering the security sector, political transition, relief and ...