Browsing Bora-import by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 434
Beyond cultural relativism? Tim Ingold's "ontology of dwelling"
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)Tim Ingold has emerged as perhaps the most interesting theoretician of Man-Environment relations. This essay traces the intellectual history of the study of environmental perceptions and Ingolds rejection of the notion ... -
Beyond the surge: Policy options for Afghanistan
(Research report, Research report, 2009)The surge in the US presence in Afghanistan, announced by President Barack Obama soon after taking office, is unfolding rapidly. What does this ‘surge’ signify? Is it a commitment to achieve what Obama calls ‘the achievable ... -
Bistand og næringsutvikling. Noen kommentarer til St. meld. nr. 19 (1995-96)
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)St. meld. nr. 19 (1995-96) tar til orde for en sterkere binding av bistandsmidlene til norske eksportleveranser og norske investeringer i u-land. Meldingen tar videre til orde for at bistandssamarbeidet skal utvides til ... -
Boikott til hvilken pris? Barns situasjon i Irak og Burundi. Rapport for Redd Barna
(Research report, Research report, 1998)This report, commissioned by Save the Children, Norway, discusses the impact of international sanctions on children's situation in Iraq and Burundi. The report recognises that sanctions raise the ethical question of whether ... -
Botswana - 30 years of economic growth, democracy and aid: Is there a connection?
(Research report, Research report, 1996)This report has been commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an input to a proposed study on the impact of aid on Botswana. The report is based on a review of literature focusing on the development of ... -
Bribes, taxes and regulations: Business constraints for micro enterprises in Tanzania
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)This paper analyses the business environment for micro enterprises in Tanzania based on survey data. The primary objective of the study is to identify major constraints facing the firms’ business operations. Taxation, ... -
Bridging Research and Development Assistance. A Review of Danish Research Networks
(Research report, Research report, 2006)Danida has provided financial support to research networks with a view to creating better synergies between research and policy/operations. Six networks were reviewed in the fields of health; poultry; agriculture; governance, ... -
Budget, State and People. Budget Process, Civil Society and Transparency in Angola
(Research report, Research report, 2007)This study discerns several deficiencies in the budget process in Angola. The government’s budget proposal is not publicly debated, no pre-budget paper is prepared, comparisons between budgeted expenditure and actual ... -
Building capacity for development and food security in Malawi. Mid-term review fo the Bunda College Capacity Building Programme (BCDP)
(Research report, Research report, 2009)This report presents the findings of a mid-term review Phase III of the Bunda College Capacity Building Programme (BCDP) in Malawi. The efforts during the previous phases are bearing fruit. Bunda College of Agriculture has ... -
Bureaucratic Complexity and Impacts of Corruption in Utilities
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2008)This paper explores how the relationship between bureaucratic complexity and corruption affects the performance in utilities. We observe considerable variation in the performance of the utilities across countries, also ... -
Business Corruption, Uncertainty and Risk Aversion
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)The presence of business-corruption in a market provokes firms to make choices between legal business approaches and illegal bribery. The outcome of a chosen strategy will usually be uncertain at the time the decision is ... -
Can national identity be built on local democracy?
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)In Ethiopia, with 85 % of the population in agriculture, most of them illiterate, democratisation has to work against adverse experience: Peasants can refer back to democratic traditions on local level. But their experience ... -
Cannibalism and the optimal sharing of the North-East Atlantic cod stock: A computation model
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)This paper shows how intra-stock relations, such as cannibalism and growth enhancement, define the optimal sharing of a fish resource between heterogeneous harve sting agents. The sharing of resources between different ... -
Caste, local networks and lucrative jobs: Evidence from rural Nepal
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2010)We study how local connections to persons in influential positions affect access to lucrative international migrant jobs and attractive government employment. In rural Nepal, it would not be surprising if social status, ... -
China in Africa. Implications for Norwegian Foreign and Development Policies
(Research report, Research report, 2006)China’s development will affect the history of the twenty-first century, and perhaps nowhere more importantly than in Africa. The emergence of China introduces new opportunities for Africa, new challenges and new imponderables ... -
Civil Society in Angola: Inroads, Space and Accountability
(Research report, Research report, 2006)Civil society is inherently weak in Angola, and the political and societal space for civil society is limited. Angolan authorities have not fully accepted civil society’s voice, watchdog and control functions, and the legal ... -
Civil Society in Tanzania
(Research report, Research report, 2000)There has been a tremendous growth in non-governmental organisations in Tanzania over the last decades, and with the many reforms presently taking place, the civil society is expected to play a central role in both service ... -
Clientelist Politics. State formation and corruption in Palestine 1994-2000
(Research report, Research report, 2002)The state formation process in Palestine started after the Oslo agreements between Israel and Palestine in 1994, which established a Palestinian quasi-state. The process came, however, to an almost complete halt with the ... -
CMI and Bangladesh: 40 years of collaboration and institutional capacity building
(Research report, Research report, 1997)The report reviews CMI's experience of technical assistance and institutional collaboration in Bangladesh, from the involvement of individual staff members working as experts in Pakistan in the late 1950s to the formal ... -
CMI Bibliography 1965-1995
(Research report, Research report, 1996)This is a bibliography listing the works of researchers at Chr. Michelsen Institute during the period 1965-1995. It aims to cover all publications with the exception of artic1es in newspapers. Hilde Brekke is currently ...