Browsing Bora-import by Title
Now showing items 202-221 of 434
Kan vi kjøpe mer fra våre samarbeidsland? Hvem vet hva og hvordan?
(Research report, Research report, 2002)This report explores the potential for increasing imports to Norway from its main development partners. The analysis is based on three main indicators: i) a trade intensity index (commodities which the development partners ... -
Keep on talking! Review of the Nansen dialogue network in the western Balkans
(Research report, Research report, 2008)The review considered whether NDN activities have contributed to improved ethnic relations and to sustainable peace and reconciliation in the Western Balkans by promoting inter-ethnic dialogue. The review found that NDN ... -
Kenya Constitutional Documents: A Comparative Analysis
(Research report, Research report, 2006)This study compares the three constitutional documents listed below that were the subject of debate in Kenya’s constitutional reform process in 2005: 1. The Constitution of Kenya (the present constitution with amendments ... -
Kingship in Uganda. The Role of the Uganda Kingdom in Ugandan Politics
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)This article aims at providing a framework to understand the role of the Buganda kingdom in contemporary Ugandan politics, and more specifically how the Buganda question has influenced political debates in Uganda since its ... -
Kjønns- og likestillingsrettet utviklingssamarbeid. Kartlegging av kompetansemiljø i Norge
(CMI Working Paper, Working paper, 2008)Denne rapporten ble skrevet vinteren 2006/2007 som innspill til NORAD/UDs kartlegging av nasjonal kompetanse på kjønn og likestillingsspørsmål i utviklings-sammenheng. Gjennomgangen viser at det er personer med kompetanse ... -
Korrumperer korrupsjon? En dynamisk analyse av korrupsjonsnivå
(Research report, Research report, 2000)In this study dynamic analysis is applied to model changes in the level of corruption in institutions. An existing static model of corruption is evaluated and developed to incorporate dynamics. The numerical simulation ... -
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)Corruption is an ancient phenomenon, which has attracted increasing attention in recent years. This does not least reflect the growing awareness of the magnitude of the phenomenon. The primary concern of this paper is to ... -
Korrupsjon. En studie av skatteadministrasjonen i Tanzania
(Research report, Research report, 1998)The primary concern of this study is to discuss the role of various economic factors in explaining the causes, consequences and scope of fiscal corruption in Tanzania. The emphasis is on how the incentive structure within ... -
Kriterier for fordeling av nødhjelpsmidler - en analyse av norske private organisasjoner
(Research report, Research report, 1997)The report focuses on criteria for allocation of humanitarian assistance. It analyses major Norwegian NGOs (Norwegian Red Cross, Norwegian People's Aid, Norwegian Church Aid, Norwegian Refugee Council and Save the Children ... -
"Kvinner i utvikling" i Gambia. Nye kjønnsrelasjoner med hjelp fra Verdensbanken?
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 1992)I artikkelen diskuteres sannsynligheten for at jordbruks- og helsekomponenten i et stort, nylig igangsatt prosjekt, Kvinner i utvikling i Gambia, skal kunne imøtekomme kvinners kjønnsrelaterte behov. Artikkelen konkluderer ... -
Land dispute and death enmity in a Kohistani mountain village (Pakistan)
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)This paper reconstructs the events that unleashed death enmity between two closely related men. Recounting this complex story from the angle of the contestants challenges simplistic cultural and material explanations of ... -
Land Reforms and Land Degradation in Tanzania: Alternative Economic Approaches
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1995)This paper uses as a point of departure the extensive soil erosion problems in the highland area of Western Tanzania. The first part of the paper focuses on the ongoing debate on land reforms in Tanzania, particularly the ... -
Land tenure and mining in Tanzania
(Research report, Research report, 2008)Tanzania is a relatively new mining country, and mining has become a hotly debated issue in the country. There is a feeling among both local people and human rights advocacy groups that the government has betrayed ordinary ... -
Learning to build a sustainable peace: Ownership and everyday peacebuilding
(Research report, Research report, 2010)Lack of local ownership is seen as a central explanation for why peacebuilding efforts often fail to yield sustainable peace dividends. But how is local ownership understood and acted upon by those who are engaged in ... -
Liberalization of Trade in Producer Services - the Impact on Developing Countries
(Research report, Research report, 1999)This paper analyzes the impact of liberalization of trade in producer services, focusing on financial services, telecommunications and transport. The likely effects on developing countries is that they will become net ... -
Liberalization of trade in services and choice of technology in the Norwegian petroleum sector
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2000)The petroleum sector is a service-intensive industry. The quality, price and availability of services are therefore important for the productivity level in the petroleum sector. This paper analyzes how intermediate inputs ... -
Liberated Bonded Laborers: Are They Better Off? Welfare and Efficiency Implications of an Agricultural Reform in Western Terai, Nepal
(Research report, Research report, 2007-10-22)This report investigates the welfare effects for bonded laborers (kamaiyas) in Western Terai of a ban on permanent labor contracts in July 2000. The ban was credibly enforced and within a short time the number of bonded ... -
License to kill: Honour killings in Pakistan
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2004)Pakistan has one of the highest incidences of honour killings in the world. This is a major human rights issue that has received little attention outside of human rights groups and women activist networks. This paper ... -
Living in the Commons: Local Institutions for Natural Resource Management
(Research report, Research report, 1995)Garett Hardin' s essay "The Tragedy of the Commons" has for almost three decades stimulated research on common property regimes. This report provides an overview of this research and reviews a selection of empirical and ... -
Local entrepreneurs, networks and linkages to the global economy in Southeast Asia and Africa
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1999)This paper was originally prepared for the United Nations University/African Economic Research Consortium Conference on Asia and Africa in the Global Economy, Tokyo, August 2-3, 1998. It was revised in the stimulating ...