Viser treff 681-700 av 1926

    • The voice of China in Africa: media, communication technologies and image-building 

      Jiang, Fei; Li, Shubo; Rønning, Helge; Tjønneland, Elling N. (Chinese Journal of Communication vol. 9 no. March 2016, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03-01)
      There is a fascination with the increasing economic and political importance of China in the global economy, in international politics, and in African affairs. China’s rapid economic expansion in Africa, together with ...
    • Diversification of the Angolan economy 

      da Rocha, Alves; Santos, Regina; Bonfim, Luís; Paulo, Francisco Miguel; Kolstad, Ivar; Wiig, Arne (CMI Insight 2014:5, Report, 2014-09-01)
      Angola has the second most concentrated economy in the world, oil representing more than 97 per cent of its exports in 2011. Concentration has increased since independence in 1975, and since the end of the civil war in ...
    • Why go back? Assisted return from Norway 

      Brekke, Jan-Paul (Rapport 2015:08 08, Research report, 2016-01-01)
      This report discusses factors that influence voluntary assisted return of third-country nationals from Norway. It is based on statistical information and interviews with civil servants/NGO-representatives and employees at ...
    • Extractive sectors and illicit financial flows: What role for revenue governance initiatives? 

      Le Billon, Philippe (U4 Issue 2011:13, Research report, 2011-11-18)
      Countries highly dependent on natural resources are among the most severely affected by the problem of illicit financial flows. Despite a lack of definite studies proving the correlation between higher dependency on natural ...
    • Mixed incentives: Adopting ICT innovations for transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption 

      Davies, Tim; Fumega, Silvana (U4 Issue 2014:4, Research report, 2014-06-17)
      Governments adopt anti-corruption-related ICT innovations for many reasons. Different motivations for adopting these technologies shape the way they are put into practice and the anti-corruption impacts they may have. ICT ...
    • Inclusive growth in Nepal 

      Hatlebakk, Magnus (Research report, 2008-06-22)
      We present the development of poverty rates for different castes and ethnic groups of Nepal, and find a strong relation between social exclusion, as defined by the caste system, and economic poverty. We go on to present ...
    • Specialised anti-corruption courts: Uganda 

      Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Brief 2016:5, Report, 2016-07-01)
      The Uganda High Court has an Anti-Corruption Division (ACD) with original jurisdiction over all corruption and related cases. The main rationale for its establishment was the speedier resolution of corruption cases, and ...
    • Economic and social structures that may explain the recent conflicts in the Terai of Nepal 

      Hatlebakk, Magnus (Research report, 2007-01-01)
      We attempt to explain the present ethnic-based conflict in the Terai of Nepal by deeper social and economic structures. Based on previous research on the village economies of Terai we describe the main socio-economic ...
    • Improving the framework? Institutional reform and corruption in the water sector 

      de la Harpe, Jean; Butterworth, John (U4 Brief 2009:28, Report, 2009-11-19)
      It has been recognised that the world’s failure to provide many of its citizens with access to water and sanitation is an issue of governance, and institutional reforms have been a constant feature in the drive for better ...
    • The extractive industries transparency initiative: Impact, effectiveness, and where next for expanding natural resource governance? 

      Acosta, Andres Mejia (U4 Brief 2014:6, Report, 2014-05-14)
      The last decade has witnessed a proliferation of initiatives to improve the governance of the extractives sector. Starting with the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme in 2003 and continuing with the Global Witness/Publish ...
    • Ten challenges in public construction. CEIC-CMI public sector transparency study 

      Søreide, Tina; da Rocha, Alves; Santos, Regina; Costa, António; Pestana, Nelson (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 19, Report, 2011-11-30)
      Nobody questions Angola’s need for infrastructure and housing – and compared to many other countries in the region, the level and outputs of the country’s investment in construction activities are impressive. What we ...
    • One man, one bribe? The effect of democracy on corruption 

      Wiig, Arne; Kolstad, Ivar (CMI Brief vol. 13 no. 3, Report, 2014-04-22)
      Quantitative studies show that democracy reduces corruption. This implies that building a well-functioning democracy should remain part of an anti-corruption approach. This policy brief takes a critical look at the evidence ...
    • Chasing kleptocrats' loot: Narrowing the effectiveness gap 

      Sharman, Jason (U4 Issue 2012:4, Research report, 2012-08-15)
      International measures to counter the laundering of looted wealth have not had a significant impact, despite their apparent strength. Evidence, including an original case study of Papua New Guinea, suggests that only a ...
    • Monitoring judicial integrity: Lessons for implementation of UNCAC Article 11 

      Armytage, Livingston (U4 Issue 2009:12, Research report, 2009-10-15)
      This U4 Issue Paper translates lessons related to monitoring judicial reform to the specific requirements of UNCAC Article 11. Taking the Paris Declaration’s requirement to monitor for development results as a starting ...
    • Within-group heterogeneity and group dynamics: Analyzing exit of microcredit groups in Angola 

      Kolstad, Ivar; Pires, Armando J. Garcia; Wiig, Arne (CMI Working Paper WP 2015:3, Working paper, 2015-03-01)
      The effect of within-group heterogeneity on the survival of social groups is theoretically ambiguous. A greater diversity of ideas, experience, and networks can have a positive effect on members’ benefits from group ...
    • The Financial Action Task Force: An introduction 

      Borlini, Leonardo (U4 Brief 2015:5, Report, 2015-01-01)
      The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is a Paris-based intergovernmental organization that was founded with the objective of promoting effective implementation of laws, regulations, and other measures for combating money ...
    • Tools and strategies for corruption prevention 

      Amundsen, Inge (Others, 2011-11-16)
      Presentation at a Workshop for Journalists (from Iraq), hosted by the Iraq Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (IEITI), at hotel Holiday Inn Sharjah, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
    • Norwegian Research on Human Rights and Justice in Latin America 

      Skaar, Elin; Garcia-Godos, Jemima (Norwegian Social Thought on Latin America, Chapter, 2016-08-01)
    • Myopic preferences or subsistence income? Why do rickshaw cyclists rent the cycle? 

      Hatlebakk, Magnus (CMI Working Paper WP 2012:1, Working paper, 2012-01-27)
      One year rent is sufficient to buy a rickshaw in the plains of Nepal, while a rickshaw will last many years, so purchase appears very profitable. Still most cyclists rent the rickshaw. Based on choices made by rickshaw ...
    • Strong regional inequalities in health service delivery in Angola 

      Mæstad, Ottar; Frøystad, Mona; Villamil, Nohra (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 3, Report, 2011-06-05)
      A statistical survey of health facilities and households in Luanda and Uíge has confirmed that strong inequalities persist between provinces in the availability of basic health services. Large differences are observed also ...