Viser treff 1881-1900 av 1927

    • PRSP in Tanzania: Do Mkukuta and the CCm Election Manifesto Pull in the same Direction? 

      Selbervik, Hilde (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      The National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP), or what is more commonly referred to by the Kiswahili acronym Mkukuta, has been in effect since July 2005. It is a key document setting out a broad framework ...
    • Parliamentary-Executive Relations in Malawi 1994-2004 

      Patel, Nandini; Tostensen, Arne (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      This article addresses the relationship between the legislative and executive branches of government in Malawi during the multi-party era from 1994 until 2004. The argument is threefold. First, the presidential nature of ...
    • Bridging Research and Development Assistance. A Review of Danish Research Networks 

      Tostensen, Arne (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      Danida has provided financial support to research networks with a view to creating better synergies between research and policy/operations. Six networks were reviewed in the fields of health; poultry; agriculture; governance, ...
    • The Effects on Agrarian Contracts of a Governmental Intervention into Bonded Labor in the Western Terai of Nepal 

      Hatlebakk, Magnus (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      We study an effective intervention into a specific form of bonded labor. The intervention led to a shift in agrarian contracts, from bonded labor to sharecropping. By comparing the pre- and post-liberation contracts we ...
    • FLYKTNINGEKONVENSJONEN ARTIKKEL 1 C-F. Folkerettslig og komparativ studie av eksklusjons- og opphørsgrunnene 

      Einarsen, Terje; Skaar, Elin; Vevstad, Vigdis (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      Public faith in the asylum system is based, among other things, on whether authorities involved in the asylum process are able to distinguish ordinary refugees from asylum-seekers who have committed crimes against humanity ...
    • China in Africa. Implications for Norwegian Foreign and Development Policies 

      Tjønneland, Elling N.; Brandtzæg, Bjørn; Kolås, Åshild; Le Pere, Garth (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      China’s development will affect the history of the twenty-first century, and perhaps nowhere more importantly than in Africa. The emergence of China introduces new opportunities for Africa, new challenges and new imponderables ...
    • Nordic Exeptionalism in Development Assistance? Aid Policies and the Major Donors: The Nordic Countries 

      Selbervik, Hilde; Nygaard, Knut (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      The Nordic countries are often praised for their efforts in development assistance and commended for their generosity. Over the last few decades the Nordic countries and the Netherlands have consistently been among the ...
    • The Aid Agencies and the Fragile States Agenda 

      Wimpelmann, Torunn (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      In recent years, a consensus appears to have emerged that a variety of problems can be understood in terms of state failure. This paper reviews one aspect of this trend, the concept of fragile states that has recently been ...
    • Of Oranges and Bananas: The 2005 Kenya Referendum on the Constitution 

      Andreassen, Bård Anders; Tostensen, Arne (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      On 21 November 2005, a referendum on a proposed new constitution was held in Kenya, which was conducted in a peaceful and orderly manner. The poll represented the will of the Kenyan people through a process and a vote that ...
    • Is Bonded Labor Voluntary? A Framework against Forced Work 

      Villanger, Espen (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      UN estimate that 20 million are held in bonded labor. Several economic analyses assert that bonded laborers accept these contracts voluntarily, which could imply that a ban would make such laborers worse off. We question ...
    • Kenya Constitutional Documents: A Comparative Analysis 

      Chitere, Preston; Chweya, Ludeki; Masya, Japhet; Tostensen, Arne; Waiganjo, Kamotho (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      This study compares the three constitutional documents listed below that were the subject of debate in Kenya’s constitutional reform process in 2005: 1. The Constitution of Kenya (the present constitution with amendments ...
    • Civil Society in Angola: Inroads, Space and Accountability 

      Amundsen, Inge; Abreu, Cesaltina (Research report, Research report, 2006)
      Civil society is inherently weak in Angola, and the political and societal space for civil society is limited. Angolan authorities have not fully accepted civil society’s voice, watchdog and control functions, and the legal ...
    • Towards Multiparty System in Uganda: The Effect on Female Representation in Politics 

      Hanssen, Kari Nordstoga (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      Scholars, politicians and women activists today share a concern for the limited representation of women in different political bodies. Statistics comparing female representation in sub-Saharan African legislatures suggest ...
    • Local Revenue Mobilization in Urban Settings in Africa 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      The growth of Africa’s towns and cities has outpaced local authority capacity in terms of management, infrastructure, and financing. Many African towns and cities are now facing a governance crisis. Accordingly, the ...
    • Review of Right to Play 

      Lange, Siri; Haugsjå, Sigmund (Research report, Report, 2006)
      Right to Play (former Olympic Aid), is an athlete-driven international humanitarian organisation which uses sport and play as a development tool for children and youth. The central delivery method is through international ...
    • Bribes, taxes and regulations: Business constraints for micro enterprises in Tanzania 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Kolstad, Ivar; Nygaard, Knut (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)
      This paper analyses the business environment for micro enterprises in Tanzania based on survey data. The primary objective of the study is to identify major constraints facing the firms’ business operations. Taxation, ...
    • Taxation and State-Building: Poor Countries in a Globalised World 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Moore, Mick (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2007)
      How far has the recent global wave of tax reform contributed to state building in poorer countries? Our conclusion mirrors other general globalisation arguments: there are good things to report, but worrying problems in ...
    • Will International Trade Reduce Poverty? A Background Note to Norad 

      Wiig, Arne; Tøndel, Line; Villanger, Espen; Mæstad, Ottar (Research report, Research report, 2007)
      NORAD is currently developing a trade strategy towards developing countries. This background note presents a review of the current literature and empirical findings on the relationship between trade, growth and poverty ...
    • Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the Re-introduction of a Multiparty System in Uganda 

      Makara, Sabiti; Rakner, Lise; Svåsand, Lars (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2007)
      This article addresses the process behind the National Resistance Movement’s (NRM) decision to open for a reintroduction of multiparty politics. Why would a political movement that had been in power for two decades expose ...
    • Democratization of a Dependent State: The Case of Afghanistan 

      Suhrke, Astri (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2007)
      The post-Taliban democratic reforms in Afghanistan were in part a recreation of the past. Afghanistan has had six constitutions between 1923 and 1990, and most provided for national assemblies and elections in one form or ...