Viser treff 1741-1760 av 1927

    • Angola 2000/2001. Key Development Issues and the Role of NGOs 

      Tvedten, Inge (Research report, Research report, 2001)
      This is the second report on Angola under the Country Advisor Agreement between the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and Nordic Consulting Group (NCG). The report ...
    • FDI and industrialisation. Why technology transfer and new industrial structures may accelerate economic development 

      Søreide, Tina (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      Countries within a region often experience a similar rate of industrial development. Do foreign direct investments have any influence on this aspect of industrialisation? This paper describes how technology transfer and ...
    • Environmental, social and economic problems in the Borkena plain, Ethiopia 

      Balcha, Berhanu Gutema (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      People in Borkena in Ethiopia suffer from a complex interplay of environmental degradation, increasing shortage of land due to population growth, conflicts between different ethnic and religious identities, and social ...
    • Fiscal corruption: A vice or a virtue? 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Tungodden, Bertil (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      Recent literature on tax administration in poor countries suggests that inducing more fiscal corruption may contribute to reducing tax evasion and increasing tax revenues. But does such an intriguing paradox justify policies ...
    • From Global Village to Urban Globe. Urbanisation and Poverty in Africa: Implications for Norwegian Aid Policy 

      Kamete, Amin Y.; Tostensen, Arne; Tvedten, Inge (Research report, Research report, 2001)
      Some 52 per cent of Africa’s population are expected to live in towns and cities by 2025. There is generally an unequivocal correlation between urbanisation and economic development and growth, but in Africa this appears ...
    • A review of Ireland Aid's Human Rights and Democratisation Scheme 

      Sørbø, Gunnar M.; Skaar, Elin; Stokke, Hugo (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      In 1997, Ireland Aid (IA) established a Human Rights and Democratisation (HRD) scheme in order to assist projects outside IA’s programme countries. Its broad objective is to assist the development of democratic processes ...
    • Between Oslo and al-Aqsa. Taxation and state formation in Palestine 1994-2000 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Zagha, Adel (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      The state formation process in Palestine during the period 1994-2000, in contrast to the European experience, was not related to inter-state war but to insurgency against and negotiation with Israeli occupation. This ...
    • Institutions, mobility and resilience in the Fante migratory fisheries of West Africa 

      Overå, Ragnhild (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      The fishery of the Fante town Moree in Ghana and its network of migrants in West Africa is here understood as a social field, whose institutions are key to an understanding of fisher people’s livelihood strategies. By ...
    • Palestinian Islamist movements: An annotated bibliography 

      Bangstad, Sindre (CMI report, Research report, 2002)
      This report consists of two parts. Part one gives an overview of the Islamist movements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The second part is a select bibliography of the main academic works in English on these ...
    • Humanitarian Challenges in Afghanistan: Administrative Structures and Gender and Assistance 

      Strand, Arne; Ask, Karin; Harpviken, Kristian Berg (Research report, Research report, 2001)
      The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has rapidly deteriorated over the last months, as the conflict between the Taliban and the international community has intensified. UN sanctions and isolation has strengthened the ...
    • Restructuring SADC - Progress and Problems 

      Isaksen, Jan (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      This study was commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD). It is a follow up to “Assessing the Restructuring of SADC – Positions, Policies and Progress. Chr Michelsen Institute (CMI Report ...
    • Fra motstander til medspiller: Partnerskap mellom norske frivillige organisasjoner og norsk næringsliv 

      Lange, Siri; Spissøy, Arild; Brudvik, Marie (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg partnerskap mellom norske frivillige organisasjoner og norske bedrifter. Partnerskap innebærer et mer forpliktende samarbeid for å nå felles sosiale mål enn tradisjonelt sponsorsamarbeid. ...
    • Foreign Direct Investments and Development: The Malaysian Electronics Sector 

      Ismail, Mohd Nazari (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      This paper presents recent data on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Malaysia, focusing on the electronics industry. It is found that FDI accounts for about 80 percent of total investment in the electronics sector during ...
    • Anthropological perspectives on corruption 

      Sissener, Tone Kristin (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      The primary concern of this paper is to present anthropological perspectives on corruption. The emphasis is on how anthropological methods and approaches can contribute to a broader understanding of corruption. International ...
    • Political Islam in South Asia 

      Knudsen, Are (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      This report analyses the growth of political Islam in South Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan and India’s Jammu and Kashmir Province). In Pakistan the failure of parliamentary democracy and the weakening of civil society have ...
    • Does Parliament Matter in New Democracies? The Case of South Africa 1994-2000 

      Mathisen, Harald W.; Tjønneland, Elling N. (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)
      The role of parliaments is a neglected topic in the study of the democratisation in sub-Saharan Africa. This working paper provides a case study of the South African parliament from the first democratic elections in 1994 ...
    • A review of development trends in the energy sector of Bangladesh 

      Murshid, K.A.S.; Wiig, Arne (Research report, Research report, 2001)
      This is the second report under the CMI/NCG contract for strengthening the country-specific knowledge base of NORAD and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This energy review examines the gas and power sectors in ...
    • A selected survey of traditional and evolutionary game theory 

      Sumaila, Ussif Rashid; Apaloo, Joseph (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2002)
      This note reviews the game theoretic literature with the aim of highlighting the similarities and dissimilarities between what we term traditional game theory and evolutionary game theory. The focus is on the contributions ...
    • Norway and Security Sector Reform in Developing Countries 

      Tjønneland, Elling N. (Research report, Research report, 2003)
      Security sector reform addresses two main challenges: (1) assisting institutions capable of providing security for the state and its citizens and (2) ensuring appropriate governance of these institutions in accordance with ...
    • Kan vi kjøpe mer fra våre samarbeidsland? Hvem vet hva og hvordan? 

      Wiig, Arne; Mæstad, Ottar; Milford, Anna; Skare, Ørjan (Research report, Research report, 2002)
      This report explores the potential for increasing imports to Norway from its main development partners. The analysis is based on three main indicators: i) a trade intensity index (commodities which the development partners ...