Viser treff 1161-1180 av 1927

    • Bons et mauvais usages des programmes sociaux : le cas des transferts monétaires conditionnels 

      Alcázar, Lorena (U4 Brief 2011:16, Report, 2011-12-07)
      Les programmes de transferts monétaires conditionnels sont présentés dans le secteur social comme la meilleure méthode de lutte contre la pauvreté. L’autonomie et le pouvoir discrétionnaire les rendent toutefois vulnérables ...
    • Petro-Governance in Tanzania: Opportunities and Challenges 

      Lee, Bryan; Dupuy, Kendra (CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 14, Report, 2016-10-01)
      Recent significant natural gas discoveries have pushed Tanzania into the international spotlight as a new petroleum producer. How can the country ensure that its newfound wealth is translated into economic development? ...
    • Maintaining the Process? Aid to Transitional Justice in Rwanda and Guatemala, 1995-2005 

      Samset, Ingrid; Petersen, Stina S.; Wang, Vibeke (Research report, 2007-11-28)
      This report assesses the aid that was given in support of transitional justice processes in Rwanda and Guatemala between 1995 and 2005. The analysis is based on statistical data from the main donor agencies involved and ...
    • To Pay or not to Pay? Citizens' Views on Taxation by Local Authorities in Tanzania 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (REPOA Special Paper 18, Research report, 2006-01-01)
      Widespread tax evasion reflected in persistent public resistance to pay is seen as part of the problem of raising local government revenues in Tanzania. Dealing with the policy problem of revenue enhancement and tax evasion ...
    • Service delivery indicators: Pilot in education and health care in Africa 

      Bold, Tessa; Svensson, Jakob; Gauthier, Bernard; Mæstad, Ottar; Wane, Waly (CMI Report R 2011:8, Research report, 2011-11-30)
      The Service Delivery Indicators (“the Indicators”) provide a set of metrics for benchmarking service delivery performance in education and health in Africa to track progress across and within countries over time. The ...
    • Taking the inside or outside track – or both? NGO advocacy in state reporting under the Child Rights Convention: a case study from Kenya 

      Stokke, Hugo (CMI Report R 2015:5, Research report, 2015-04-27)
      This report forms part of a larger study titled Advancing the Rights of Children: Assessing the Effectiveness of Transnational Advocacy Networks for Child Rights. Norwegian-Kenyan Civil Society Partnerships Examined. It ...
    • Transparency in oil rich economies 

      Kolstad, Ivar; Wiig, Arne (U4 Issue 2007:2, Research report, 2007-12-05)
      Corruption is a huge problem in many developing countries that are rich in oil and other natural resources. It is central in explaining why resource rich countries perform badly in terms of socio-economic development. ...
    • Country Evaluation Brief: South Sudan 

      Sørbø, Gunnar M.; Schomerus, Mareike; Aalen, Lovise (Country Evaluation Briefs 6, Research report, 2016-11-01)
      While the international community is primarily concerned with trying to restore stability and providing protection and relief to an increasing number of people in South Sudan, evaluations of past development interventions ...
    • Huge potential for improved health service quality 

      Mæstad, Ottar; Lange, Siri; Mwisongo, Aziza (Others, 2012-11-07)
    • Does diversification improve institutions in resource rich countries? 

      Wiig, Arne; Kolstad, Ivar (Angola Brief vol. 2 no. 5, Report, 2012-12-11)
      Angola is the world’s second most concentrated country in terms of exports. Furthermore, concentration has increased during recent years. Angola also faces the challenge of a resource curse prevalent in resource rich ...
    • La corruption dans le secteur de la santé 

      Nordberg, Carin; Vian, Taryn (U4 Issue 2009:14, Research report, 2009-12-01)
      La présente étude de U4 constitue une source d’information essentielle pour quiconque participe à la lutte contre la corruption dans le secteur de la santé ou souhaite se documenter sur les défis que pose le phénomène de ...
    • Decentralisation and gender. A study on coordination and cooperation in LGA for maternal health. 

      Lange, Siri; Schanke, Liss (Research report, 2007-11-26)
      Tanzania initiated the Local Government Reform Programme in 1996. The objective of the reform is decentralisation by devolution, and to strengthen local authorities' ability to deliver quality and accessible services in ...
    • Combate a la corrupción en la educación: Promoción de las prácticas responsables mediante el monitoreo de presupuestos 

      Turrent, Victoria (U4 Brief 2009:8, Report, 2009-07-14)
      El monitoreo de presupuestos en el sector de la educación, ejecutado por la sociedad civil, es un método eficaz para lograr la rendición de cuentas del gobierno al ciudadano y brindar una luz sobre la corrupción en el ...
    • The United Nations Convention against Corruption. A Primer for Development Practitioners 

      Schultz, Jessica (U4 Brief 2007:3, Report, 2007-10-05)
      The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), adopted in Merida, Mexico in 2003, represents a remarkable achievement for international anti-corruption efforts. With endorsements from more than 140 state signatories ...
    • Political economy of the mining sector in Ghana 

      Ayee, Joseph; Søreide, Tina; Shukla, G. P.; Le, Tuan Minh (Policy Research Working Paper WPS5730, Research report, 2011-08-12)
      With a focus on the institutional set-up and the political environment as central to understanding and rectifying the poor impact of mining on Ghana’s economic development, this paper highlights the vulnerabilities in ...
    • Buena gobernabilidad en iniciativas de medicamentos: Explorando las lecciones aprendidas 

      Hussmann, Karen; Kohler, Gillian Clare (U4 Issue 2014:5, Research report, 2014-06-25)
      La corrupción en el sistema farmacéutico provoca la pérdida de recursos, limita el acceso a los servicios de salud, y reduce los logros del sector salud. En este U4 Issue, estudiamos una selección de iniciativas globales ...
    • Shrinking oil: Does weak governance and corruption reduce volumes of oil produced? 

      Al-Kasim, Farouk; Søreide, Tina; Williams, Aled (U4 Issue 2010:3, Research report, 2010-06-18)
      Prominent contributions to the resource curse literature suggest that weak governance and corruption are key factors behind continued poverty in resource-rich countries. How poor governance and corruption influence revenue ...
    • A Peace Nation Takes Up Arms. The Norwegian Engagement in Afghanistan 

      Harpviken, Kristian Berg (PRIO Paper, Research report, 2011-01-01)
      What have been the main drivers of Norway’s approach to the post-9/11 international engagement in Afghanistan? This paper considers two main types of driver. First, it examines the importance of threat to domestic security, ...
    • Angola’s Financial Sector: A Roundtable Report 

      Engebretsen, Rebecca; Zeitz, Alexandra (Conference object, 2015-10-01)
      Angola is currently the third largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa. Its rapid economic growth over the last decade has been driven almost exclusively by the oil sector: 98% of Angola’s exports are linked to this sector. ...
    • Citizens Demand Tougher Action on Corruption 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Ngalewa, Erasto; Katera, Lucas (REPOA Brief 11, Research report, 2008-05-10)
      This brief examines the extent of corruption perceived by residents of six councils in Tanzania; identifying the sectors worst affected. It also presents recommendations on measures to address local corruption based upon ...