Viser treff 781-800 av 1926

    • Teachers and Taxis: Corruption in the Education Sector in Honduras 

      Fontana, Alessandra (U4 Brief 2008:16, Report, 2008-05-29)
      Honduras invests large sums in education,but powerful teachers' unions and political appointments hinder reforms in a sector vulnerable to corruption and lacking in civil society monitoring. For current decentralisation ...
    • Corruption in the Education Sector 

      U4 (U4 Issue 2006:4, Research report, 2006-01-01)
      The U4 theme page on Corruption in the Education sector provides essential resources about the challenges posed by corruption in the education sector with a focus on development co-operation and the implementation of aid ...
    • Tribunaux anti-corruption spécialisés: Une cartographie comparative 

      Schütte, Sofie Arjon; Stephenson, Matthew C. (U4 Issue 2017:1, Research report, 2017-05-01)
      La frustration générée par l'incapacité du système judiciaire ordinaire à traiter les affaires de corruption de manière satisfaisante a motivé de nombreux États à se doter d'une agence spécialisée dans la lutte contre la ...
    • Latin American Civil-Military Relationships in a Historical Perspective 

      Skaar, Elin (Conference object, 2013-01-01)
      Civil-military relationships constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has historically ...
    • Commitment, control and interest: A case study in operationalising ownership 

      Trivunovic, Marijana (U4 Practice Insight 2009:2, Report, 2009-09-02)
      How can donors promote national ownership in the projects and programmes they fund? How do national counterparts regard ownership? How to translate principles articulated in international documents, such as the Paris ...
    • Local Content in Tanzania’s Gas and Minerals Sectors: Who regulates? 

      Ovadia, Jesse Salah (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 6, Report, 2017-09-01)
      The implementation of Tanzania’s local content policy for the petroleum and mineral sectors has been hampered by inconsistency, confusion, and un-coordinated donor interventions. There is a need to replace overlapping ...
    • Women in Politics in Malawi 

      Amundsen, Inge; Kayuni, Happy (Book, 2016-09-01)
      About two decades ago, in Malawi, the issue of the numbers of women in politics was not newsworthy. Few stakeholders showed any concern about the low number of women in politics. Despite an overwhelming increase in the ...
    • Bands crossing borders: A review of the cooperation between South Africa's Field Band Foundation and Norges Musikkorps Forbund 

      Tjønneland, Elling N. (CMI Report R 2013:3, Research report, 2013-11-08)
      The Bands Crossing Borders project between South Africa’s Field Band Foundation and the Norwegian Band Federation was initiated in 1999 and funded by Fredskorpset. In Norway the project seeks to offer a new perspective on ...
    • Experiences with Results-Based Payments in Norwegian Development Aid 

      Helland, Johan; Mæstad, Ottar (Evaluation Department Report 4/2015, Research report, 2015-06-01)
      The aim of this report is to summarize the experiences from results-based initiatives in Norwegian development cooperation and enhance the knowledge base for future decisions involving results-based payments. The report ...
    • Ending child marriages – new laws bring progress but hurdles remain 

      Wang, Vibeke (CMI Insight 2016:4, Report, 2016-05-01)
      Reform of family law is considered among the most difficult to achieve since it contests ‘the notion of women and children as property’. There is a continuum ranging from criminalization to non-criminalization in the legal ...
    • Revenue authorities: Experiences from sub-Saharan Africa 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (Conference object, 2007-08-13)
      In most developing countries national tax collection is carried out by line departments within the Ministry of Finance. However, over the past two decades more than 30 developing countries, especially in Latin America and ...
    • Why is health worker performance low? 

      Mæstad, Ottar (Others, 2011-01-01)
    • Perceptions of per diems in the health sector: Evidence and implications 

      Vian, Taryn; Miller, Candace; Themba, Zione; Bukuluki, Paul (U4 Issue 2011:6, Research report, 2011-07-01)
      This study details the perceived benefits, problems, and risks of abuse of per diems and allowances in developing countries. Drawing on 41 interviews with government and nongovernmental officials in Malawi and Uganda the ...
    • Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of governance and anti-corruption activities 

      Johnsøn, Jesper (U4 Issue 2014:10, Research report, 2014-01-01)
      Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis methods are currently underutilised in evaluations of governance and anti-corruption reforms in developing countries. This limits opportunities to inform policy and may lead to ...
    • Elite Capture Through Information Distortion: A Theoretical Essay 

      Platteau, Jean-Philippe; Somville, Vincent; Wahhaj, Zaki (Journal of Development Economics vol. 106, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-01)
      We investigate donor-beneficiary relationships in participatory development programs, where (i) communities are heterogeneous and dominated by the local elite, (ii) the elite strategically propose a project to the donor, ...
    • Les enseignants et les taxis : la corruption dans le secteur de l'éducation au Honduras 

      Fontana, Alessandra (U4 Brief 2009:15, Report, 2009-08-13)
      “…Les enseignants fantômes ? Avez-vous entendu parler des enseignants en taxi ? Nous en avons. Ils ont de multiples emplois et se déplacent constamment en taxi afin de parvenir, en quelque sorte, à être partout à la fois, ...
    • Legal limits to tribal governance: coal mining in Meghalaya, India 

      Stokke, Hugo (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 2, Report, 2017-03-01)
      Land in Meghalaya, India, was traditionally agricultural land, owned by the community. With increasing privatization and rising commercial value of land for non-agricultural use, many owners have sold the land for mining ...
    • Olje for utvikling i nord og i sør 

      Amundsen, Inge (Others, 2007-12-07)
      Presentasjon på seminaret Olje for Utvikling i Nord og i Sør , arrangert av Idégruppen Nord/Sør ( )..
    • Review of prison advisory project in Faryab, Afghanistan 

      Bauck, Petter; Chaudhary, Torunn Wimpelmann; Nemat, Orzala Ashraf; Strand, Arne (Norad Report Discussion 18/2010, Research report, 2010-10-11)
      INTRODUCTION As part of the international follow-up of the 2001 military intervention, Norway increased its engagement in Afghanistan from the end of 2001. In accordance with the Bonn Agreement, the goal of the engagement ...
    • Developing an NGO corruption risk management system: Considerations for donors 

      Trivunovic, Marijana; Johnsøn, Jesper; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Issue 2011:9, Research report, 2011-09-26)
      Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are often on the front line of aid delivery, managing a significant proportion of aid funds. The risk of corruption in NGO operations is therefore a significant concern. Yet so far, ...