Viser treff 461-480 av 1926

    • Can Smallholders benefit from the new market opportunities from the extractive industry in Tanzania? 

      Bezu, Sosina; Villanger, Espen; Kinyondo, Abel Alfred (CMI Report R 2018:8, Research report, 2018-05-01)
      The recent discovery of huge oil and gas reserves in Tanzania has created a new opportunity for economic growth and development of the country. Tanzania is expected to be one of the leading producers and exporters of natural ...
    • Missing from the picture: Men imprisoned for ‘moral crimes’ in Afghanistan 

      Hakimi, Aziz; Wimpelmann, Torunn (CMI Insight 2018:2, Report, 2018-06-01)
      Recent years have seen sustained focus on the prosecution of Afghan women and girls for ‘moral crimes’ such as adultery and ‘running away’. However, many Afghan men are also charged with and convicted for moral crimes. ...
    • Explaining municipal governance in Kosovo: local agency, credibility and party patronage 

      Jackson, David (Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-01)
      What can explain the varied effectiveness of internationally led attempts at statebuilding? This article seeks to answer this question by comparing the contrasting trajectories of governance in two municipalities in Kosovo: ...
    • Evaluation of agreement between Norwegian Church Aid and Norad for financial support to Haydom Lutheran Hospital 

      Svanemyr, Joar (CMI Report R 2018:9, Research report, 2018-05-01)
      Executive summary Haydom Lutheran Hospital (HLH) opened in 1955. HLH is owned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT), Mbulu Synod, but for decades, HLH has relied primarily on financial support from the ...
    • Integrity Building and Social Norms in Kosovo’s Municipalities 

      Jackson, David (Corruption and Social Norms, Chapter, 2018-01-01)
      Why do 'integrity building' interventions in development settings rarely induce governance practices that are consistent with the standards set out in the formal state? This chapter explains the seemingly poor outcomes of ...
    • Humanitarian Diplomacy: A New Research Agenda 

      De Lauri, Antonio (CMI Brief no. 2018:4, Report, 2018-06-01)
      Improving access to humanitarian aid in conflict and complex emergencies has always been a major concern for policy makers and humanitarian actors. Historically, humanitarianism has been conducted in situations of extreme ...
    • An increasing number of Muslim women in politics: A step towards complementarity, not equality 

      Tønnessen, Liv (CMI Brief no. 2018:3, Report, 2018-05-01)
      The number of Muslim women participating in political decision-making in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) is on the rise. This brief explores how Islamists in Sudan have interpreted complementarity over time and ...
    • Monografia de Município de Kalandula 

      Gilson, Lazáro; Tvedten, Inge; Agostinho, Mateus; Strønen, Iselin (Relatório Social de Angola 2016, Chapter, 2018-03-01)
      O Relatório Social de Angola 2016 faz um balanço analítico do que mais relevante ocorreu no sector social, no ano em apreço, a partir da avaliação do comportamento dos seus indicadores-chave. O oitavo ...
    • "It's all about money": Urban-rural spaces and relations in Maputo, Mozambique 

      Tvedten, Inge (Canadian Journal of African Studies, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-01)
      Within the anthropological urban scholarship on sub-Saharan Africa, there is a shared notion of the continued, and in some cases reemerging, importance of rural spaces, values and relations in cities and towns. In Mozambique's ...
    • Switches from quota- to non-quota seats: A comparative study of Tanzania and Uganda 

      Wang, Vibeke; Yoon, Mi Yung (CMI Brief no. 2, Report, 2018-04-01)
      Reserved-seat quotas have been used worldwide as a measure to get more women in parliament. However, they are meant to be temporary until women can compete with men for open seats using their quota experience. The cases ...
    • A pobreza urbana em Luanda, Angola 

      Tvedten, Inge; Lázaro, Gilson; Jul-Larsen, Eyolf; Agostinho, Mateus (CMI Report R 2018:7, Research report, 2018-04-01)
      A capital de Angola, Luanda, é uma cidade com fortes desigualdades e contrastes. Embora ofereça oportunidades e riqueza para uns poucos, as pessoas que vivem nos musseques informais estão efectivamente encurraladas na ...
    • Mid-term evaluation of Swedish government funded civil society support through the AGIR II programme in Mozambique 2014-2020 

      Tvedten, Inge (Sida Decentralised Evaluation 2018:8, Research report, 2018-04-01)
      This report presents findings, conclusions and recommendations from the Mid-term Evaluation of Swedish government funded Civil Society support through the AGIR II Programme in Mozambique. The Swedish support to civil society ...
    • Unpleasant homecoming: The predicament of returning pastoralists from South Sudan to Aljabalain Area, White Nile State 

      Abdul-Jalil, Musa Adam (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2018:1, Working paper, 2018-04-01)
      In many countries around the world (especially in Africa), the livelihood of pastoralists depends largely on trekking over vast areas of land in constant search of water and pasture for their animals. This nomadic life ...
    • Urban poverty in Luanda, Angola 

      Tvedten, Inge; Lázaro, Gilson; Jul-Larsen, Eyolf; Agostinho, Mateus (CMI Report R 2018:6, Research report, 2018-04-01)
      Angola’s capital Luanda is a city of stark inequalities and contrasts. While it offers opportunities and wealth for the few, people in the informal musseques are effectively trapped in poverty through limited income ...
    • Life skills in non-formal contexts for adolescent girls in developing countries 

      Dupuy, Kendra; Bezu, Sosina; Knudsen, Are; Halvorsen, Sandra; Kwauk, Christina; Braga, Amanda; Kim, Helyn (CMI Report R 2018:6, Research report, 2018-04-01)
      Executive summary How can young women in developing countries best be prepared for success in their lives and livelihoods? Life preparation requires learning different types of knowledge and skills in formal, non-formal, ...
    • The budget as theatre - the formal and informal institutional makins of the budget process in Malawi. Final report 

      Rakner, Lise; Mukubvu, Luke; Ngwira, Naomi; Smiddy, Kimberly; Schneider, Aaron (Research report, 2004-01-01)
      What can explain the apparent lack of political will to formulate, implement and monitor the budget process and public financial management in accordance with the overall goals of the Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy ...
    • Kinship, Caste and Health: Illness and Treatment in Upland Orissa 

      Bell, Clive; van Dillen, Susanne (CMI Working Paper WP 2018:6, Working paper, 2018-04-01)
      This paper investigates whether an individual’s relationship to the head of household and caste are associated with the level of his or her morbidity and, in the event of illness, the treatment received. Surveys of 279 ...
    • Labour-Intensive Jobs for Women and Development: Intra-household Welfare Effects and Its Transmission Channels 

      Getahun, Tigabu; Villanger, Espen (Journal of Development Studies vol. 54 no. 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-01)
      We examine the welfare impacts of poor women getting low-skilled jobs and find large positive income, consumption and poverty effects at household and individual levels. However, the women workers, their husbands and oldest ...
    • Deciding over nature: Corruption and environmental impact assessments 

      Williams, Aled; Dupuy, Kendra (Environmental Impact Assessment Review vol. 65, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-07-01)
      Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are an important analytic tool for identifying and potentially mitigating project risks and negative environmental and societal impacts. Their usefulness, however, depends on how ...
    • Building tax systems in fragile states. Challenges, achievements and policy recommendations 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Bøås, Morten; Bjørkheim, Julie Brun; Kvamme, Frida Margrethe (CMI Report R 2018:03, Research report, 2018-03-01)
      The purpose of this study is to systematise and analyse existing knowledge on taxation in fragile states. Efforts to support domestic revenue mobilisation in conflict situations require a different approach and other means ...